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Links for the abstracts for the annual meeting appear below. To see the abstract of a paper to be delivered at the annual meeting, click on the abstract's title. To find a particular abstract, use the search field below. You can also click on the column headers to alter the order in which the information is sorted. By default, the abstracts are sorted by the number of the session and the order in which the papers will be presented. Please note the following apparent anomalies: Not all sessions and presentations have abstracts associated with them. Panels in which the first abstract is listed as .2 rather than .1 have an introductory speaker.

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Session/Paper Number Session/Panel Title Title Name Annual Meeting
36.1 Post-Classical Wisdom Literature (organized by the Medieval Latin Studies Group) Book IV of the Dialogues attributed to Gregory the Great as a commentary on Ecclesiastes 9 Charles Kuper 148
16.4 Genre and Style Situating the Problemata Genre in the Context of Hellenistic Exegesis Kenneth Yu 148
36.3 Post-Classical Wisdom Literature (organized by the Medieval Latin Studies Group) The Sources of Wisdom: Robert Holcot’s Political Theology Erin Walsh 148
4.2 New Outreach and Communications for Classics: Persons, Places, and Things "Classicists without Borders" Christopher Francese 148
4.5 New Outreach and Communications for Classics: Persons, Places, and Things "Classics and Public Information & Media Relations: How to do it better" Michael Fontaine 148
43.2 Women and Agency "Hysterical" Virgins in the Hippocratic Peri Partheniōn Abbe Walker 148
4.3 New Outreach and Communications for Classics: Persons, Places, and Things "New Outreach for Classics" Jason Pedicone 148
14.2 Neo-Latin Around the World "Out of Greeke into Latin Verse": Nicholas Allen’s Latin Translation of the Phaenomena of Aratus (1561) and its Predecessors Anne-Marie Lewis 148
4.4 New Outreach and Communications for Classics: Persons, Places, and Things "Reading Communities and Re-Entry" Roberta Stewart 148
20.4 Theorizing Ideologies of the Classical: Turning Corners on the Textual, the Masculine, the Imperial, and the Western #ClassicsMustFall? Monument-mindedness in contemporary South Africa Grant Parker 148
12.1 Gods and the Divine in Neoplatonism 'Our endeavor…is to be a god:’ Humans as Visible Gods in Plotinus Eric Perl 148
54.5 [Tr]an[s]tiquity: Theorizing Gender Diversity in Ancient Contexts (organized by the Lambda Classical Caucus} (N)either Men (n)or Women? The Failure of Western Binary Systems Rachel Hart 148
38.5 Roman Religion and Augustan Poetry (organized by the Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions) A Blight on the Golden Age: The Robigalia in Ovid's Fasti Morgan Palmer 148
66.5 Cicero Poeta A destructive text(ile): translating pain in TD ii.8.20 from Soph. Trach. 1046-1102. Jessica Westerhold 148
48.2 Culture and Society in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Egypt (organized by the American Society of Papyrologists) A First-Century Receipt from the Receivers of Public Clothing in Tebtunis (P.Tebt. UC 1607c) C. Michael Sampson and Matt Gibbs 148
68.2 Ritual and Magic A New Explanation, Based on Near Eastern Sources, for the Greek Use of Squill in Purification Rituals Maddalena Rumor 148
68.4 Ritual and Magic A New Fragment of a Demotic Papyrus from the Fayum in the Oriental Institute Museum Foy Scalf 148
57.2 Risk and Responsibility A New Lease on Life? : Intra-elite Tenancy and the Social Impact of Land Redistribution in Roman Greece Erika Jeck 148
47.3 Imagining the Future through the Past: Classical and Early Modern Political Thought A New “Dialogue of the Dead”: Triangulating Erasmus, Luther, and Lucian Brandon Bark 148
44.6 Traditions and Innovations in Literature A Return to Ancient Poetics: Racine's Andromaque and Seneca’s Troades Mary Gilbert 148
17.1 Political and Social Relations Acting Your Age on the Roman Stage: The Plautine adulescens in Middle Republican Rome Evan Jewell 148
42.1 Ethnicity and Identity Agglutinative Ethnographies: Valerius Flaccus and Ammianus Marcellinus on Sarmatian Warfare Timothy Hart 148
53.4 Epigraphic Economies (organized by the American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy) Agriculture and husbandry in Sicily and Lucania in the 2nd century BC: the evidence of the lapis Pollae Mario Adamo 148
27.1 Legal Authority Alia tota serenda fabula: documentary fantasies in Livy’s Trials of the Scipios Lydia Spielberg 148
47.4 Imagining the Future through the Past: Classical and Early Modern Political Thought Allusion and Rhetorical Strategy in Justus Lipsius’ Politica (1589) Caroline Stark 148
3.4 Plato Always Becoming: Final and Efficient Causal Explanations in Plato's Timaeus Scott Carson 148
29.3 Feminist Scholarship in the Classics: Amy Richlin's Arguments with Silence: Writing the History of Roman Women (2014), (Workshop) Amy Richlin’s Challenge: Erasing/Tracing Roman Women’s Participation in Religious Life Fanny Dolansky 148
34.1 What's in a Name? An Ennian inscription for a statue of Cato in Plutarch’s Cato Maior Jackie Elliott 148
54.3 [Tr]an[s]tiquity: Theorizing Gender Diversity in Ancient Contexts (organized by the Lambda Classical Caucus} An intersex manifesto: Naming the non-binary constructions of the ancient world Chris Mowat 148
32.4 Ancient Music and Cross-Cultural Comparison (organized by MOISA) Ancient Greek Nomoi and Western Program Music: Some Methodological Issue Sylvain Perrot 148
60.3 The Genesis of the Ancient Text: New Approaches Ancient note taking as a first step in the creative process Raffaella Cribiore 148
19.3 From Plants to Planets: Human and nonhuman Relations in Ancient Medicine Animals and the Development of Ancient Pharmacopias Julie Laskaris 148
3.3 Plato Aporia and Insight in Plato's Parmenides Darren Gardner 148
56.2 The Power of Place Athens on Mount Olympus: portraying gods in Aristophanes’ Birds Francesco Morosi 148
43.5 Women and Agency Being Better than Sappho: the Social Life of a Poeta Docta, c. 100 CE Hannah Mason 148
21.1 Learning from War: Greek Responses to Victory and Defeat Beyond the Universal Soldier: Combat Trauma in Classical Antiquity Jason Crowley 148
58.3 Obscenity and the Body Bodily Metaphors and Self-fashioning in Persius’ First Satire Scott Weiss 148
9.2 War and Revolution in the Roman World Boudica’s Revolt: An Act of Imitation? Caitlin Gillespie 148
46.3 The Impact of Immigration on Classical Studies in North America (organized by the Committee on the Status of Women and Minority Groups Bringing Immigration Home to Our Students Ralph Hexter 148
42.4 Ethnicity and Identity Bronze men: reading Herodotus on 'the sea of Greeks' Christopher Parmenter 148
62.3 Insult, Satire, and Invective Cannibalizing Satire: Insult, Violence, and Genre in Juvenal’s Fifteenth Satire Edward Kelting 148
42.3 Ethnicity and Identity Carian A(door)nment? The Anthesteria, Carians, and Ionian Identity Emily Wilson 148
26.1 Spectacle and Authority Cato’s Triumph: Cato’s Attempt to Redefine the Roman Triumph. Noah Segal 148
6.4 Change in Ancient Mediterranean Religions Change, Continuity, and Roman Religion at Palmyra Nathanael Andrade 148
22.5 Theatre, Performance, and Audiences: Ways of Spectating in Antiquity Changing Perspectives: Catullus, Lucretius, and Architectural Transformations in the Palatine Magna Mater Sanctuary Jennifer Muslin 148
56.1 The Power of Place Choreo-graphy: contextualizing a choregic dedication (IG I3 833bis) Deborah Steiner 148
50.3 Use and Power of Rhetoric Cicero on Rhetoric and Political Judgment Jed Atkins 148
66.2 Cicero Poeta Ciceronem eloquentia sua in carminibus destituit: genre and the ancient reception of Cicero poeta Caroline Bishop 148
47.6 Imagining the Future through the Past: Classical and Early Modern Political Thought Cicero’s Republic of Letters Olivia Thompson 148
46.2 The Impact of Immigration on Classical Studies in North America (organized by the Committee on the Status of Women and Minority Groups Classics in the Age of the Undocumented Dan-el Padilla Peralta 148