One of the usual purposes of a scholarly society is to share knowledge among the members and with the world outside the society. It is appropriate on the occasion of the sesquicentennial to look back at the publishing history of the APA/SCS.
From the beginning one of the main purposes of the American Philological Association was to promote the dissemination of knowledge by the delivery of scholarly papers at the Annual Meeting and by their publication in the annual volume Transactions of the American Philological Association. Aspects of the history of TAPA are being assessed by others in a special issue, so this discussion confines itself to efforts other than TAPA.
For more than fifty years no thought seems to have been given to publishing book-length studies under the auspices of the Association. In the 1920s, however, Andrew Carnegie’s philanthopic foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, discerned a need to seed monograph publication programs and offered grants to all the associations that were members of the American Council of Learned Societies (established in 1919, with the APA as a founding member). It would require more research to determine whether this initiative was motivated by the economics of book publication, which at many points in time have become more unfavorable to advanced or narrowly-focused scholarly work in the humanities, or by a desire to raise the stature of American scholarship by supporting home-grown publication series modeled on the series that had long been productive in European universities and academies. Both factors, and others, may have played a role.
No public mention of a Carnegie grant to the APA is made until the announcement of the award at the December 1928 meeting, at which a resolution of thanks was also passed (Proceedings 59 [for 1928], x). But the prospect of a grant surely explains why at the Annual Meeting of December 1927 the APA appointed a Committee on the Publication of Monographs (Proceedings 58 [for 1927], xi). The first substantial report of this Committee does not come until the 1930 meeting (Proceedings 61 [for 1930], xiii–xvii). This reveals that in 1929 the Committee “was reorganized for the purpose of giving it greater continuity by the appointment of a chairman to serve five years.” The funds available to the Committee were the $5000 Carnegie grant plus an amount set aside from membership dues. But these funds had so far hardly been touched. Only one submission was presented during the two years from announcement of the grant in 1928 to the time of this report, Vergil’s Primitive Italy, by Catharine Saunders of Vassar (which had approved a partial subvention of her book):
"At the meeting of the Committee last December [1929] it was voted to grant an additional subvention from the Monograph Fund with the understanding that Vassar College and the Association should share pro rata the profits from sales after the expenses had been met. The amount of the Association’s contribution was $250. The book was duly published by the Oxford Press and appeared on October 15 [1930], the two thousandth anniversary of Vergil’s birth. It was not, however, primarily a monograph of the Association, and although the name of the Association appears on the title page, the Oxford Press is actually the publisher of the book."
The report goes on to say that the main reason for the dearth of submissions appeared to be that the announcement of the plan to publish monographs had not attracted enough attention. The same experience was reported by other societies at a meeting organized by the ACLS expressly to have a general discussion of the problems of publication faced by those who had received the Carnegie grants. Greater efforts were accordingly made during 1930 to inform and survey members, and this produced a number of potential works to publish:
"Since that time there have been submitted fifteen projects of which eleven clearly fall within the scope of the fund. Two more raise questions of future policy. The size of these monographs ranges from 40 to 400 pages. Four are now ready for publication; four more will be ready in six months; two more will be ready at the end of 1931. Since all cannot be published with the funds available, amounting to a little over $8000, the Committee will endeavor to make a selection before the meeting adjourns."
This report also details matters like the series title (Philological Monographs, to be numbered sequentially to encourage uninterrupted purchases by libraries), size (50 to 500 pages), and the restrictions that neither translations nor doctoral theses be considered. For the latter, however, there is the following recommendation, not acted upon until more than 40 years later:
"That for the present theses be omitted, but that in order to secure uniformity and a better standard of presentation the Committee on the Publication of Monographs be asked to consider the feasibility of publishing a dissertation series, with the understanding that the cost be borne by the author, who would, however, benefit by the following advantages:
(a) editorial experience,
(b) lower cost of production,
(c) possibility of wider distribution.
Such theses should be limited to those approved for doctors degrees in those institutions which are members of the Association of American Universities and to subjects which are germane to the American Philological Association."
The report also notes that the monographs will need an editor, in the sense of a managing and production editor, one dealing with all the tasks to be done after the Committee had approved a final manuscript of the book. It is proposed that this service could be performed either by the Secretary, who in this period was performing the same tasks for TAPA and Proceedings or by a separate editor to be identified. In either case, the editor should receive remuneration, perhaps on a per-page basis; for the Secretary, this would have been additional remuneration, since the Secretary received payment for the work on TAPA. Finally, near the end of that same Proceedings issue for 1930, in the section that lists TAPA volumes available for purchase and the titles of papers appearing in the two latest issues, there is an official announcement of the book series and a statement of its intended profile:
"In order to provide means of publication for serious studies undertaken by members of the American Philological Association, which are too extensive to admit of publication in the various journals, or too technical to interest the commercial publisher, the Association has inaugurated a Series of Philological Monographs.
The publication of these monographs is made possible (a) by the setting apart of one dollar of the dues received from members, and (b) by a subvention of $5000 received from the Carnegie Corporation.
The selection of manuscripts is in the hands of the Committee on the Publication of Monographs, and the conditions of acceptance will be found in the report of that Committee on pages xiii-xvii of this number of the Proceedings. Communications concerning manuscripts should be sent to the Chairman, Professor F. W. Shipley, Washington University, Saint Louis."
The other members of the committee at this time are listed: William Abbott Oldfather (University of Illinois), Marbury Bladen Ogle (University of Ohio), George Miller Calhoun (University of California), Tenney Frank (Johns Hopkins University). The Editor of Philological Monographs is listed as Joseph William Hewitt (Wesleyan University), who was Secretary at this time, so the alternative of a separate editor had not been adopted.
The Philological Monographs series eventually included 37 numbers, with one of those, Broughton’s Magistrates, having three or four volumes, depending on how one counts the Supplement. A Supplement was first issued in 1960, available separately or bound with reprinted volume 2, but a larger and updated Supplement was issued in 1986. The first Philological Monograph was Lily Ross Taylor’s The Divinity of the Roman Emperor (1931) and the last was Leslie Charles Murison’s Rebellion and Reconstruction: Galba to Domitian (1999; secondarily, this was part of the series An Historical Commentary on Cassius Dio’s Roman History, covering Books 64–67). Sometimes the announcements of books published or the invitations to submit work use the title (APA) Monographs, omitting the word Philological. By the 1960s “philological” had become a contentious term as new approaches became more prominent in the humanities and in classical studies. The end date 1999 is significant: this series title has not been used after the collapse of Scholars Press. Early in the transition to the new arrangement with Oxford University Press (USA), some announcements did indeed say that the Philological Monographs series was to be continued as before, side by side with the younger series American Classical Studies. Within a short time after the new contract began, however, the submission form for books mentioned only publication in the younger series, and by 2004 the Monographs page on the APA web site acknowledged that there was only one active series, explaining: “OUP-USA is also the distributor of previous publications both in this series [namely, American Classical Studies] and the series Philological Monographs (which is no longer distinct).” That is, the series title had been retired.
One result of the expansion of classicists’ interests and approaches that burgeoned in the 1960s and 1970s was the establishment of the APA’s second series of monographs, American Classical Studies, in the 1970s. Dispensing with the term “philological,” this series was intended to foster a wider variety of work, including revised dissertations, fulfilling the tentative proposal made back in 1930. This series title survived the transition from Scholars Press to the new agreement with Oxford University Press, and soon after that agreement all monograph submissions were considered to be for American Classical Studies. As a result, for instance, the earlier Cassius Dio commentary volumes by Reinhold and Murison are Philological Monographs 34 and 37, while the later ones by Swan and Scott are American Classical Studies 47 and 58.
The differentiation of the two monograph series is not clear from anything reported in Proceedings back in the 1970s. From 1982 onward, however, there are various statements in the APA Newsletter to address this. In 1984 (Newletter 6:4) it is explained that books in ACS are paperback from camera-ready copy, while Philological Monographs are typeset and have hard covers. ACS considers revised dissertations, the older series still does not. In general Monographs are more substantial and more likely to be by senior scholars, but there is “no cast-iron distinction.” Books in both series are “usually …on topics not likely to attract commercial publishers … valuable scholarly work of limited commercial profitability.” In 1996 (Newsletter 19:2) a call for submissions says that Philological Monographs are normally “reference works,” whereas ACS is meant to include all kinds of books. A call for submissions in 2000 (Newsletter 23:3) contains a similar distinction, including the phrase “normally ... works of reference,” and reaffirms “our special mission to publish books that make important contributions to scholarship but are too specialized for a university or trade press. This commitment will continue under the new arrangement with Oxford University Press.” As indicated above, this forecast did not come true.
The American Classical Studies series contained 58 numbers. The first was Flora R. Levin’s The Harmonics of Nicomachus and the Pythagorean Tradition (1975) and the last was Andrew Scott, Emperors and Usurpers: An Historical Commentary on Cassius Dio’s Roman History, Books 79(78)-80(80) (217-229 CE) (2018). This was an unexpected arrival after the series had been suspended, and the submission was nevertheless entertained (and subjected to normal peer review) because it continued the Cassius Dio series that the APA/SCS had been publishing and was judged to be a grandfathered exception. Before that unanticipated addition, the final book in the series had been number 57, Sean Gurd’s Work in Progress: Literary Revision as Social Performance in Ancient Rome (2012).
There is yet a third monograph series in the historical portfolio of the APA/SCS. Special Publications of the American Philological Association was created as a series title when the first part of the planned multi-volume edition of Servius was published in 1946. E. K. Rand and others edited Servianorum in Vergilii Carmina commentariorum volumen II: quod in Aeneidos libros i et ii explanationes continet as the second volume of the edition, so this was Special Publications 1:2. It was followed by 1:3 covering Aeneid 3-5 in 1965, edited by A. F. Stocker and A. H. Travis, and in 2018 (again grandfathered in despite the overall suspension of book publications by the SCS) there appeared 1:5 covering Aeneid 9-12, edited by C. E. Murgia and completed by R. Kaster, now with the series title converted to Special Publications of the Society for Classical Studies. This series has been the home of only three other books. The first occasion was for another book very difficult and costly to typeset, G. M. Bolling’s Ilias Atheniensium (1950), which in fact required the co-sponsorship of the Linguistic Society of America, with both associations appearing on the title page. Later it was used for The Classick Pages: Classical Readings of Eighteenth-Century Americans, edited by Meyer Reinhold (1975) and sponsored by the APA Committee on Classical Humanities in the American Republic in connection with the bicentennial of the Declaration of Independence, and for Lionel Pearson’s The Art of Demosthenes (1981). The later was a reprint of a book that was first published in Germany in 1976 in the series Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie: at this time the APA decided to republish several of Pearson’s works in acknowledgment of his donation of the Pearson Fund endowment.
The first effective initiative to take a role in textbook publication occurred during the 1960s, but it had an unsuccessful precursor in the period 1947-1950. This is explained by Lucius R. Shero in his “Historical Sketch about the APA,” originally printed as a pamphlet for distribution at the Fourth International Congress of Classical Studies when it met in Philadelphia in 1964 and published in Proceedings 94 [for 1963], x-l (here xlv):
"A committee that is now very active is the Committee on Greek and Latin College Textbooks, appointed in pursuance of action taken at the 1959 meeting. Back in 1947, when many books in our field had been allowed to go out of print, a committee was appointed to explore the possibilities of arranging for the publication of “both critical and classroom classical texts.” It was found that publishers had no interest at that time in bringing out new texts or in reprinting many of the older ones. The committee was therefore discharged with thanks in 1950, when its recommendation was accepted that the utility of periodically printing a list of available college textbooks in its pages be brought to the attention of the Classical Weekly (now the Classical World)."
The effort in the 1960s was aimed at first at persuading presses to bring back into print titles that were no longer available, but eventually publication of new textbooks was supported. At the end of 1959 the Directors authorized the appointment of the Committee on Greek and Latin Textbooks “to investigate and report on the college Latin and Greek textbook situation” (Proceedings 91, xxxv). Members were surveyed to determine what out-of-print college texts could usefully be reprinted and who was interested in preparing new ones. The first report appears in Proceedings 91 [for 1960], xxxiii-xxxiv:
"To ascertain the desires and needs of the membership regarding the restoration of out-of-print annotated editions of classical authors and the preparation of new editions, together with concerns about grammars, dictionaries, and reference books, your committee prepared a questionnaire and distributed it to all members of APA. Approximately one hundred and seventy-five replies were received, representing nearly one hundred institutions. Keenest interest was indicated in having the following texts restored:
Vergil, Aeneid, ed. Sidgwick, 2 vols.
Cicero, Selected Letters, ed. F. F. Abbott
Horace, Odes, ed. Shorey & Laing
Herodotus, Selections, ed. Barbour
D. P. Lockwood, Survey of Classical Roman Literature, 2 vols.
K. P. Harrington, Selections from Medieval Latin
Xenophon, Anabasis, ed. Harper & Wallace
Martial, Selections, ed. Post
Seneca, Three Plays, ed. Kingery
Cicero, Tusculans 1 and Dream of Scipio, ed. Rockwood
H. L. Levy, Latin Reader for Colleges
J. H. Westcott, Selected Letters of Pliny
Marsh & Leon, Tacitus Selections
Your Committee will use its offices to seek to have the most useful texts and accessory volumes restored to print. The Shorey-Laing edition of Horace’s Odes is being reprinted by the University of Pittsburgh Press and should be available for the fall, 1960 semester. The University of Chicago Press has indicated an interest in republishing some of the volumes recommended by your Committee and negotiations are now in progress for the transfer of publication rights. Chester L. Neudling, Humanities Specialist for the Division of Higher Education of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, has volunteered to provide assistance, if we call upon him."
The committee report in Proceedings 92 [for 1961], xxix, shows that the first agreement with a press had been short-lived:
"Since the announcement made in the Summer 1961 Newsletter concerning the plan of the Chicago University Press to publish four of our recommended textbooks in the spring of 1962, that Press has decided to limit its immediate activity in this regard to the three Latin items: Harrington’s Mediaeval Latin, Lockwood’s Survey, and Levy’s Latin Reader. Your committee is negotiating elsewhere for the publication of the remaining books on our list. It has made plans to meet during the December 1961 meetings with those who intend to prepare new textbooks or annotated editions for college use."
By the next year the committee is negotiating to get new textbooks published without financial support from the association, as revealed in the minutes of the Board of Directors (Proceedings 93 [for 1962], xxix:
"To approve in principle the plans of the Committee on Greek and Latin College Textbooks, which is engaged in preliminary negotiations with the University of Michigan Press, looking toward the development of new texts of Latin and Greek authors edited for college use, with the understanding that the Directors will be consulted at every stage of the proceedings; to note that this project does not involve the Association in the financial support of such textbooks."
The Committee reports in the same year (93, xxvi):
"The Committee is now able to report that reprinting of all the ten books most frequently requested in answers to our original questionnaire is now in hand. Three of these have been published by the University of Chicago Press and are now available. The University of Oklahoma Press has one almost ready for release, and expects to reprint the other six, one at a time during 1962-65. [the ten reprinted titles are listed in footnotes to this paragraph]
In connection with its second project, the preparation of a new series of classical textbooks, the Committee has entered into correspondence with the University of Michigan Press, which has expressed interest in the proposal, but no definite agreement has yet been reached."
It soon became evident that presses were unwilling to undertake the full financial risk of textbooks in the field. The committee report for 1963 (Proceedings 94, lxxxi-lxxxii) indicates that approaches to foundations to detemine whether they would support a new series obtained a negative response. University of Oklahoma Press then helped the committee gain more information about the potential market and costs, and the next development was that the APA put some funding behind the project. A separate textbook fund (Text Series Account) was seeded with $10,000 in 1965 (budget in Proceedings 95 [for 1964], xxiv-xxv), and the Committee report (Proceedings 95, xxxv) states:
"During 1964 the University of Oklahoma Press has issued two reprints at our request, A. L. Barbour’s Selections from Herodotus and F. F. Abbott’s Selected Letters of Cicero. J. H. Westcott’s Selections from Pliny’s Letters is scheduled for publication in October, 1964. The last three texts on our list of reprints are scheduled to appear in 1965.
In May the University of Oklahoma Press entered into a contract with the Association to publish new texts which would be commissioned by the Association, under the title of “The American Philological Association Series of Classical Texts.” The Committee is now working out the details of agreements with three authors who have expressed their willingness to prepare for us editions of Petronius, Catullus, and Tibullus, and is entering into correspondence with other prospective authors. It is hoped that the Petronius will be ready for the press in the fall of 1965 and the Catullus early in 1966."
In the event, the new textbooks did not actually begin to appear until 1972. Although Oklahoma still sells a few of the titles and sends royalties to the SCS, the Textbooks series of Scholars Press took over the task in the late 1980s, with Oklahoma apparently limiting itself to the titles that were under contract in the 1970s. The first two volumes in the APA Series of Classical Texts were Lionel Pearson’s Demosthenes: Six Private Speeches and W. S. Anderson’s Ovid’s Metamorphoses: Books 6–10. Subsequently, the textbooks issued by the APA had various series titles: Textbooks when Scholars Press issued them, and later Texts and Commentaries for the three that were newly published under the contract with OUP. From 1972 to 2015 some 15 titles appeared.
In the same year that the first new textbook appeared, 1972, the APA also published the first in a planned series of Pamphlets, Richard Tarrant’s Greek and Latin Lyric Poetry in Translation. The Pamphlets were intended to be short works (all but one are under 80 pages) and to be more utilitarian than the monographs, offering guides for teaching and research and sometimes providing an outlet for papers presented in topic-panels at the Annual Meeting. Only eight Pamphlets were published between 1972 and 1987.
The Editorial Committees responsible for textbooks tried to diversify the offerings and created some new series titles. In 1988 (APA Newsletter 11:3, Summer), what had been the APA Series of Classical Texts is now to be called the Classical Texts with Commentaries series, and submissions are invited for it and for two other series, the Introductory Series of Greek and Latin Authors (never populated) and Classical Resources, intended for textbooks of other kinds. Classical Resouces eventually included four titles issued originally by Scholars Press and then sold by OUP and four more that OUP published. It will be recalled that the original remit of the Philological Monographs series declared there would be no translations, and American Classical Studies did not invite them either, but one book in that series did contain an English translation along with the Greek text of the Plutarchan de Homero (J. J. Keaney, R. Lamberton, Plutarch: Essay on the Life and Poetry of Homer, 1996). The very first volume in Classical Resources was a translation, D. R. Shackleton Bailey’s Cicero’s Letters to His Friends (1988), a reprint made possible by acquiring the rights from Penguin, which had issued the translation in 1978, and it was followed within a few years by his translation of the six speeches Cicero delivered after returning from exile and by J. C Yardley and R. Develin’s Justin: Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus. Three casebooks of areas of Roman law also fell under this series, as did Eleanor Dickey’s Ancient Greek Scholarship.
The survey above covers the peer-reviewed publications of the APA/SCS in their various series. The APA office also issued a few other publications that originated outside the Editorial Committees or the Division of Publications. A list of these is given at the end of the accompanying lists of the other series.
[Also omitted from this history is the large effort of creating and distributing microfiches of important scholarly materials, especially those from around 1850 to 1920 threatened by the deterioration of the acidic paper on which they were printed. The microfiches were sold through Classical Micropublishing Inc.]
Appendix (Click here for an downloadble version of the Society's publications)
1. Sales
It would be very difficult, and most likely actually impossible, to trace the total sales of most APA/SCS publications. Over time they have been printed and reprinted by many different presses and distributed through various mechanisms. What is easily available is the lifetime sales recorded by OUP for all the titles that they have distributed since the contract with the APA/SCS began at the start of the millenium. The numbers reported here are based on a spreadsheet report kindly generated by OUP in August 2018.
The bestsellers in OUP distribution have been a select group of the titles in the Textbook and Classical Resources series. Among the Textbooks, the top three have been the second edition of Ramsey’s Sallust’s Bellum Catilinae (5280), Tarrant’s Seneca’s Thyestes (2472), and Gregory’s Euripides: Hecuba (982). Among the Classical Resources, Dickey’s Ancient Greek Scholarship (4446) is the clear leader, followed by Frier’s A Casebook on the Roman Law of Delict (2090), When Dead Tongues Speak: Teaching Beginning Greek and Latin edited by John Gruber-Miller (1972), and Frier’s A Casebook on Roman Family Law (1737).
Among the limited number of Philological Monographs still in print, the sales are of an entirely different (lower) order of magnitude. The biggest seller (219) has been Murison’s portion of the Dio Commentary (on the portion from Galba to the fall of Domitian), followed by the very first number of the series, Lily Ross Taylor’s The Divinity of the Roman Emperor (189) and Lionel Pearson’s The Greek Historians of the West: Timaeus and His Predecessors (141). Many titles in the American Classical Studies series tend to fare better, with the top seller being Johnston’s Hekate Soteira: A Study of Hekate’s Roles in the Chaldean Oracles and Related Literature (1581), perhaps because of its combined appeal to classicists and students of religion (and, it has been suggested by OUP’s Stefan Vranka, its appeal to Wiccans and the like). The second-best seller has been Cameron’s Greek Mythography in the Roman World (880), followed by Ginsburg’s Representing Agrippina: Constructions of Female Power in the Early Roman Empire (820) and Courtney’s Archaic Latin Prose (748). Five titles (four published in this millenium) have had sales in to range 500–570. On the other hand, there are a couple of dozen titles in American Classical Studies that have sales of fewer than 100 since 2001, mostly representing the still in-print stock transferred to OUP from the final inventory of Scholars Press.
2. Printers/Distributors of Publications
As both the membership and the backlist of TAPA volumes and monograph publications grew, warehousing and order fulfillment must have become more and more a serious concern.
1869–1889: various printers contracted with by Secretary each year, e.g., 1880 Case Lockwood and Brainard, Hartford; 1885 John Wilson and Son University Press, Cambridge [MA]; 1886 Press of J. S. Cushing & Co., Boston.
1890–1918: Ginn and Co., Boston, with separate foreign agents in England, Germany, France.
1919–ca. 1924: again presses chosen by Secretary, no printer shown on TAPA volumes.
ca. 1924–ca. 1948 Lancaster Press, Lancaster PA. Proceedings for 1933 reports that Lancaster has taken over storage and sales (previously handled by the Secretary?) and that Lancaster had printed the last ten years of TAPA and all Philological Monographs to that date. Proceedings for 1948 report that Lancaster cannot undertake printing of the books of Bolling and Fränkel and also that the Vice President of Lancaster who had always been so helpul to the APA had died.
1949–1959: monographs again contracted with various presses, orders to be made from the Secretary; but orders are shipped from Lancaster PA, so perhaps Lancaster Press or its successor was still serving as warehouser if not printer.
1960–1964: Cornell UP.
1964–: Oklahoma UP handles original APA college textbook series.
1965: order from Secretary (or through B. H. Blackwell Ltd. Oxford).
1966–1974: Case Western Reserve UP.
1975–1977: Interbook (and Kraus Reprint for older volumes of TAPA).
1978–1999: Scholars Press.
2000–: OUP-USA for books, JHUP for TAPA.
3. Editors and Editorial Committees
Continuity of the editorial function for books has sometimes been somewhat difficult because of the constant changeover in the editorial boards. The first editorial board was that appointed to deal with the new Philological Monographs series in December 1927. With the reforms of the late 1960s, this board became an elected body (starting in 1970), with three members elected on a rotating basis replacing the appointed members. A separate editorial committee for textbooks began in the 1960s and continued to 2002.
Before 1931: editing TAPA and monographs was one of the duties of the Secretary; thereafter a separate Editor of Publications was appointed, still handling both TAPA and books.
1931-1935 Joseph William Hewitt (no longer Secretary once he was Editor for TAPA and Monographs)
1935-1938 Levi Arnold Post
1938-1941 George Depue Hadzsits
1941-1944 T. R. S. Broughton
1944-1945 Warren Everett Blake
1945-1949 John Lewis Heller
1950-1953 Phillip Howard DeLacy
1958-1965: Donald Wilson Prakken
1965-1970: John Arthur Hanson
1971-1973 John Joseph Keaney
As of 1974 editing TAPA became a separate appointed position, as it still is:
1974-1982 Douglas Gerber
1983-1986 James Zetzel, 1985 with Assistant Ed. Richard Martin
1987-1991 Ruth Scodel
1992-1995 Sander Goldberg
1996-2000 Marilyn Skinner
2001-2005 Cynthia Damon (transition to two issues per year 2002)
2006-2009 Paul Allen Miller
2010-2013 Katharina Volk
2014-2017 Craig Gibson
2018- Andromache Karanika
From 1974 to 2001, Committees oversaw evaluation of monograph and textbook submissions.
Chairs of Editorial Board for Monographs
1979-82 Deborah H. Samuel
1982-1985 Susan Treggiari
1985–1988 Ludwig Koenen
1988–1992 Matthew Santirocco
1993–1994 David Blank
1995-1997 Christine Perkell
1997-2001 Harvey Yunis
Chairs of Editorial Board for Textbooks
1981-1984 Gilbert Lawall
1985 Judith Lynn Sebesta
1986–1989: John T. Ramsey
1990-1992 William Race
1993–1996 James Clauss
1997–2002 Joel Lidov
Under VP for Publications Jeffrey Rusten, the separate editorial boards were abolished, and the elected members of Publication Committee started to serve as boards to be consulted by appointed Editors.
Editors for Monographs:
2001–2006 Donald Mastronarde
2006–2010 Kathryn Gutzwiler
Editors for Textbooks and Classical Resources
2002–2004 Joel Lidov
2004–2009 Justina Gregory
2009–2011 Sander Goldberg
No further editors were appointed, and after the suspension of the book publication series, VP Michael Gagarin himself took the role of quasi-chair of an editorial board in dealing with the grandfathered submissions that became the latest publications, the Murgia and Kaster Servius volume and Andrew Scott’s Dio commentary volume.
Text by Donald J. Mastronarde, VP for Publications
Graphics by Stephanie Crooks, Graduate Student Assistant
Roger Bagnall, Adam Blistein, Stephanie Crooks, Helen Cullyer, Oliver Hughes, and Stefan Vranka assisted with data collection.