The following in excerpted from the Society's current Statement on Professional Ethics:
III. Scholarship and Research
Classicists have an obligation to advance the understanding of the field by the careful conduct and prompt publication of their research. This obligation requires respect for ancient evidence and alternative interpretations, accurate citations to help readers assess evidence, explicit acknowledgment of the support, personal, intellectual, and material, that has assisted the research, and forthright clarity about premises and assumptions upon which the work is based. Classicists working abroad have an obligation to respect the laws and regulations of foreign governments and institutions and to honor any conditions of permits granted. Members of the profession should abide by the 1970 UNESCO convention on the means of prohibiting and preventing the illicit import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural property (including monuments, artifacts and manuscripts), and should not cooperate with institutions that do not respect this agreement. At the same time, however, the objective of advancing knowledge about classical antiquity demands that scholars challenge unnecessary restrictions on research and publication. The criteria for assessing research in classical studies must always include the extent to which the work contributes to a continuing scholarly dialogue. Hence fairness in presenting and courtesy in discussing the views of others are essential to the proper conduct of classical scholarship.