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HERCULANEUM: Old Finds, New Approaches.

Sponsored by the American Friends of Herculaneum

Organized by Carol Mattusch, George Mason University,, and David Sider, New York University,

The American Friends of Herculaneum invite proposals for papers to be given at its sponsored panel at the annual meeting of the Society for Classical Studies (SCS) in Philadelphia, January 2–5, 2025. Papers may be on any aspect of Herculaneum - architecture, sculpture, painting, texts, excavation, conservation, later history, recent finds, new technologies, new initiatives, and new practices. Papers on Pompeii are also considered. We encourage submissions from anyone competing in the Vesuvius Challenge! [See]

INFORMATION: The deadline for submission of individual proposals is March 1st, 2024. The proposal is limited to 625 words, excluding title and bibliography. In a separate cover letter, identify yourself and your title, adding your email and SCS membership number. Both parts of the proposal should be in Word. Send all to: Maura Pollard at, putting “AFoH” in the subject line; she will send only the anonymous proposal and title to the organizers. Membership in the SCS is a requirement; in practice this means that you must join by the time the Friends submit the panel proposal to the Program Committee on about April 1st. If you are not yet a member, you may wait until you hear from the organizers whether your paper has been accepted, by mid-March, in time for you to join by the first.