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Links for the abstracts for the annual meeting appear below. To see the abstract of a paper to be delivered at the annual meeting, click on the abstract's title. To find a particular abstract, use the search field below. You can also click on the column headers to alter the order in which the information is sorted. By default, the abstracts are sorted by the number of the session and the order in which the papers will be presented. Please note the following apparent anomalies: Not all sessions and presentations have abstracts associated with them. Panels in which the first abstract is listed as .2 rather than .1 have an introductory speaker.

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Session/Paper Number Session/Panel Title Title Name Annual Meeting
1.2 SCS-1: The Heroides and Their Tradition Dido’s swan song: Poetic legacy in Ovid’s Heroides 7 Shona Edwards, University of Adelaide 156
1.3 SCS-1: The Heroides and Their Tradition The Limitations of Male Authorship: The Construction of Gender and Female Experience in Ovid, Heroides 16 – 21 Sebastian Hyams, Oxford University 156
1.4 SCS-1: The Heroides and Their Tradition 15 Heroines: The Digital World of Ovid’s Heroines Millie Marriott, Universities of Bristol and Exeter 156
1.5 SCS-1: The Heroides and Their Tradition Intercorporeality and the Rhetoric of the Body in Heroides 13 Emma Scioli, University of Kansas 156
1.6 SCS-1: The Heroides and Their Tradition Epistolarity in Early Modern Illustrations of Ovid’s Heroides Ashley Walker, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 156
2.1 SCS-2: Roman Historiography “It’s Murder to Found a Colony”: Roman (Re)foundations in Livy Devin Lawson, Bryn Mawr College 156
2.2 SCS-2: Roman Historiography Firmus and the Crocodiles Revisited: Egyptian Imagery and Imperial Anxiety in the Historia Augusta’s Life of the Four Tyrants Kathryn Langenfeld, Clemson University 156
2.3 SCS-2: Roman Historiography Tacitus and the ‘Noble’ Barbarian Family as Hostage Kelsey Schalo, University of Cincinnati 156
2.4 SCS-2: Roman Historiography Appian’s Narrative of the “Asiatic Vespers” and Comparison with Genocide Narratives in the earlier Judaeo-Christian Literary tradition Daniel Hunter, Rutgers University - New Brunswick 156
2.5 SCS-2: Roman Historiography Water and fire in the battle of Strasbourg: Ammianus Marcellinus, 16.12 Fabrizio Feraco, University of Calabria 156
3.2 SCS-3: ISNS Panel: The Geographies of Plato(ism) Plato and the geography of an empire in the myth of Atlantis Daniel Rose, Florida State University 156
3.3 SCS-3: ISNS Panel: The Geographies of Plato(ism) The geography of literary genres in Plato’s myths Eleonora Falini, Florida State University 156
3.4 SCS-3: ISNS Panel: The Geographies of Plato(ism) Mapping the Mind, Body, and Cosmos in the Chaldean Oracles Ben John, Ohio State University 156
3.5 SCS-3: ISNS Panel: The Geographies of Plato(ism) Founding Rome as a Capital of Theurgic Hellenism: Romulus, Numa, and Julian Jeremy Swist, Grand Valley State University 156
3.6 SCS-3: ISNS Panel: The Geographies of Plato(ism) Textual Analysis of Al-Shahrastani's Narration of Plato's Opinions Mostafa Younesi, Independent Scholar 156
4.1 SCS-4: Education and Rhetoric Fictive Kinship through Rhetorical Training in Philostratus and Lucian Melody Wauke, Columbia University 156
4.2 SCS-4: Education and Rhetoric The Son of… Draco? Alexander the Great in Ptolemy the Quail’s Kaine Historia Rebecca Frank, Colby College 156
4.3 SCS-4: Education and Rhetoric Language education in Quintilian as an instrument of social stratification and Romanization Luiza dos Santos Souza, University of Cincinnati 156
4.4 SCS-4: Education and Rhetoric Wanting Better Things for Seneca: Reading Velle in Institutio Oratoria 10.1.125-131 Mary Rosalie Stoner, Yale University 156
4.5 SCS-4: Education and Rhetoric A Second Sicily: Nurture and Artifact in 'On the Restoration of the Schools' Elizabeth Lavender, Yale University 156
5.1 SCS-5: Queer Space and Time Queer Spaces in Pompeii?: Phallic Aesthetics and Shared Communities Sinead Brennan-McMahon, Stanford University 156
5.2 SCS-5: Queer Space and Time Cruising to Byzantium: Queer futurity in The History of Michael Attaleiates Tiffany VanWinkoop, University of Wisconsin-Madison 156
5.3 SCS-5: Queer Space and Time Queer Time and Embodied Ekphrasis in Catullus 64 Cypris (Em) Roalsvig, UC Santa Barbara 156
5.4 SCS-5: Queer Space and Time μόνα δὴ νὼ λελειμμένα: Ismene’s Queer Sisterhood Rachel Rucker, University of Iowa 156
6.1 SCS-6: Reception of Tragedy Tragedies of Disintegration: Balkanizing Greco-Roman Antiquity Nebojsa Todorovic, Harvard University 156
6.2 SCS-6: Reception of Tragedy Hölderlin as Interpreter - Interpreting Hölderlin. On Sophocles' Antigone, vv. 332-52 Sergiusz Kazmierski, University of Regensburg 156
6.3 SCS-6: Reception of Tragedy Social Poetry and the Reception of Sophocles’ Philoctetes in Greek Modernism Andrew Ntapalis, Harvard University 156
6.4 SCS-6: Reception of Tragedy Ways of Being Cassandra: Transformation, Liminalities, and a Possible Third Space Yoandy Cabrera Ortega, Rockford University 156
7.1 SCS-7: Greek Law and Oratory Fear and Anger in Lysias 12, Against Eratosthenes Andrew Wolpert, University of Florida 156
7.2 SCS-7: Greek Law and Oratory Ordo Areopagitarum Atheniensium? Rethinking the Roman Areopagos Gavin Blasdel, University of Groningen 156
7.3 SCS-7: Greek Law and Oratory Athenian Juristocracy? Scrutiny of the Law as Democratic Ritual Eric Wesley Driscoll, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 156
7.4 SCS-7: Greek Law and Oratory Against Common Sense: Performing Dissent in Sophistic Speeches Davide Napoli, Harvard University 156
7.5 SCS-7: Greek Law and Oratory Fugitivity and Space in Apollodorus’s 'Against Neaira' Sarah Breitenfeld, University of Pittsburgh 156
9.2 SCS-9: Lenses into the Ancient World: Coins and Pedagogy Die Studies in the Classroom: Making Students ‘Real Ancient Economists’ Gregory Callaghan, Union College 156
9.3 SCS-9: Lenses into the Ancient World: Coins and Pedagogy Disentangling Ancient Coins and Questions about Their Provenance in General Education Curricula Allison Kidd, Independent Scholar 156
9.4 SCS-9: Lenses into the Ancient World: Coins and Pedagogy Coins and Confidence-Building: Numismatics and Undergraduate Research Projects Jane Sancinito, University of Massachusetts at Lowell 156
9.5 SCS-9: Lenses into the Ancient World: Coins and Pedagogy Hoards and Replicas as Tools in the Undergraduate Classroom Anna Accetola, Hamilton College 156
9.6 SCS-9: Lenses into the Ancient World: Coins and Pedagogy Numismatriculation: A Case Study of the Yale University Art Gallery’s Numismatics Collection in Education and Teaching Benjamin Hellings, Yale University Art Gallery, Emily Pearce, Yale University Art Gallery 156
10.1 SCS-10: Herculaneum: Old Finds, New Approaches Visualizing Dipinti: Decorrelation Stretch and the painted inscriptions of Herculaneum and Pompeii Jacqueline DiBiasie-Sammons, University of Mississippi 156
10.2 SCS-10: Herculaneum: Old Finds, New Approaches The Virtual Unwrapping of the Herculaneum Papyri Stephen Parsons, University of Kentucky 156
10.3 SCS-10: Herculaneum: Old Finds, New Approaches The Wanamaker Bronzes in the University of Pennsylvania Museum Ann Brownlee, University of Pennsylvania 156
10.4 SCS-10: Herculaneum: Old Finds, New Approaches Reading the new aesthetic treatise from Herculaneum with AI Richard Janko, University of Michigan 156
11.1 SCS-11: Labor Women’s craft practices in Roman Gaul Ludivine Capra, University of Strasbourg 156
11.2 SCS-11: Labor Labor and Family Life among Enslaved and Freed Members of the Elite Roman Domus Danielle LaRose, Binghamton University 156
11.3 SCS-11: Labor Collaboration and Exploitation in the Roman Literary Economy: The Case of the Moretum Bobby Xinyue, King's College London 156
11.4 SCS-11: Labor Body of Work: Women, Labor, and Other Things in Greek Epigram Kathryn Wilson, Washington University in St. Louis 156
12.1 SCS-12: Numismatics A Re-Evaluation of Nerva’s Fiscus Iudaicus Coin Jeremy Steinberg, University of Pennsylvania 156
12.2 SCS-12: Numismatics Sinope's Changing Epochs: a Colony's Adaptation to a Common Paphlagonian Past Ching-Yuan Wu, Peking University 156
12.3 SCS-12: Numismatics A Tale of Two Brothers and One Mother: Ptolemy Philadelphos, Magas of Cyrene, and the Introduction of Coin Portraits of Queens Allen Kendall, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 156
12.4 SCS-12: Numismatics Rebel, Rebel: Coins of the Late Roman Republic Patricia Hatcher, CUNY Graduate Center 156