The Society for Classical Studies strongly supports the American Historical Association's statement condemning the Polish law criminalizing discussion of Polish complicity in Nazi war crimes during World War II. Open discussion of the events of the past is our own Society's raison d'être. Such discussion cannot be limited to events of which we are proud, nor can we permit those of which we are ashamed to be forgotten. These principles must apply to the study of all periods of history. Our Society's interest in this particular question involves a growing integration between what were once regarded as discrete areas in the study of Mediterranean antiquity, including Greek and Roman studies, Ancient Near Eastern studies, Jewish studies, and other related areas. In addition, we remember the many Jewish scholars of Classics and Ancient History who migrated from eastern Europe to Great Britain and North America, fleeing persecution by the Nazis and their sympathizers. The impact of these scholars on their new countries and on our field as a whole was both great and very positive, but it came with enormous human cost, and it is essential that we remember these facts. For these reasons, and in accordance with our Society's general commitment to diversity and inclusivity, we are proud to endorse the AHA statement.
From the SCS Board of Directors