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This page shows all election candidates, contextualizing the slate with reference to those officers, directors, and committee members who will be replaced by the winners of the 2023 elections, and those who are continuing as of January 2024.

President-Elect (one to be elected)

Kirk Ormand, James Uden

Replacing: Alison Keith (who will become President in 2024)

Vice President for Communications and Outreach (one to be elected)

T.H.M. Gellar-Goad, Carlos Noreña

Replacing: Alison Futrell

Directors (two to be elected)

Clara Bosak-Schroeder, Ryan Fowler, Allannah Karas, Celia Schultz

Replacing: Jinyu Liu, Dan-el Padilla Peralta

Directors continuing in 2024 (not including VPs and other officers): Catherine Conybeare (director with special responsibility for equity), Catherine Connors, Suzanne Lye, Young Kim, Liz Mercier (contingent faculty director), Nandini Pandey, Zoe Thomas (graduate student director)

Program Committee (three to be elected)

Naomi Campa, Aileen Das, Harriet Fertik, Stephanie Frampton, Don Lavigne, Dominic Machado

Replacing: Emily Baragwanath, Ayelet Haimson Lushkov, Sarah Stroup,

Committee members continuing in 2024: Rosa Andújar, Jason Nethercut, Caroline Stark, and Chair Sarah Nooter.

Nominating Committee (two to be elected)

Scott McGill, Matt Simonton, Christopher Waldo

Replacing: Serena Connolly, Katherine Lu Hsu

Committee members continuing in Fall 2023-Winter 2024: Ronnie Ancona, Pramit Chaudhuri, Arum Park, Nancy Worman. Matthew Santirocco serves ex officio as Immediate Past President.

Goodwin Committee (two to be elected)

Carolina López-Ruiz, Douglas Olson, Phiroze Vasunia, Gareth Williams

Replacing: Richard Hunter, Amy Richlin

Committee members continuing in 2023: Rhiannon Ash, Yopie Prins, Andrew Riggsby