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Links for the abstracts for the annual meeting appear below. To see the abstract of a paper to be delivered at the annual meeting, click on the abstract's title. To find a particular abstract, use the search field below. You can also click on the column headers to alter the order in which the information is sorted. By default, the abstracts are sorted by the number of the session and the order in which the papers will be presented. Please note the following apparent anomalies: Not all sessions and presentations have abstracts associated with them. Panels in which the first abstract is listed as .2 rather than .1 have an introductory speaker.

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Session/Paper Number Session/Panel Title Title Name Annual Meeting
48.4 Chorality Choral identity and the slave trade in 5th century Athens. Aaron J Beck-Schachter 151
82.1 Souls Matters: How and Why Does Soul Matter to the Various Discourses of Neoplatonism? “Souls and Daemons: The Contribution of Porphyry’s Commentary on the Timaeus for Later Platonist Psychology” Aaron P Johnson 151
4.3 Imperial Virgil “Virgil's Teachings: Competitive Ecphrasis in Stat. Silv. 4.2” Adalberto Magnavacca 151
56.6 Lucan Statius and Silius The Best Defense: Triumphal Geography and Empire in Silius’s Punica Adam Kozak 151
45.3 Roman Cultural History Slaves and Liberti in Roman Military Inscriptions, 1st-3rd c. CE Adrian C Linden-High 151
58.4 Global Receptions Dreaming of Hector in the Brazilian Neoclassical Period: Conceptualizing 'Window Reception' Adriana Maria Vazquez 151
63.7 What's New in Ovidian Studies? Reweaving Philomela’s Tongue Aislinn Melchior 151
41.2 Late Antique Textualities Text and Paratext: Reading the Emperor Julian via Libanius Alan Ross 151
60.3 Sisters Doin' it for Themselves: Women in Power in the Ancient World and the Ancient Imaginary Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Ptolemaic Faience and the Limits of Female Power Alana Newman 151
16.4 Greek Historiography Xenophon and the Arginusae Trial Alex Lee 151
15.3 Literary Texture in Augustine and Gregory Gregory of Nazianzus and Apollinaris of Laodicea: Callimachean Polemic in the 4th c. CE Alex Poulos 151
12.3 Metaphor in Early Greek Poetry Paper #3 - Is Life a Journey, a Chase, or a Race? Metaphors of Death and Life in the Homeric Poems Alexander Forte 151
36.2 Lightning Talks #2: Greek Literature Who is the leader of Penelope's suitors? Alexander Loney 151
6.2 Lightning Talks 1: Latin and Greek Literature Another Homerisches Wort: τιθαιβώσσω ‘store up’ (Od. 13.106) Alexander Nikolaev 151
56.5 Lucan Statius and Silius Edible complex: Oedipus’ appetites in Statius’ Thebaid 8 Alice Hu 151
85.3 Theatre of Displacement Aeschylus’ Erinyes as Suppliant Immigrants: Enchantment and Subjugation Allannah Karas 151
3.3 Blurring the Boundaries: Interactions between the Living and the Dead in the Roman World Death, Pollution, and Roman Social Life Allison Emmerson 151
65.5 Late Antiquity A Fiction of Nature and the Nature of Fiction: Animal Allegory in the Greek Physiologos Alvaro O Pires 151
30.3 Culture and Society in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Egypt P.Tebt.Med.dem: An Unpublished Demotic Medical Compendium from Tebtunis Amber Jacob 151
88.2 Archaic Poetics of Identity Poetic Foundations on Delos: The Homeric Hymns to Apollo and Callimachus’ Hymn to Delos Amelia Margaret Bensch-Schaus 151
71.5 Moving to the Music: Song and Dance in Antiquity The Pantomimic Voice: Ovid’s Echo and the Body-Voice Relationship in Dance Amy Koenig 151
36.1 Lightning Talks #2: Greek Literature Thinking with Things: Mētis as Extended Cognition Amy Lather 151
48.1 Chorality Whirling in Their Midst: Choral Intonations in the Iliad Amy N Hendricks 151
42.2 Classics Graduate Education in the 21st Century POST-BACCALAUREATE PROGRAMS FOR THE 21st CENTURY Amy Richlin 151
68.1 Greek and Latin Comedy Pherecrates’ Comic Poetics Amy S Lewis 151
12.4 Metaphor in Early Greek Poetry Paper #4 - Metaphor in the Speech of Achilles Andreas Thomas Zanker 151
56.2 Lucan Statius and Silius A Requiem for Pompey in Lucan’s Bellum Civile Andrew M. McClellan 151
69.2 Public Life in Classical Athens The Trierarchy, Financial Syndication, and Impersonal Intermediation Andrew Foster 151
41.4 Late Antique Textualities Why Is There So Much Varro in the City of God? Andrew Horne 151
2.3 Greek and Latin Linguistics Ἔρυκε Καλυψώ: an Etymologizing Pair? Andrew Merritt 151
57.3 Science in Context From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern: Polemon and the Ontology of Passion Andrew Scholtz 151
65.4 Late Antiquity The Encomiastic “Other” in Jerome’s Epistles Angela Zielinski Kinney 151
53.2 Neo-Latin in the Old and New World: Current Scholarship Exemplarity in Petrarch’s Africa Annette M. Baertschi 151
65.3 Late Antiquity Figuring It Out: The Relationship between exemplum and figura in Ambrose of Milan’s De Abraham Anthony J Thomas 151
83.3 Childhood and Fictive Kinship in the Roman Empire ‘…and all the troubles of nursing to which their station condemns them…’ Maternitas and social motherhood in the Roman world. April Pudsey 151
62.1 Translating Evil in Ancient Greek and Hebrew and Modern American Culture In Search of the Root of All Evil: Is There a Concept of ‘Evil’ in the Hebrew Bible? Aren Max Wilson-Wright 151
30.2 Culture and Society in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Egypt Roman Attitude Towards Peregrine Marriage in Egypt Before and After 212 AD Arnaud Besson 151
23.1 Ordering Information in Greco-Roman Medicine The Structure and Materiality of Medical Knowledge in Quintus Serenus’ Liber Medicinalis Arthur Harris 151
80.2 Monumental Expressions of Political Identity Local Legends and Power Politics in the Cult Statues of the Temple of Despoina at Lykosoura Ashley Eckhardt 151
17.2 Greek and Roman Novel (Re)Reading the Roman Goddess Isis-Fortuna in Apuleius' Metamorphoses Ashli J. E. Baker 151
86.1 Augustus and After Politicizing Citation: Livy’s Cossus Digression and Augustan Literary Culture Ayelet Haimson Lushkov 151
31.2 God and Man in the Second Sophistic Ambiguous Epiphanies in the Novels of the Second Sophistic Barbara Blythe 151
63.6 What's New in Ovidian Studies? The Haunting of Naso’s Ghost in Spenser’s Ovidian Intertexts Ben Philippi 151
9.1 Tragic Tradition Catalogues and Popular Politics in Aeschylus’ Persae Ben Radcliffe 151
73.4 Novel Entanglements Between Skeptical Sophistry and Religious Teleology: The Multiperspectivity of Heliodorus' Aethiopica Benedek Kruchió 151
53.5 Neo-Latin in the Old and New World: Current Scholarship Galileo the Immortalizer: Classical Allusions in the Dedication of Sidereus Nuncius Benjamin C. Driver 151
14.1 Pedagogy Latin Programs in North America: Current Data and Future Decisions Blanche Conger McCune 151
27.4 Approaches to Language and Style The Language of Nature and the Nature of Language in Varro’s De Lingua Latina Brandon D Bark 151
38.1 Hellenistic Poetry Here Comes the Bride: Brokering Female Patronage in Callimachus’ Victoria Berenices Brett Evans 151
38.3 Hellenistic Poetry Text and Image in Time and Space: Reading Simias’ Wings and Axe Brian D McPhee 151