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Teaching Awards

Prizes for Research and Publication

  • The Charles J. Goodwin Award of Merit, named in honor of a long-time member and generous benefactor of the Society for Classical Studies, is the only honor for scholarly books given by the Society. Deadline: March 22, 2024
  • The Erich S. Gruen Prize, for the best graduate research paper on multiculturalism in the ancient Mediterranean. Deadline: September 30, 2024

Prizes for Public Engagement

  • The SCS Outreach Prize recognizes outstanding projects or events by an SCS member or members that make an aspect of classical antiquity available and attractive to an audience other than classics scholars or students in their courses. Deadline: October 17, 2024
  • The Forum Prize, started by the committee on Public Information and Media Relations, offers a yearly award for non-academic, public-facing programs that highlight the Classics in their respective media. Deadline: Fall 2024 (exact date will be posted soon)
  • The President's Award of the Society for Classical Studies, established to honor an individual, group, or organization outside of the Classics profession that has made significant contributions to advancing public appreciation and awareness of Classical antiquity. See Award page for nomination instructions.

Distinguished Service

  • Distinguished Service Awards, which acknowledge extraordinary service to the profession of classics and the Society for Classical Studies. See Award page for nomination instructions.

Fellowships and Grants

Funding for Undergraduates and Recent Graduates

  • The Lionel Pearson Fellowship seeks to contribute to the training of students with a Bachelors Degree from a North American institution by providing funding for one year of graduate study at an English or Scottish university. Deadline: November 6, 2023
  • Frank M. Snowden Jr. Undergraduate Scholarships, summer funding for archaeological, language, and other programs for undergraduates from historically underrepresented groups. Deadline: January 20, 2024.

Professional Development and Financial Support for Teachers and College / University Faculty

Research Fellowships

Public Engagement Grants

Questions for Award Winners in 2010

As a one-off project in 2011, the year in which the citations for award winners were curtailed for delivery at the annual meeting, the then President, Kathleen Coleman, conducted interviews with the 2010 prize-winners, to give them more prominence than the new format at the annual meeting allowed. The interviews are archived here for their intrinsic value. This site is not part of a series, but simply a unique exercise showcasing the dedication and talent of members of the Classics profession at a specific moment in its history, and memorializing their example.