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Please see the following important information about the 2020 Annual Meeting in Washington DC.

We plan to supplement our existing harassment policies by appointing an ombuds to whom issues of bias and harassment can be reported. As we run a joint meeting, we will be working with the AIA on this.

The program submission system will open in late February. The deadline for panel, workshop, and seminar proposals, and for reports on peer-reviewed affiliated group and organizer-refereed panels will fall in early April. The deadline for submission of individual abstracts and lightning talks will be in late April. We will publish the specific deadlines by the end of January.

There are already many calls for abstracts available from our affiliated groups and organizer-refereed panels. Many of these have submission deadlines in early February or March. In addition to calls from longstanding affiliated groups, including WCC and LCC, please see in particular the two following announcements from affiliated groups chartered in the last couple of years:

Black Classicism in the Visual Arts (Eos)
What's New in Ovidian Studies? (International Ovidian Society)
