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Call for Director and Play: CAMP Performance at 2022 Meeting

SCS Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance (CAMP)

Call for Director and Play at the 2022 Annual Meeting (January 5 – 8, 2022)

The Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance invites proposals to direct our 2022 performance at the Society for Classical Studies meeting in San Francisco, CA. CAMP’s annual play offers SCS members the opportunity to experiment with aspects of ancient theater or antiquity’s later receptions in drama that may only become apparent through physical staging, as well as to bring lesser-known examples of classical drama to the attention of the broader scholarly community. As such, we encourage proposals to direct translations or adaptations of ancient Greek and Roman dramas, as well as post-classical plays inspired by ancient themes,

Proposals for plays must be accompanied by a firm commitment by a director, co-directors, or a larger creative team who will assume responsibility for coordinating the production with support from a CAMP liaison. Scripts must be complete by the time the statement of interest is submitted, and the director must have the legal right to produce them. The director must be an SCS member with dues paid for the year 2022.

CAMP encourages creative and ambitious proposals; potential directors should, however, keep in mind the following limitations of the SCS as a performance venue. We privilege proposals that encourage wide participation from the SCS membership and broader Classics community, meaning that actors are typically available for a very abbreviated rehearsal period (Wednesday evening through Friday). A maximum time slot of two hours is available for the performance, and staging typically takes place in a conference room or ballroom without access to theatrical lighting. A limited budget of up to $1300 is available.

Proposals should address the following issues:

  1. Why is the SCS Annual Meeting a good venue for this show?

  2. Do you have participants already attached to the project, whether SCS members or non-SCS members?

  3. How many other participants do you plan to draw from the broader SCS community? How and when do you intend to distribute your call for participants?

  4. When will you require those involved in the show to arrive in San Francisco to begin rehearsals?

  5. What do you anticipate the running time of the show to be?

  6. What do you anticipate requiring in terms of props, costumes and other resources?

Please send statements of interest to Krishni Burns ( by or before January 1, 2021. Proposals may be anonymized prior to committee review.