Making a Contribution to the SCS
Donations from both members and nonmembers make the Society for Classical Studies stronger. A gift to our annual giving campaign supports current programs. You can also read below about our successful Campaign for the Future of Classics.
Annual Giving
- Use your credit card to make an annual giving contribution at this secure web site.
- Read about the Fall 2021 Annual Giving Campaign.
- For instructions on donating via check, see this page:
Prior Campaigns
Gatekeeper to Gateway: The Campaign for Classics in the 21st Century
- Read about the successful completion of the Campaign for the Future of Classics that created the Endowment for Classics Research and Teaching
Acknowledgment of Donors to the SCS
- SCS Donor List for Fiscal Year 2020 (July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020)
- Download the Gateway Campaign Acknowledgment Book for complete information about the successful Campaign that raised over $3 million, including the names of all donors and of contributors to nine "Friends Funds" honoring distinguished classicists.