Last Revised, 01/04/2023
The following is a draft of SCS paper sessions, panels, seminars, and workshops at the 2023 hybrid annual meeting. The schedule is subject to change. Please note that all times listed are CST.
All paper sessions, panels, and workshops will be hybrid with the opportunity for onsite and virtual participants and speakers. We also plan to make the Plenary Session (including the awards ceremony), Presidential Panel, and CAMP play hybrid. Social events and roundtables will be either in-person or virtual, and there may be some special events that have either an in-person or virtual format. We will contact presenters and organizers in the Fall regarding their preferred mode of presentation. Plans regarding individual events are subject to change. We will post regular updates here and add events through the Fall.
Special Events and Meetings on Thursday January 5, 2023
12:00-1:00pm: First-Generation, Low-Income Federation Business Meeting, Foster 1
1:00-2:00pm: Society for Late Antiquity Business Meeting (virtual meeting)
2:00-3:00pm: Hesperides Business Meeting, Strand 2
4:00-6:00pm: Vergilian Society Board of Trustees Meeting, Foster 1
6:00-7:00pm: First Time Attendees' Reception (virtual and in-person receptions), Celestin H
7:00-8:00pm: AIA/SCS Opening Night Reception (in-person), Celestin D-E
8:00-9:00pm: Poetry Reading to Support Reproductive Justice in New Orleans (sponsored by AAACC, Classics and Social Justice, COGSIP and the SCS, Eos, LCC, Mountaintop Coalition, and WCC), Celestin G
9:00-11:00pm: WCC/LCC/COGSIP Opening Night Reception (in-person), Celestin H
Friday January 6 - Sunday January 8
Friday, January 6 (First-Third Session blocks)
Saturday, January 7 (Fourth-Sixth Session blocks)
Sunday, January 8 (Seventh-Ninth Session blocks)
Friday, January 6, 2023 |
First Paper Session (9 sessions) |
8:00am |
10:30am |
SCS-1: Reconstructio Americana: Ancient Greece and Rome After the American Civil War (Panel), Strand 13A |
8:00am |
10:30am |
SCS-2: Theology Before Theologia: Archaic and Classical Greek Theories of Divine Universality (Panel), Strand 12A |
8:00am |
10:30am |
SCS-3: Deconstructing the Body in Seneca (Panel), Foster 1 |
8:00am |
10:30am |
SCS-4: Ancient Worlds, Modern Communities (Workshop organized by the Committee on Classics in the Community), Bolden 6 |
8:00am |
10:30am |
SCS-5: Imperialism in the Ancient Middle East (Panel), Bolden 5 |
8:00am |
10:30am |
SCS-6: Conforming, Reforming, Trans*forming: Interrogating the Intersections of Trans Studies and Classics (Organized by the Lambda Classical Caucus), Celestin H |
8:00am |
10:30am |
SCS-7: Animals Under Empire (Panel), Strand 13B |
8:00am |
10:30am |
SCS-8: Roman Comedy and Invective, Strand 13B |
8:00am |
10:30am |
SCS-9: Hellenistic Literature, Strand 1 |
10:30am | 12:00pm | ASGLE Business Meeting, Strand 2 |
Second Paper Session (9 sessions) |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
Poster Session (posters will be virtual or in-person), Exhibit Hall / Virtual Platform |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
SCS-10: Hesperian Transformations: Classics and the Luso-Hispanophone World (Organized by Hesperides), Celestin H |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
SCS-11: Reacting to the Past: Crisis of Catiline: Rome 63 BCE (Workshop), Bolden 6 |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
SCS-12: Addiction, Dependency, and Habit (Organized by the Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacology), Strand 13A |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
SCS-13: Fast and Slow Violence in Late Antiquity (Organized by the Society for Late Antiquity), Foster 1 |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
SCS-14: Ancient Mystery Cults: Vows of Silence, Practices of Secrecy (Panel), Strand 13B |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
SCS-15: Latin Language, Bolden 5 |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
SCS-16: Theocritus and Moschus, Strand 1 |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
SCS-17: Roman History I, Strand 12B |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
SCS-18: Flavian Epic, Strand 12A |
12:30pm | 2:00pm | Asian and Asian American Classical Caucus Meeting, Strand 2 |
1:00pm | 2:00pm | Journal Editors' Lunch Hour (virtual) |
1:00pm | 2:00pm | A roundtable with the Annual Meeting Ombuds (in-person), Exhibit Hall |
1:00pm | 2:00pm | International Ovidian Society Business Meeting (virtual) |
2:00pm | 4:30pm | Classical Traditions in Early Modern Spanish America at Tulane's Latin American Library: A Special Event (organized by Hesperides) |
Third Paper Session (9 sessions) |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-19: Mentoring in Classics (Organized by the Committee on Gender and Sexuality in the Profession), Celestin F |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-20: Supporting Open Data: Challenges and Potential Outcomes (Panel), Strand 12B |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-21: Eta Sigma Phi: The Next Generation (Organized by Eta Sigma Phi), Bolden 5 |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-22: Using Children’s and Young Adult Literature in Outreach and Teaching (Workshop), Bolden 6 |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-23: Epigraphic Texts and Archaeological Contexts (Organized by ASGLE), Strand 13B |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-24: Homer and the Homeric Hymns, Strand 1 |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-25: Ovid II, Foster 1 |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-26: The Power of Objects, Strand 13A |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-27: Form and Meaning in Cicero, Seneca, and Novidio Fracco, Strand 12A |
4:00pm | 5:00pm | Liberal Arts College Chairs Meeting (virtual) |
4:00pm | 5:00pm | Mountaintop Coalition Business Meeting (virtual) |
4:00pm |
4:30pm |
Vergilian Society General Meeting (in-person), Imperial 9 |
4:30pm | 5:30pm |
Vergilian Society Private Reception (in-person), Imperial 9 |
5:00pm | 5:10pm | American Academy in Rome Advisory Council Annual Meeting, Foster 1 |
6:00pm | 8:00pm | Reception: American Academy in Rome Advisory Council, Foster 1 |
5:30pm |
7:30pm |
SCS Presidential Panel, Celestin E |
7:30pm | 9:00pm | Mountaintop Coalition Social Hour, Strand 12A |
7:30pm | 9:30pm | Reception sponsored by Classics and Ancient History, University of Durham (in-person), Strand 3 |
8:00pm | 10:00pm | Joint Reception, University of Toronto-Cornell University, (in-person), Strand 12B |
8:00pm |
10:00pm |
CAMP Performance: Phormio, followed by talk back, Celestin F |
Saturday, January 7, 2023 |
Fourth Paper Session (9 sessions) |
8:30am |
12:30pm |
SCS-28: Ancient MakerSpaces (Workshop), Celestin F |
8:00am |
10:30am |
SCS-29: Revising the Standards for Latin Teacher Preparation: Ideas and Suggestions (Organized by the K-12 Education Committee), Strand 12B |
8:00am |
10:30am |
SCS-30: Hellenistic Epigrams in New Contexts (Panel), Bolden 5 |
8:00am |
10:30am |
SCS-31: Greek and Latin Languages and Linguistics (Organized by the Society for Latin and Greek Linguistics), Foster 1 |
8:00am |
10:30am |
SCS-32: Green Vergil (Organized by the Vergilian Society), Bolden 6 |
8:00am |
10:30am |
SCS-33: Dreaming of the Silk Road (Organized by the Asian and Asian American Classical Caucus), Strand 13B |
8:00am |
10:30am |
SCS-34: Greek Historical Narratives, Strand 1 |
8:00am |
10:30am |
SCS-35: Society, Philosophy and Religion in Late Antiquity, Strand 12A |
8:00am |
10:30am |
SCS-36: Education, Strand 13A |
11:00am | 1:00pm | MA-granting Department Chairs Meeting (virtual) |
Fifth Paper Session (9 sessions) |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
SCS-37: Classics and Black Feminist Traditions (Organized by Eos: Africana Receptions of Ancient Greece and Rome), Strand 12B |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
SCS-38: Disability in the Works of Plutarch and His Contemporaries (Organized by the International Plutarch Society), Bolden 6 |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
SCS-39: Lightning Talks: Reception, Strand 13B |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
SCS-40: Pindar and Bacchylides, Foster 1 |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
SCS-41: Roman Poetry: Society and Politics, Strand 13A |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
SCS-43: Hellenistic and Roman Mime (Organized by the Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance), Strand 1 |
11:00am |
1:00pm |
SCS-44: Neo-Latin at High Table (Organized by the American Association for Neo-Latin Studies), Bolden 5 |
12:00pm | 1:00pm | National Committee on Latin and Greek Business Meeting (virtual) |
12:00pm | 1:30pm | Bryn Mawr College Luncheon (in-person), Celestin F |
1:00pm |
2:00pm | Roundtable Session (see detailed program for listing of virtual and in-person roundtables). In-person roundtables will be held in the Exhibit Hall |
1:00pm | 2:00pm | Women's Classical Caucus Open Meeting (virtual) |
1:00pm | 2:00pm | K-12 Teachers' Tea (in-person), Exhibit Hall |
1:00pm | 2:00pm | Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions Business Meeting (virtual) |
1:00pm | 3:00pm | Career Networking Event (virtual) |
2:00pm | 3:00pm | PhD-granting Department Chairs Meeting (virtual) |
Sixth Paper Session (10 sessions) |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-45: New Directions in Roman Republican Warfare (Panel), Foster 1 |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-46: Ancient Slavery and Its Reception in Global Perspective (Panel), Strand 12B |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-47: What Can We Learn From Our Teaching Award Winner Colleagues? ( Workshop organized by the Membership Committee and Education Division), Bolden 6 |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-48: Roman Drama and Critical Theory (Organizer-refereed panel), Strand 12A |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-49: Imperial Greek Literature, Bolden 5 |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-50: Greek Philosophy I, Strand 1 |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-51: Ovid I, Strand 13A |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-52: Greek Tragedy, Celestin H |
2:00pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-53: Reception and its Contexts, Strand 13B |
2:00pm | 5:00pm |
SCS-54: The Future of Book Reviews: Best Practices and New Directions for Authors and Editors (Workshop), Strand 7 |
5:30pm |
7:30pm |
SCS Plenary Session (Awards Ceremony and Presidential Address), Celestin E |
7:00pm | 8:00pm | Pachanga Latina: A Hispanic/Latinx Faculty and Grads Meet-up (in-person), Pluck Wine Bar, 722 Girod St. |
7:30pm | 9:00pm | Asian and Asian American Classical Caucus Reception (in-person), Strand 3 |
7:30pm | 8:30pm | New Ancient Music for Aristophanes and Euripides, by John Franklin with The Call of Kinnaru, Celestin E |
8:00pm | 10:00pm | Reception hosted by NYU Classics Department, the Center for the Ancient Studies, and the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (in-person), Celestin G |
9:00pm | 10:30pm | Joint Reception hosted by Washington University in St. Louis, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, University of Missouri - Columbia (in-person), Celestin F |
9:00pm | 11:00pm | Reception hosted by Brown University Classics Department and the Joukowsky Institute (in-person), Strand 4 |
Sunday, January 8, 2023 |
Seventh Paper Session (9 sessions) |
8:00 a.m. |
11:00 a.m. |
SCS-55: Translation and the Visual (Organized by the Committee on Translations of Classical Authors), Foster 1 |
8:00 a.m. |
11:00 a.m. |
SCS-56: Homer, Bolden 5 |
8:00 a.m. |
11:00 a.m. |
SCS-57: Phusis kai Phuta: Thinking With and About Plants in Greek Literature and Philosophy (Panel), Strand 13A |
8:00 a.m. |
11:00 a.m. |
SCS-58: Classics and Race (Seminar, in-person with one remote speaker; pre-registration will be required), Celestin G |
8:00 a.m. |
11:00 a.m. |
SCS-59: Transformative Pedagogies (Organized by Classics and Social Justice), Strand 13B |
8:00 a.m. |
11:00 a.m. |
SCS-60: Greek Language, Strand 1 |
8:00 a.m. |
11:00 a.m. |
SCS-61: Platonism and Indian and Tibetan Philosophy (Panel), Strand 12A |
8:00 a.m. |
11:00 a.m. |
SCS-62: Culture and Society in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Egypt (Organized by the American Society of Papyrologists), Bolden 6 |
8:00 a.m. |
11:00 a.m. |
SCS-63: Women and the Ancient Economy: Past, Present, and Future (Organized by the Women’s Classical Caucus), Strand 12B |
10:00 a.m. | 12:00 p.m. | Forum for Classics, Libraries, and Scholarly Communication Annual Meeting (virtual) |
Eighth Paper Session (9 sessions) |
11:30am |
1:30pm |
SCS-64: Studying Abroad in Greece / Reflections on Pedagogical Method (Workshop), Strand 13B |
11:30am |
1:30pm |
SCS-65: Making Space for Translation (Workshop), Strand 13A |
11:30am |
1:30pm |
SCS-66: Ovid in the Global Village (Organized by the International Ovidian Society), Foster 1 |
11:30am |
1:30pm |
SCS-67: Text and Authority in Early Modern Era (Organized by SEMCR), Strand 12B |
11:30am |
1:30pm |
SCS-68: The Content of the Form(s): Confronting Genre Myopia in Ancient Greek Texts, Bolden 5 |
11:30am |
1:30pm |
SCS-69: Lightning Talks: Pedagogy, Celestin H |
11:30am |
1:30pm |
SCS-70: Greek Comedy, Strand 1 |
11:30am |
1:30pm |
SCS-71: Illness and Death, Strand 12A |
11:30am |
1:30pm |
SCS-72: Roman Historical Narratives, Bolden 6 |
12:00pm | 2:00pm | Friends of Herculaneum: Business Meeting, Strand 2 |
1:30pm | 2:00pm | SCS Business Meeting of Members, Strand 1 |
Ninth Paper Session (8 sessions) |
2:30pm |
5:00pm |
SCS: 73: Teaching Students to Read Latin: What Does that Mean? (Organized by the American Classical League), Celestin H |
2:30pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-74: Herculaneum: Text and Image (Organized by the American Friends of Herculaneum), Bolden 5 |
2:30pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-75: Decentering Empire: Local Religious Practice and Ethnic Self-Representation in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Panel), Strand 13B |
2:30pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-76: Roman Poetry: Gender and Genre, Strand 12B |
2:30pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-77: Greek Philosophy II, Bolden 6 |
2:30pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-78: Reception Embodied, Strand 12A |
2.30pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-79: Greek History, Foster 1 |
2.30pm |
5:00pm |
SCS-80: Oratory, Strand 13A |