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Theater in Greece and Rome (TIGR), a committee affiliated with The Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS), invites proposals for a workshop to be held under TIGR’s sponsorship at the 120th CAMWS Annual Meeting, April 3 - 6, 2024 at the Chase Park Plaza Hotel at the invitation of Washington University in St. Louis.

The 2023 TIGR Workshop “Beyond Staging Greek Tragedy Today: Pedagogy of Teaching Ancient Theater” led by Rob Groves and Timothy Wutrich offered a session in which those who teach ancient theater explored exercises and assignments that deal with acting, movement and other elements of theatrical staging in Greek and Roman drama. The workshop was organized as a collaborative conversation, in which participants were invited to bring one or two acting or staging exercises to share or demonstrate.

In 2024 TIGR is open to any workshop that seeks to address practical or theoretical issues in Greek or Roman theater. The organizer could create a workshop in which participants experiment with alternative stagings for a problematic scene in a play. Another option would be to work through application of the three-actor rule in a Greek tragedy. A workshop could explore exits and entrances in a comedy by Aristophanes; or try out the use of music in a Roman comedy; or walk through a mime by Herodas; or imagine stagings of a gladiatorial show for modern reenactors. A workshop on the pedagogical uses of performance would also be welcome.

Submissions, which should not exceed 500 words in length, should include:

(1) the title of the proposed workshop;

(2) a general outline of the proposed workshop;

(3) a brief explanation of the topic's relevance to the performance of ancient Greek or Roman drama;

(4) and, where appropriate, a brief bibliography.

CAMWS workshops usually comprise a two-hour session. Workshop proposals should be sent via e-mail to Timothy Wutrich on behalf of TIGR by May 31, 2023 to the following address:

Please note that selection and sponsorship of a workshop topic by TIGR does not in itself guarantee final acceptance of the workshop by the CAMWS Program Committee. Note that the organizer of any panel or workshop selected by TIGR must be a fully paid-up member of CAMWS for 2024.

Call for Papers