Ancient Greek Philosophy
Sponsored by the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy
The deadline for submission of papers for the SAGP meetings with the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association and with the Society for Classical Studies in January 2019 is February 1, 2018.
Papers are normally submitted electronically. Submitters should include their name, the title of the paper, and the meeting at which they would like to present the paper in the message area of the email. The abstract/paper should be prepared for blind review and sent as attachment. We prefer attachments in Word (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.RTF), not PDF. If you have some other program you would like to use, please contact first. Greek is okay if you using a Unicode Font.
Both the Society for Classical Studies and the American Philosophical Association invite 500-800 word abstracts; while we will consider short abstracts, the Program Committee prefers submissions that are more informative than that. The Program Committee has requested that submissions be limited to 3000 words MAX, and suggests that submissions less than 1000 words are too short to be evaluated effectively. Accepted papers may be revised up to a max of 5000 words for distribution.
Submit to
The members of the Program Committee are: the President (Richard McKirahan) and Secretary (A. Preus), ex officio; Deborah Modrak, Elizabeth Asmis, Fred Miller, Mark Wheeler, and Thomas M. Robinson. They (minus Preus) read the papers without the names of the submitters, and vote their preferences. The top choices are invited to present.