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The SCS Placement Service serves candidates in the fields of classical studies and archaeology who are on the job market as well as institutions seeking to hire such candidates. The SCS welcomes job listings that reflect the full range of opportunities for students and teachers of classical studies and archaeology today, from employers seeking scholars of language, literature, and material culture (and combinations of those areas) for academic positions as well as for nonacademic employment. The Service offers an online Portal where registered candidates can see new listings one business day or less after institutions submit them.

Please note that the SCS has not been offering onsite interview facilities and scheduling services at the Annual Meeting since the start of the pandemic.

The SCS’s Committee on Placement monitors activity in the Service to ensure adherence by both candidates and institutions to its Placement Guidelines and to the SCS’s Statement of Professional Ethics. The committees in the Professional Matters Division regularly review activity in the Placement Service and publish reports about that activity.

Advertisements are published on the Current Ads page until the end of the placement year, which runs from July to July each year. At the end of the placement year, the advertisements are moved into the Placement Archive.

Instructions on how to sign up for the Placement Service can be found on the pages for Institutions and Job Seekers.

Become a Placement Institution

To register with the Placement Service as an institution, click the link below to go to the Placement Store.