These lists, generated from information self-reported by Ph.D.-granting institutions to the SCS office, show the in-progress and completed dissertations being undertaken in Classics graduate departments across the United States. The list is as current as the data most recently received into the SCS office. If you do not see your department represented or if you have corrections please have your Director of Graduate Students email the requisite information to
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2010, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
In-Progress (2010 Archive from Newsletters)
Boston University
- Julia Dimitriou - "Funny Love: The Significance of Aphrodite in Old Comedy" - Advised by Jeffrey Henderson
Brown University
- Lauren Donovan - "Staging Memory: The Octaviaand Remembering the Julio-Claudians after Nero" - Advised by John Bodel
- Christopher Geadrities - "Ancient Modes of Reading: A Comparison of Ancient Scholarship in Donatus' Commentary on Vergil and the Homeric Scholia" - Advised by Joseph Pucci and S. Papaioannou
- Timothy Haase - "Satirical Mechanics in Juvenal" - Advised by John Bodel
- Leo Landrey - "Valerius Flaccus' Historical Epic? Contemporary Events and Flavian Context in the Argonautica" - Advised by Joseph Reed
Bryn Mawr College
- Andrea Guzzetti - "A Walk Through the Past: Archaeological Museums and Visitors in Italy, Greece, and Israel" - Advised by A. A. Donohue
- Catherine Person - "Domestic Shrines in Houses of Roman Greece: A Comparative Study with Asia Minor and Italy" - Advised by A. Lindenlauf
- Laura Surtees - "A Thessalian City: The Urban Survey of Kastro Kalithea Thessaly" - Advised by A. Lindenlauf and J. C. Wright)
Cornell University
- Todd Clary - "A Comparative Study of Etymological Figures in Homer" - Advised by A. Nussbaum
- Anthony Hunter - "Cicero's Use of Poetic Citations" - Advised by D. Mankin
- Roman Ivanov - "Pindar's Isthmians 3 and 4: Essays and Commentary" - Advised by H. Pelliccia
- Tobias Torgerson - "Refractions of Rome: A Metaphorical Destruction of Rome in Lucan's Pharsalia" - Advised by M. Fontaine
- Ioannis Ziogas - "Hesiod in Ovid: The Metamorphosis of the Catalogue of Women" - Advised by F. Ahl
Florida State University
- McKenzie Lewis - "The Networks of the Arno Valley: Imperialism and the Late Republican Colonization at Arretium, Florentia, and Pisae" - Advised by D. L. Stone
Fordham University
- Patrick Lake - "Homer through the Eyes of Plato: Allusion, Paraphrase, and (Mis)quotation of the Odyssey and Iliad in the Republic" - Advised by J. A. Foster
(2011-2012) Harvard University
- Elizabeth Engelhardt - “Gendered Speech and the Rhetoric of Childbirth on the Attic Stage” – Advised by Gregory Nagy
- Ryan Samuels - “Building Characters: New Comic Ethopoeia in the Second Sophistic” i Advised by Richard Thomas
- Philip Pratt - “The Poetics of the Occasion: Praise, Performance, and the Silvae” – Advised by Kathleen Coleman
Johns Hopkins University
- Sarit Stern - "The Inseparable Twins? Literacy, Iconographical, and Cultic Representations of Apollo and Artemis Together" - Advised by A. Shapiro
Rutgers University
- Kristen Baxter - "Pindar the Pious Poet: Prayer and Its Significance in Epinician Poetry" - Advised by T. Power
- Lisa Whitlatch - "The Hunt for Knowledge: Hunting in Latin Didactic Poets" - Advised by L. Kronenberg
Stanford University
- Melissa Bailey - "Transactional Media in the Roman World" - Advised by J. Trimble
- Kathryn Balsley - "Performances of Justice in Imperial Literature" - Advised by A. Barchiesi
- Nicholas Boterf - "The Rhetoric of Locality: Panhellenism and Persona in Archaic Lyric Poetry" - Advised by R. Martin and A.E. Peponi
- Sebastian DeVivo - "A Theory of the Traumatic Object in Ancient Greece: War, Memory, Materiality" - Advised by M. Shanks
- Alexander Duncan - "Tragic Ugliness: The Anti-valued Body in Athenian Drama" - Advised by R. Martin and A.E. Peponi
- Sarah Janda - "Not Written in Stone: Latin Epigram's Collaborative Relationship with the Reader" - Advised by G. Parker
- Elizabeth Jones - "The Lyric Spectacle: Bodies, Objects, Landscapes" - Advised by A.E. Peponi
- Kyle Lakin - "Foreign Trade, Cooperation and Public Finance in Fourth-Century Athens" - Advised by J. Ober
- Courtney Roby - "Text and Technology in Greek and Roman Antiquity" - Advised R. Netz
- Matt Simonton - "The Rules of the Few: Political Strategies of Classical Greek Oligarchies" - Advised by J. Ober
- Robert Stephan - "House Size, Living Standards, and Economic Growth in the Roman World" - Advised by W. Scheidel
- Darian Totten - "Scales of Connectivity in the Late Antique Landscape: Religious, Economic and Social Networks in Southern Italy" - Advised by J. Trimble
University of California, Berkeley (Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology)
- Ryan Boehm - "Urbanization and Empire in the Early Hellenistic Period" - Advised by E. Mackil
- David DeVore - "How Christianity Succeeded: Memory, Biography, and War in the Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius of Caesarea" - Advised by S. Elm
- Timothy Doran - "Oliganthropia: Social Causes and Policy Effects in Sparta and Beyond" - Advised by E. Mackil
- Brendan Haug - "Economy and Society in the Byzantine Fayum" - Advised by T. Hickey
- Noah Kaye - "The Attalids and Western Asia Minor: 188-133 BCE" - Advised by E. Mackil
University of California, Berkeley (Classics)
- Christopher Churchill - "The Limits of Grief: Speech, Silence, and Loss in Roman Literature" - Advised by E. Oliensis
- David Crane - "Dialogical Conceits: A Study of Academic Debate in Platonic Dialogue" - Advised by G.R.F. Ferrari
- Thomas Hendrickson - "Portraiture, Paratext, and Roman Biography" - Advised by D. Sailor
- Jared Hudson - "Representations of Travel and Transportation in Roman Literature" - Advised by E. Oliensis
- Athena Kirk - "Treasured Inventories in the Greek World" - Advised by L. Kurke
- Nandini Pandey - "Ovid's Empire of the Imagination: Fictionality, Reader Response, and the Power of Public Image in Augustan Rome" - Advised by K. McCarthy
- Daniel Walin - "Slaves and Slave Characters in Aristophanic Comedy" - Advised by M. Griffith
University of California, Irvine, Riverside, San Diego
- Clinton Armstrong - "Ovid's Catalogues and Poetic Debate" - Advised by A. Zissos
- Debra Freas - "Escaping the Past: Seneca's Troades" - Advised by A. Zissos
- Benjamin Sullivan - "Masters of the Country: Aspects of Archaic Greek Land Warfare" - Advised by M. Miles
- Jesse Weiner - "Mutable Monuments and Atomistic Poetry in Lucan's Bellum Civile" - Advised by J. Porter
University of California, Los Angeles
- Michael Brumbaugh - "Constructing Ideologies of Kingship: Praise Poetry and Hellenistic Egypt" - Advised by K. Morgan
- Cameron Fitzsimmons - "Et in Arcadia Ego: Queer Receptions of Platonic Eros" - Advised D. Blank and G. Sissa
- Robert W. Groves - "Interpreting the Language Barrier in the Worlds of Heliodorus" - Advised by D. Blank
- Emily M. Rush - "Writing Gems: Ekphrastic Description of Precious Stones and Jewelry in Hellenistic Epigrams and Later Greek Prose" - Advised by D. Blank and M. Telò
- Ellen Snyder - "The Gendered Construction of Roman Imperium in Livy's Ab Urbe Condita" - Advised by A. Richlin
- Charles Stein - "Beyond the Generation of Leaves: Plant and Human Life in Archaic Greek Poetry" - Advised by A. Purves
University of Colorado at Boulder
- Amanda Sherpe - "Prayer Language in Virgil's Aeneid" - Advised by P. Knox
University of Florida
- Todd Bohlander - "Use of Anticipation in the Attic Orators" - Advised by A. Wolpert
- Robert Brewer - "Quo Ruitis, Generosa Domus: Memory and the Elegaic Model in Ovid's Fasti" - Advised by J. Rea
- Jaime Claymore - "Reditus ad locum: Cicero's Forensic Repositioning" - Advised by L. Sussman
- Brenda Fields - "Fear Mongering in Late Republican Rome, 88-28 BCE" - Advised by V. Pagán
- Dustin Heinen - "Dominature: Dominating Nature in the Georgics and Silvae" - Advised by V. Pagán
- David Hoot - "Roman Epidaurus" - Advised by R. Wagman
University of Iowa
- Joshua Langseth - "Anthropos: The History of a Myth" - Advised by J. Finamore
University of Michigan (Classical Studies)
- Cassandra Borges - "The Geography of the Iliad in Ancient Scholarship" - Advised by R. Janko
- Carolyn Gersh - "Neoplatonic Naturalism: Music, Biology, and the Soul" - Advised by S. Ahbel-Rappe
- Diana S. Guth - "Character and Rhetorical Strategy. Philip II of Macedon in Fourth-Century Athens" - Advised by S. Forsdyke
- Rajesh Mittal - "Fata viam invenient: Virgil, Augustus, and the Philosophy of History" - Advised by D. S. Potter
- Rebecca Sears - "Narratology and Genre Studies in Ovid's Metamorphoses" - Advised by R. R. Caston
- Sonda Tohm - "Contesting Masculinity: Locating the Male Body in Roman Elegy" - Advised by R. R. Caston and B. Dufallo
University of Michigan (Interdepartmental Program in Greek and Roman History)
- Claudia Arno - "Going Native: How Romans Became "Roman" in an Expanding World" - Advised by D. S. Potter and N. Terrenato
- Alex Conison - "The Organization of Rome's Wine Supply" - Advised by B. Frier
University of Michigan (Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology)
- Angela Commito - "The Impact of Environmental Change on Shifting Urban and Rural Landscapes in Late Antique Anatolia" - Advised by C. Ratté
- R. James Cook - "Economy, Society and Irrigation at a Graeco-Roman Site in Egypt: The Karanis Canal System" - Advised by S. Herbert and T. Wilfong
- Kevin Dicus - "The Sanctuary at Grasceta dei Cavallari: The Actors and Architecture in Etrusco-Romano Ritual" - Advised by N. Terrenato
- Lydia Herring-Harrington - "Intentional Visibility and Customization in the Urban Shrines of Pompeii" - Advised by E. Gazda
- Emily Holt - "Competition, Resources, and the Consolidation of Social Complexity in Bronze Age Sardinia" - Advised by S. Herbert and J. O'Shea
- Tom Landvatter - "Identity, Burial Practices, and Social Change in Greco-Roman Egypt" - Advised by T. Wilfong and S. Herbert
- Karen Laurence - "The Administration of Cult: Archaeological Evidence for the Infrastructure of Greek Sancutaries in the 2nd Century C.E." - Advised by S. Herbert
- Leah Long - "Economies of Stone: Urbanism and the Marble Quarrying Industries of Roman Asia Minor" - Advised by C. Ratté
- Hima Mallampati - "Aquiring Antiquity: The Early History of Classical Collections at the University of Michigan and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston" - Advised by E. Gazda and J. Cherry
- Adela Sobotkova - "The Valley of the Kings? A Diachronic Study of Social Complexity in the Tundzha River Valley, Bulgaria" - Advised by C. Ratté and L. Talalay
University of Minnesota
- Christine Lechelt - "Allusions of Grandeur: Gigantomachy, Callimachean Politics, and Literary Filiation" - Advised by C. Nappa and N. Krevans
University of Missouri
- Morgan Grey - "Subversive Receptions: Ovid and Renaissance Epyllia" - Advised by D. Hooley
- Naomi Kaloudis - "The Call of the Wild: The Therapeutic Effect of Theocritus' Pastoral Idylls" - Advised by A. Mori
- Rhiannon Rowlands - "Eunuchs and Sex: Beyond Sexual Dichotomy in the Roman Empire" - Advised by R. Marks
University of Pittsburgh
- Rhett Jenkins - "Haec Nova Sit Ratio Vincendi: Literary Campaigning in the Works of Julius Caesar" - Advised by H.P. Stahl
- Christopher Kurfess - "Restoring Parmenides' Poem: A New Arrangement of the Fragments Based on a Resassessment of the Original Sources" - Advised by E.D. Floyd
- Erin O'Bryan - "From Ignobile Vulgus to Rerum Dominos: The Emergence of the Roman Mob in Vergil's Aeneid" - Advised by M. J. Smethurst
University of Toronto
- Emily Fletcher - "Pleasure and Cognition in Plato's Philebus and Other Late Dialogues" - Advised by R. Barney
- Marie-Pierre Krück - "La Corruption dans la Pensée Grecque Classique" - Advised by V. Wohl
- James Lynd - "Aspects of Evil in Seneca's Tragedies" - Advised by A. Keith
- Cillian O'Hogan - "Reimagining the Roman Landscape: Space and Geography in the Poetry of Prudentius" - Advised by M. Dewar
- Lee Sawchuk - "The Tragic Chorus: Actors, Singers, and Community" - Advised by V. Wohl
- Eirene Seiradaki - "Achilles, Regifting and (Im)mortality" - Advised by J. Burgess
- Jessica Westerhold - "Ovid's Reception of the Greek Tragic Heroine" - Advised by A. Keith
University of Virginia
- Dan Leon - "Arrian, Alexander, and the Usefulness of History" - Advised by J. D. Dillery
University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Jeannie T. Nguyen - "Medea's Metamorphoses of a Mythin the Greek and Roman Tradition" - Advised by L. McClure
- Joy E. Reeber - "Married to a Persona: "Biography" in Ovid's Exile Poetry" - Advised by P. Rosenmeyer
Yale University
- Martin Devecka - "Ruins and the Ages of Anxiety" - Advised by E. Greenwood and D. Quint
- Noah Dion - "Old Testament Made New: Latin Hezaemeral Epic and Milton's Paradise Lost" - Advised by J. Rogers
- Sean Harrigan - "Pindar and the Poetics of Reperformance" - Advised by E.J. Bakker
- Jessica McCutcheon - "Fear in Latin Epic" - Advised by C.S. Kraus
- Anke Rondholz - "Hosidius Geta, Medea" - Advised by C.S. Kraus and J.F. Matthews
Completed (2010 Archive from Newsletters)
Boston University
- Christus Synodinos - "A Critical Edition of Ps.-Basil De Consolatione in Adversis with Introduction" - Advised by W. Haase
Brown University
- Peter Lech - "Gender, Social Status and Discourse in Roman Comedy" - Advised by Adele Scafuro
- Asya Sigelman - "Xenia and the Unity of Time in Pindar's Victory Odes" - Advised by David Konstan
Bryn Mawr College
- Lisa Mallen - "Early Greek and Homeric Conceptions of Domestic Space" - Advised by R. Hamilton and J. C. Wright
Cornell University
- Todd Clary - "A Comparative Study of Etymological Figures in Homer" - Advised by A. Nussbaum
- Anthony Hunter - "Cicero's Use of Poetic Citations" - Advised by D. Mankin
- Roman Ivanov - "Pindar's Isthmians 3 and 4: Essays and Commentary" - Advised by H. Pelliccia
- Tobias Torgerson - "Refractions of Rome: A Metaphorical Destruction of Rome in Lucan's Pharsalia" - Advised by M. Fontaine
- Ioannis Ziogas - "Hesiod in Ovid: The Metamorphosis of the Catalogue of Women" - Advised by F. Ahl
Fordham University
- Raymond Capra - "A Commentary on Ibycus of Rhegium" - Advised by D. Sider
- James Hunt - "Constantius II in the Ecclesiastical Historians" - Advised by R. J. Penella
- Sean Lake - "Literary Parody in Ovid's Metamorphoses" - Advised by J. Clark
Harvard University
- Sarah Insley - "Constructing a Sacred Center: Constantinople as a holy city in early Byzantine literature" - Advised by John Duffy
- Isabel Köster - "Roman Temple Robbery" - Advised by Kathleen Coleman
- Peter O’Connell - "Prose as Performance : Seeing and Hearing in the Forensic Speeches of Antiphon, Andokides and Lysias" - Advised by Albert Henrichs
- Justin Stover - "Reading Plato in the Twelfth Century: A Study On the Varieties of Plato's Reception In the Latin West Before 1215" - Advised by
(2011-2012) Harvard University
- Paul Kosmin - "Seleucid Space: The Ideology and Practice of Territory in the Seleucid Empire" - Advised by Nino Luraghi
- Andreya Mihaloew - "An Exploration of the Function of Lamps in Archaic and Classical Greek Culture: Use, Concepts, and Symbolism" - Advised by Susanne Ebbinghaus
- Ariane Schwartz - "Horace and His Readers in Early Modern Europe" - Advised by Richard Thomas
Indiana University
- Varunadatta Edirisinghe - "The Concept of Divinity in Lucretius' de Rerum Natura: Venus, voluptas, Epicurus" - Advised by J. L. Franklin, Jr.
- Gabriel Patrick Grabarek - "Men of Letters: The Literary and Philosophical Relationship Between Cicero and Brutus" - Advised by E. Winsor Leach
- Stacie Lynn Kadleck - "The Ambivalence of Capua in Livy's Ab Urbe Condita" - Advised by E. Winsor Leach
- Bruce Lloyd Warren - "Rhetorical Pathos and the Critique of Leadership in Tacitus' Histories" - Advised by E. Winsor Leach
Johns Hopkins University
- Helene Coccagna - "Embodying Sympotic Experience: Anatomical Manipulations of Athenian Vases" - Advised by A. Shapriro
The Ohio State University
- Bridget Buchholz - "Body Language: The Limits of Communication Between Mortals and Immortals in the Homeric Hymns" - Advised by S. Iles Johnston
- Steven Maiullo - "From Philosopher to Priest: The Transformation of the Persona of the Platonic Philosopher" - Advised by A. Kaldellis
Rutgers University
- Sean R. Jensen - "Rethinking Athenian Imperialism: Sub-Hegemony in the Delian League" - Advised by T. J. Figueira
Stanford University
- Jason Aftosmis - "Paradigm and Discourse in Archaic Greek Poetry" - Advised by R. Martin
- Vincent Tomasso - "Advised by Studies in the Poetics of Quintus of Smyrna" - Advised by R. Martin
- Lela Urquhart - "Greek Religion and Indigenous Societies in the Western Mediterranean" - Advised by I. Morris
University of Clagary
- Paul J. Harms - "The Logic of Irrational Pharmacological Therapies in Aretaeus of Cappadocia, Scribonius Largus, and Dioscorides of Anazarbus" - Advised by P. Toohey
- Alison D. Jeppesen-Wigelsworth - "The Portrayal of Roman Wives in Literature and Inscriptions" - Advised by H. Sigismund-Nielsen
- Jason McClure - "Doubling and the Theban Mythological Cycle in Latin Literature" - Advised by P. Toohey
University of California, Berkeley (Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology)
- Michael Laughy - "Ritual and Authority in Early Athens" - Advised by E. Mackil and John Camp)
- Carolynn Roncaglia - "State Impact in Imperial Northern Italy" - Advised by Eric Gruen and C. Noreña)
University of California, Berkeley (Classics)
- Nathan Arrington - "Between Victory and Defeat: Framing the Fallen Warrior in Fifth-Century Athenian Art" - Advised by A. F. Stewart
- Maria Garbriella Bruni - "The Monumental Villa at Palazzi di Casignana and the Roman Elite in Calabria (Italy) during the Fourth Century A.D." - Advised by C. Hallett
- Margaret C. Foster - "The Cultural Imaginary of Manteia: Seercraft, Travel, and Charisma in Ancient Greece" - Advised by L. Kurke
- David Goldstein - "Wackernagel's Law in Fifth-Century Greek" - Advised by A. Garrett and D. J. Mastronarde
- Timothy W. Pepper - "Calculus Gratiarum: The Practice of Ambition in Early Ptolemaic Egypt" - Advised by T. Hickey
- Felipe Rojas - "Empire of Memory: Anatolian Material Culture and the Imagined Past in Hellenistic and Roman Lydia" - Advised by C. H. Greenewalt, Jr.
University of California, Irvine, Riverside, San Diego
- Jared Hammad - "Persecution and Identity in the Anti-Pagan Poems of Prudentius" - Advised by M. Salzman
- Tim W. Watson - "The Rhetoric of Corruption in the Late Roman Empire" - Advised by M. Salzman
University of California, Los Angeles
- Renée Marie Calkins - "Making Kleos Mortal: Archaic Attic Funerary Monuments and the Construction of Social Memory" - Advised by J. Papadopoulos
- Emily A. Kratzer - "The Double Herakles: Studies on the Death and Deification of the Hero in Fifth-Century Drama" - Advised by K. Morgan and J. Papadopoulos
University of Florida
- Andrew Alwine - "The Rhetoric and Conceptualization of Enmity in Classical Athens" - Advised by A. Wolpert
- Eleni Bozia - "Lucian and His Roman Voices" - Advised by G. Schmeling
- Robert Patrick - "Groves in Ovid's Metamorphosis: Staging an Human Experience" - Advised by J. Rea
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Rebecca Muich - "Pouring Out Tears: Andromache in Homer and Euripides" - Advised by D. Sansone
University of Iowa
- Mark Thorne - "Lucan's Cato: The Defeat of Victory and the Triumph of Memory" - Advised by C. Green
University of Michigan (Classical Studies)
- Britta Ager - "Roman Agricultural Magic" - Advised by D. B. Collins
- Geoffrey Maturen - "Making pepaideumenoi: Lucanic Reflections on Second Century Greek Culture" - Advised by S. Ahbel-Rappe
- Jason Parnell - "The Metaphysics of Theurgy and Christian Eucharist" - Advised by S. Ahbel-Rappe and D. S. Potter
- Richard K. Persky - "Kairos: A Cultural History of Time in the Greek Polis" - Advised by S. Forsdyke
University of Michigan (Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology)
- Seth Button - "Resource Stress and Subsistence Practice in Early Prehistoric Cyprus" - Advised by S. Herbert
- Lisa Cakmak - "Mixed Signals: Androgyny, Identiy, and Iconography on the Graeco-Phoenician Sealings from Tel Kedesh, Israel" - Advised by S. Herbert)
- Adrian Ossi - "The Roman Honorific Arches of Pisidian Antioch: Reconstruction and Contextualization" - Advised by E. Gazda
University of Minnesota
- Paul Lesperance - “Symbols and Objects on the Sealings from Kedesh” - Advised by Andrea M. Berlin
University of Toronto
- David Cuff - "The Auxilia in Roman Britain and the Two Germanies from Augustus to Carcalla: Family, Religion, and 'Romanization'" - Advised by C. Bruun
- George Kovacs - "Iphigenia at Aulis: Myth, Performance, and Reception" - Advised by M. Revermann
- Kathryn Mattison - "Recasting Troy in Fifth-Century Attic Tragedy" - Advised by M. Revermann
- Timothy Perry - "Exile in Homeric Epic" - Advised by J. Burgess
University of Virginia
- Daniel Barber - "Speaker and Addressee in Horace's Odes" - Advised by J. Strauss Clay
- Thomas Garvey - "The Flower of Youth: Coming of Age in Homer" - Advised by J. Strauss Clay
Yale University
- Ornella Rossi - "Letters from Far Away: Ancient Epistolary Travel Writing and the Case of Cicero's Correspondence" - Advised by C.S. Kraus
- Tristan Taylor - "The Usurpation in the Roman Empire 68-305 C.E." - Advised by J.F. Matthews
- Katherine Wasdin - "The Reluctant Bride: Greek and Roman Wedding Poems" - Advised by K. Freudenburg and C.O. Pache
In-Progress (2012-13 Archive from Newsletters)
Boston University
- Emily Austin - "Weeping and Longing in Homer's Iliad" - Advised by S. Scully
- Dustin Dixon - "Mythopoeia in Greek Comedy" - Advised by J. Henderson
- Sophie Klein - "Theatrical and Social Performance in Horace" - Advised by P. Johnson
- Michael Wheeler - "Reconciling Catullan INvective, Meter and Audience Expectations" - Advised by P. Johnson
Brown University (Classics)
- Barbara Blythe - "Petronius' Satyrica: A Novel of Mystic Initiation" - Advised by J. Bodel
- Heidi Broome-Rains - "Greek Tragedy and Its Byzantine Tradition" - Advised by D. Konstan
- Scott DiGiulio - "Aulus Gellius, the Noctes Atticae, and the Literary Logic of the Miscellany in the Roman Empire" - Advised by J. Bodel
- Christopher Geadrities - "Einhard's Vita Karoli Magni: Text, Translation, and Commentary" - Advised by J. Pucci
- Timothy Haase - "Advised by Watching Satire Unravel: Satirical Mechanics in Juvenal" - Advised by J. Bodel
- Karen Jones - "Raised Voices: Roman Literary Ghosts of the First Century C.E." - Advised by J. Bodel
- Adrianne LaFrance - "Literary Criticism in the Evolution of Greek Bucolic Poetry" - Advised by J. Reed
- Byron MacDougall - "Gregory of Nazianzus and Festival Rhetoric" - Advised by S. Papaioannou
- Anne McDonald - Inquiry and Identity in Plutarch's Platonic Dialogues" - Advised by S. Papaioannou
- Joseph McDonald - "Bad Religion: Conceptualizing Sacrilege in Ancient Greece" - Advised by A. Scafuro
- Mitchell Parks - "City of Praise: The Politics of Encomium in Fourth-Century Athens" - Advised by A. Scafuro
- Anne Rabe - "Breaking the Man: The Development of ad hominem Violent Language at Rome" - Advised by J. Bodel
- Wendy Teo - "The Pain is the Pleasure: Tragedy's Paradoxical Appeal" - Advised by D. Boedeker
- Matthew Wellenbach - "Greek Choral Poetry in the 5th Century" - Advised by J. Hanink
- Jennifer Yates - "Tragedy and the Ancient Novels" - Advised by D. Konstan
Brown University (Ancient History)
- Bryan Brinkman - "Popular Expression and Imperial Control: Acclamation in the Roman Empire" - Advised by J. Bodel
Catholic University of America
- Edward Arthur Naumann - "Augustine the Pastor and the Judgement of God" - Advised by P. Rousseau
City University of New York - Graduate Center
- Timothy Hanford - "Nec una nox est: Multiple Negation in Senecan Tragedy" - Advised by R. Ancona
- Cameron Pearson - "The Social, Religious, and Poetic Contexts of Archaic Sepulchral Epigrams from Attica" - Advised by J. Lidov
- Alissa Vaillencourt - "Leonidas of Tarentum: A Wandering Poet in the Tradition of Greek Literature" - Advised by D. Clayman
- Maura Williams - "Homeric Diction in Posidippus" - Advised by D. Clayman
Florida State University
- Charles E. Blume - "The Farm and Its Poetic Landscapes in Hesiod, Theocritus, Virgil and Horace" - Advised by Francis Cairns
- Stephen Collins-Elliott - "Roman Consumption, 200 BCE-20 CE" - Advised by Nancy de Grummond
- Hillary Conley - "Black-Gloss Ceramics from Monte Pallano and the Implications for the Economy and IDentity of the Inhabitants of Samnium" - Advised by Nancy de Grummond
- Charles Harper - "Laboring with the Economics of Mycenaean Architecture" - Advised by Daniel Pullen
- Robert Hendrick - "Seeing the Unseeable: Enargia in Hellenistic Philosophy and Latin Epic" - Advised by Svetla Slaveva-Griffin and Tim Stover
- Kyle Jazwa - "A Reassessment of Mycenaean Identity and the Evidence for Social Group Integration in Architecture and the Conceptualization of Space" - Advised by Daniel Pullen
- McKenzie Lewis - "Roman Colonization and Networks of Transformations in Northern Etruria during the First Century BCE" - Advised by Nancy de Grummond
- Donna M. Nagle - "A Space Syntax Analysis of Mycenaean Buildings and Settlements" - Advised by Daniel Pullen
- Kevin M. Oliver - "The Epic Hero in Apollonius Rhodius and Valerius Flaccus" - Advised by Francis Cairns
- Debra A. Trusty - "Pots in the Periphery: Ceramic Analysis of Mycenaean Cooking Vessels and their Implications for Early State Economies" - Advised by Daniel Pullen
Indiana University
- Charles Nick. Aull - "Imperial Power and Legitimacy in the Roman West under the Reign of Valentinian I, 364-375 CE" - Advised by Edward Jay Watts
- Laura Leola Brant - "Apuleian Women and Genre Conventions" - Advised by Eleanor Winsor Leach
- Kenneth Merton Draper - "Non-lyric Voices in Horace's Odes" - Advised by Eleanor Winsor Leach
- Alan Christopher Fleming - "Slavery in Seneca: Institution and Metaphor" - Advised by Eleanor Winsor Leach
- Michael Salvator Vasta - "The Crisis of Exemplarity and the Role of History in Sallust" - Advised by Eleanor Winsor Leach
Johns Hopkins University
- Elisabeth Schwinge - "The Memory of Names: Roman Victory Cognomina and Familial Commemoration" - Advised by Matthew Roller
- Laura Garofalo - "Reconstructed Pasts and Retrospective Styles in Flavian Rome" - Advised by Matthew Roller
New York University
- George Baroud - "Language and Power in the Annals of Tacitus" - Advised by David Levene
- Maria Fernanda Crespo - "Julius Caesar: A New Account of Power" - Advised by David Levene
- Daniel Hoyer - "Buying a Province, Building an Empire: Money and Markets in Roman Africa from Augustus to Aurelian" - Advised by Andrew Monson
- Inger Neeltje Irene Kuin - "Playful Piety: Religion, Humor and Audience in Lucian" - Advised by Raffaella Cribiore
- Jay Mueller - "Literary Midwifery before Plato: Case Studies in Indirect Communication" - Advised by Phil Mitsis
- Nathalie Sado Nisinson - "Greek Heroes, Roman Rituals: Cult and Culture Class in Ovid's Heroides" - Advised by David Levene
- Melanie Subacus - "Political Cosmopolitanism at Rome" - Advised by Joy Connolly
- Brett L. Wisniewski - "Spell Casting in Augustan Poetry: Magic and Discourses of Power" - Advised by Adam Becker
The Ohio State University
- Hanne Eisenfeld - "Only Mostly Dead: Immortality and Related States in Pindar's Victory Odes" - Advised by Sarah Iles Johnston
- Samuel Ortencio Flores - "The Roles of Solon in Plato's Dialogues" - Advised by Bruce Heiden
- Corey Hackworth - "And they Sang All Day: (Re)Reading the Delphic Hymns to Apollo in Context" - Advised by Fritz Graf
- Craig Jendza - "Euripidean Paracomedy" - Advised by Tom Hawkins
- John Richards - "The Reception of Thucydides in the Circle of Philip Melanchthon" - Advised by Frank Coulson
- Mark Wright - "Triumviral Satire: A Study of the Roman Discourse of Exemplarity in Horace Sermones I" - Advised by William W. Batstone
- Gabriel Fuchs - "Renaissance Receptions of Ovid's Poetry from Exile" - Advised by Frank T. Coulson
Princeton University
- Virginia Clark - "Landscape and Narrative in Livy" - Advised by Andrew Feldherr
- Madeleine Jones - "Seneca and the Environment" - Advised by Andrew Feldherr
- Dawn LaValle - "Thecla the Sophist: Methodius of Olympus's Symposium and its Literary Context" - Advised by Constantine Güthenke
- Thomas Miller - "What Clemobrotus Fell For: Plato on the Immortaltiy of the Soul" - Advised by Christian Wildberg
- Samuel Galson - "Metamorphoses and Natural Science" - Advised by Andrew Feldherr
Rutgers University
- Andriy Fomin - "How Dio Wrote History: Dio Cassius' Intellectual, Historical and Literary Techniques" - Advised by Sarolta A. Takacs
- Lyndy Danvers - "The Ties that Bind: Pseudo-Vergilian Poems in Antiquity" - Advised by Serena Connolly
- Katheryn E. Whitcomb - "Augustus the Immortal Savior: The Emperor as a Means of Negotiation in Early Eastern Christian Communities" - Advised by Serena Connolly
Stanford University
- James Kierstead - "Social Capital in Democratic Athens" - Advised by Josiah Ober
- Foivos Karachalios - "The Politics of Judgement: Dispute Resolution and State Formation in Archaic Greece" - Advised by Richard Martin and Josiah Ober
- Sarah Murray - "Trade, Imports & Society in Early Greece (1400-700 BCE)" - Advised by Ian Morris
- Katharine Kreindler - "The Economics of Orientalization: Trade Networks between Magna Graecia and Central Italy" - Advised by Ian Morris
- Donni Wang - "Contested Boundaries: The Making of Fifth-Century Athens" - Advised by Ian Morris
University of Calgary
- Riccardo Bertolazzi - "The Women of the Domus Augusta from the Severian Age until the Advent of the Tetrarchy" - Advised by H. Sigismund Nilesen
- Lesley Bolton - "Muscio's Gynaecia: A Translation and Commentary" - Advised by H. Sigismund Nielsen
- Ranta Chatterjee - "Liminality and Ambiguity in Homeric and Indic Epics" - Advised by R. Bertolín Cebrián
- Megan Falconer - "Persian Gold: Achaemenid Intervention in Greek Politics" - Advised by W. Heckel
- Bryan Natali - "Pietas and the Roman State from 70-30 BCE: Politics, Patria and Populus" - Advised by H. Sigismund Nielsen
- Lindsay Penner - "The Family Dynamics of the Julio-claudian Households" - Advised by H. Sigismund Nielsen
- Alison Waters - "The Ideal of Lucretia in Augustan Latin Poetry" - Advised by P. Toohey
- Carolyn Willekes - "From Steppe to Stable: Horses and Horsemanship in the Ancient World" - Advised by W. Heckel
University of California, Irvine
- Jeffrey Feland - "Juvenal and the Borders of Mortality" - Advised by J. Porter
- Aleah Hernandez - "The Beautiful Grotesque: Depictions of Violence in Homer and Greek Tragedy" - Advised by J. Porter
University of Chicago
- Megan Nutzman - "A Hotbed of Healing: Ritual Cures in Roman and Late Antique Palestine" - Advised by C. Faraone
- Bart van Wassenhove - "Emotion and Admonition in Seneca's Philosophical Works" - Advised by S. Bartsch
University of Cincinnati
- Catherine Baker - "Landscapes of Middle Republic: Roman Imperialism and the Integration of Central Italy" - Advised by S. Ellis
- Flint Dibble - "From Livestock to Lifestyle: The Longue Duree of Human-Animal Interaction in Ancient Geece (1400-1200 B. C.)" - Advised by K . Lynch
- Kristina Neumann - "Antioch in Four Dimensions : Mapping Exchange in the Roman Empire" - Advised by P. van Minnen
- John Ryan - "The ANcient Reception of Aratus' Phaenomena" - Advised by K. Gutzwiller
- Whitney Snead - "Netowkrs among Greek Settlements on the Euxine" - Advised by P. van Minnen
- Jesse Tanguchi "The Degeneration of Democracy into Tyranny in Plato's Political Thought" - Advised by S. Prince
- William Weir - "Ceramics and Socal Practice. Drinking and dinging in the Lower Kouris River Valley" - Advised by E. Hatzak
University of Florida
- Adina Stone - "Impluvia in Pompeian Homes" - Advised by M.A. Eaverly and R. Wagman
- Jeff Yeakel - "Civil Wars, Revolt and Insurgencies in the Ancient Greek World" - Advised by A. Wolpert
- Seth Boutin - "Methods of Misdirection in the Attic Orators" - Advised by G. Van Steen
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Daniel Abosso - "A Literary and Exegetical Commentary on Book III of Claudius Marius Victorius' Alethia" - Advised by D. Shanzer
- Angela Kinney - "The Personification of Divine Rumor: The Physical Characteristics and Reception of Divine Mass Communication" - Advised by D. Shanzer
- Ryan McConnell - "Following the Money on Late Antique Egyptian Estates" - Advised by M. Parca
- Amy Oh - "Jerome, Vigilatius, and Religious Debate" - Advised by D. Shanzer
- Sergio Yona - "The Psychology of Satire: Philodemean Ethics in Horace's Sermones" - Advised by A. Agoustakis
University of Michigan (Kelsey Museum)
- Laura Banducci - "Foodways and Cultural Identity in Roman Republican Italy" - Advised by Nicola Terrenato
- Angela Commito - "Environmental Change and the End of Antiquity in Asia Minor" - Advised by Christopher Ratté
- Jason Farr - "Lapis Gabinus: The Quarries at Gabii and the Roman tufo Industry" - Advised by Nicola Terrenato
- Nicole High-Steskal - "Domesticating Spectacle in the Roman Empire: Representations of Public Entertainment in Private" - Advised by Elaine Gazda
- Katharine Larson - "Crafting the Hellenistic World: Technology and Innovation in Hellenistic Glass Production"
- Charlotte Maxwell-Jones - "Ceramics of Bactra, 500 BCE-500 CE, Typology, Chronology, and Exchange" - Advised by Sharon Herbert
- Lynley McAlpine - "Marble, Memory and Meaning in the Four Pompeian Styles of Wall Painting" - Advised by Elaine Gazda
- Neville McFerrin - "Obscured Meanings: Privilege and Viewing in the Pompeian House" - Advised by Elaine Gazda
- Marcello Mogetta - "The Origins of Concrete in Rome and Pompeii" - Advised by Nicola Terrenato
- Emma Sachs - "Stylistic Illusions in Campanian Wall Painting" - Advised by Elaine Gazda
- Emily Holt - "Economy and Environment in Complex Societies: A Case Study from Bronze Age Sardinia" - Advised by John O'Shea & Sharon Herbert
- Henry Colburn - "The Sixth Satrapy: Archaeology of Empire in Achaemenid Egypt" - Advised by Margaret Root
- Thomas Landvatter - "Identity, Burial Practices, and Social Change in Graeco-Roman Egypt" - Advised by Terry Wilfong & Sharon Herbert
University of Michigan (Classical Studies)
- Kate Allen - "Malo quam bene olere nil olere: Odor in Roman Thought and Literature" - Advised by Ruth Caston
- Clara Bosak-Schroeder - "Alternative Ecologies: Ethnography and the Natural World in Classical Literature" - Advised by Francesca Schironi
- Ellen Cole - "Lethaeus Armor: Love and Memory in Latin Elegiac Poetry" - Advised by Basil Dufallo
- Harriet Fertik - "Publicity, Privacy, and Power in Neronian Rome" - Advised by David S. Potter
- Nicholas Geller - "Roman Architecture: The Idea of the Monument in the Poetic Reimaginination of the Augustan Age" - Advised by Basil Dufallo
- Matthew Newman - "The Ruins of Heaven: Linguistic and Poetic Indices of Cosmic Instability in Ancient Mediterranean Myth and Thought" - Advised by Richard Janko
- Nicholas Rupert - "The Evolution of a Poet: Statius' Achilleid and the Poetics of Self-Reception" - Advised by Paolo Asso and Kathleen Coleman
- Bram ten Berge - "Tacitus on Principate and Empire: From Agricola to Annals" - Advised by David S. Potter
University of Michigan (Interdepartmental Program in Greek and Roman History)
- W. Graham Claytor - "Karanis: Leadership and Community in an Egyptian Village of the Roman Empire" - Advised by Ian Moyer
- Jonathan McLaughlin - "The Transformation of the Roman Auxiliary Soldier in Thought and Practice, 1st C. CE to 4th C. CE" - Advised by David S. Potter
University of Minnesota
- Betsy Warner - "Poems from the Edge: The Goddess, the Shepherd, and the Liminal in Greek, Roman, and Near Eastern Literature, Cult, and Myth" - Advised by Philip Sellew
- Don Burrows - "Sex, Lies, and Visual Aids: The Art of Deception in the Ancient Novel" - Advised by Nita Krevans
- Christine Lechelt - "Allusions of Grandeur: Gigantomachy, Callimachean Poetics, and Literary Filiation" - Advised by Chris Nappa and Nita Krevans
- Rachael Cullick - "Maxima Furiarum: The Female Demonic in Latin Epic" - Advised by Chris Nappa
- Anna Everett Beek - "Always Look on the Bright Side of Death: Violence, Death, and Deification in Ovid's Fasti" - Advised by Chris Nappa
- Courtney Friesen - "Reading Dionysus: Euripides' Bacchae among Jews and Christians in the Greco-Roman World" - Advised by Philip Sellew
- Cynthia Hornbeck - "Changed Forms and Meandertales: Ovid's Metamorphoses and James Joyce's Finnegans Wake" - Advised by Nita Krevans
- Andrew Willey - "Discovering a Higher Law: Cicero's Creation of a Roman Constitution" - Advised by Spencer Cole and George Sheets
University of Missouri
- Kate Livingston -"'Not on Land, But in the Sea...': A New Evaluation of Structure in Hellenistic Shipwreck Epigrams" - Advised by Anatole Mori
- Mara Silvia Sarais - "Seneca's Tragic Songs: A Study of the Choral Odes in the Medea and Oedipus" - Advised by Dan Hooley
- Pierce Wade - "English Lucretianisms: Lucretian Reception in Nineteenth Century England" - Advised by Dan Hooley
- Sterling Garnett - "The Young and the Wretched: Elegiac Love and Despair Reconsidered" - Advised by Dan Hooley
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Patrick Dombrowski - "Magic and Superstition as Popular Religion in the Roman World" - Advised by James Rives
- Mary McElwee Draper - "Gnomic Expressions in the Epinician Poetry of Pindar" - Advised by W. H. Race
- John Elias Esposito - "Hetaireia from Homer to Alexander the Great" - Advised by Fred Naiden
- Sarah Miller Esposito - "Aitiai and Etiology in Herodotus' Histories" - Advised by Emily Baragwanath
- Erin E. Galligan - "Early Helladic Decorated Ceramic Hearths" - Advised by Donald C. Haggis
- Hans Jorgen Hansen - "A Commentary on Pindar's Fifth and Sixth Isthmian Odes" - Advised by William H. Race
- Robyn Le Blanc - "Power, Architecture and Identity in Late Hellenistic and Early Roman Levantine Cities" - Advised by Monika Truemper
- Elizabeth C. Robinson - "The Impact of Roman Expansion in Central-Southern Italy: The Case of Larinum" - Advised by Nicola Terrenato
- Erika L. Weiberg - "The Trauma at Home: Wives of Returning Veterans on the Attic Stage" - Advised by William Race
- Serena Witzke - "The Influence of Greek and Roman New Comedy on Oscar Wilde's Society Plays" - Advised by Sharon James
- Rebecca Worsham - "Middle Helladic Domestic Architecture, Settlements, and Social Complexity" - Advised by Donald Haggis
University of Toronto
- John Abad - "Religion and Identity in Roman North Africa: The Apologetics of Tertullian" - Advised by Andreas Bendlin
- Emilia Barbiero - "Letters in Plautus" - Advised by Regina Höschele
- Adriana Carter - "Ritual in Sophocles" - Advised by Victoria Wohl
- Vichi Ciocani - "Inventing Virginity: Bodily and Generic Boundaries in the Ancient Novel" - Advised by Hugh Mason
- Jody Cundy - "Theas Axion: Wonder, Place, and Space in Pausanias' Periegesis" - Advised by Jonathan Burgess
- Patrick L. Hadley - "Athens in Rome, Rome in Germany: Nicodemus Frischlin's 1586 Translations of Aristophanes" - Advised by Martin Revermann
- Jessica Higgins - "The Walking Journey in Archaic and Hellenistic Epic" - Advised by Jonathan Burgess
- Cara Jordan - "Voicing Power through the Other: Elite Appropriations of Fable in the 1st-3rd Centuries" - Advised by Hugh Mason
- Yuriy Lozynsky - "Hymns at Work: Greek Hymnography in Cult Contexts" - Advised by Martin Revermann
- Robert McCutcheon - "The Archaeology of Cicero's Letters: A Study in Late Republican Textual Culture" - Advised by Erik Gunderson
- Miranda Robinson - "Aurality: Hearing in the Tragedies of Sophocles" - Advised by Victoria Wohl
- Lee Sawchuk - "The Tragic Chorus: Actors, Singers, Community" - Advised by Victoria Wohl
- Eirene Seiradaki - "Achilles, Regifting, and (Im)mortality" - Advised by Jonathan Burgess
University of Virginia
- Daniel Walker Moore - "Progress, Learning, and the Benefit of History in Polybius" - Advised by John Dillery
- Harold S. Reeves - "Suetonius the Peripatetic: The Greek Intellectual Origins of the Lives of the Twelve Caesars" - Advised by Anthony Woodman
- Blanche Conger - "Horace's Mythological Lexicon: Recurring Myths and Meaning in the Odes" - Advised by Jenny Clay
- Christopher Caterin - "The Poetics of Anxiety in Lucan's Bellum Civile" - Advised by Gregory Hays
- David Hewett - "The First-Person Narratives in Seneca's Epistles" - Advised by Gregory Hays
- Courtney Evans - "Time in the Odes of Horace" - Advised by Jenny Clay
- Benjamin Jasnow - "What the Shepherds Sing: Popular Culture and Local Identity in the Bucolic Idylls of Theocritus" - Advised by Jenny Clay
Completed (2012-13 Archive from Newsletters)
Boston University
- Joe Diluzio - "Rhetoric and Popular Power in Cicero's Early Speeches" - Advised by A. Vasaly
- Seth Holm - "Honeyed Cups: Latent Didacticism in Lucretius' De Rerum Natura" - Advised by S. Scully
- Michael Vincze - "Dying to Know: Five Stories on Death and Identity in Apuleius' Metamorphoses" - Advised by J. Henderson
Brown University
- David Berger - "Plato's Lesser Hippias: Translation and Commentary" - Advised by M. L. Gill
- Leo Landrey - "Valerius Flaccus' Roman Epic" - Advised by J. Reed
- Robin McGill - "Aligning Myths and Experience: The Sanctification of Time in Early Christian Latin Hymns" - Advised by J. Pucci
Bryn Mawr College (Archaeology, Classics and History of Art)
- Jessica Sisk - "Female Friendships in Greco-Roman Antiquity" - Advised by R. Scott
Bryn Mawr College (Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology)
- Andrea Guzzetti - "A Walk through the Past: Toward a Study of Archaeological Museums in Italy, Greece, and Israel" - Advised by A.A. Donohue
- Catherine W. Person - "Household Shrines and Cults in Roman Achaia: A New Approach to Examining Cultural Change under the Roman Empire" - Advised by A. Lindenlauf and R. Scott
- Laura Elizabeth Surtees - "On the Surface of a Thessalian City: The Urban Survey of Kastro Kallithea Student" - Advised by A. Lindenlauf and J.C. Wright
City University of New York - The Graduate Center
- Michael Broder - "Mensura Incognita: Queer Kinship, Camp Aesthetics, and Juvenal's Ninth Satire" - Advised by C. Williams
- Hannah Lansky - "Plutarch's Fortune: A Close Reading" - Advised by P. Simpson
- Paul McBreen - Ktiseis/Aitia in Various Ancient Greek Prose Authors" - Advised by J. Stern
Florida State University
- Thomas R. Henderson II - "A History of the Athenian Ephebeia, 335-88 B.C." - Advised by James P. Sickinger
- Sara Watkins - "Lucan 'Transforms' Ovid: Intertextual Studies in the Bellum Civile and the Metamorphoses" - Advised by Laurel Fulkerson
Harvard University
- Robert Cioffi - "Imaginary Lands: Ethnicity, Exoticism, and Narrative in the Ancient Novel" - Advised by Albert Henrichs
- Lauren Curtis - "On with the Dance! Imagining the Chorus in Augustan Poetry" - Advised by Richard Tarrant
- Tiziana D'Angelo - "Painting Death with the Colors of Life: Funerary Wall Painting in South Italy (IV-II BCE)" - Advised by Adrian Staehli
- Andrew Johnston - "The Sons of Remus: memory, community, and the construction of local identity in Roman Gaul and Spain" - Advised by Emma Dench
- Duncan MacRae - "Books of Numa: Antiquarianism, writing and the making of Roman religion" - Advised by Emma Dench
- Christopher Parrott - "The Geography of the Roman World in Statius' Silvae" - Advised by Kathleen Coleman
- Richard Short - "Religion in Cicero" - Advised by Kathleen Coleman
- Yvona Trnka-Amrhein - "A Study of The Sesonchosis Novel" - Advised by Albert Henrichs
Johns Hopkins University
- Angeliki Kokkinou - "Poseidon in Attika: Cults and Iconography (c.a. 510-300 B.C.E.)" - Advised by Alan Shapiro
- Benjamin Perriello - "Wrestling with Hermes, Heracles, and Eros: Social Tensions and Cult in the Gymnasium of Fourth-Century Athens" - Advised by Silvia Montiglio
- Allison Surtees - "The Pouring Satyr: Copies and Context in Greece and Rome" - Advised by Alan Shapiro
- Monica Signoretti - "The Language of Sacrifice: On the Verbal Dimensions of Sacrificial Ritual in Ancient Greece" - Advised by Alan Shapiro
New York University
- Kyle Patrick Johnson - "Communicating Power in Caesar's Commentaries" - Advised by Joy Connolly
- Amit Shilo - "The Tablet-Writing Mind of Hades: Poetics of the Afterlife in the Oresteia" - Advised by Philip Mitsis
The Ohio State Univeristy
- Benjamin McCloskey - "Xenophon's Kyrou Amathia: Deceitful Narrative and the Birth of Tyranny" - Advised by Anthony Kaldellis
- Maxwell Teitel Paule - "Canidia: A Literary Analysis of Horace's Witch" - Advised by Fritz Graf
Princeton University
- Rosa Andújar - "The Chorus in Dialogue: Reading Lyric Exchanges in Greek Tragedy" - Advised by Andrew Ford
- Meghan DiLuzio - "Female Religious Officials in Republican Rome" - Advised by Harriet Flower
- Brigitte Libby - "Telling Troy: The Narrative Functions of Troy in Roman Poetry" - Advised by Denis Feeney
- Anna Uhlig - "Script and Song in Pindar and Aeschylus" - Advised by Andrew Ford
- Jennifer Mann - "The Moral Psychology of Sincerity in Fifth-Century Athens" - Advised by Andrew Ford
- John A. Tully - "Networks, Hegemony, and Multipolarity in the Hellenistic Cyclades" - Advised by Marc Domingo Gygax
- Rose MacLean - "Cultural Exchange in Roman Society: Freed Slaves and Social Values" - Advised by Brent Shaw
- Adam Gitner - "Horace and the Greek Language: Aspects of Literary Bilingualism" - Advised by Joshua Katz
- Aikaterini Tsolakidou - "The Helix of Dionysus: Musical Imagery in Later Euripidean Drama" - Advised by Andrew Ford
Rutgers University
- Lisa Whitlatch - "The Hunt for Knowledge: Hunting in Latin Didactic Poetry" - Advised by Leah Kronenberg
Stanford University
- Alexander Duncan - "Tragic Ugliness: The Interplay of Genre and Aesthetics in Greek Drama" - Advised by Anastasia-Erasmia Peponi and Richard Martin
- Nicholas Boterf - "Poet, Performance, and Community" - Advised by Anastasia-Erasmia Peponi and Richard Martin
- Elizabeth Jones - "Lyric Physicality: Bodies and Objects in Archaic Greek Lyric Poetry" - Advised by Anastasia-Erasmia Peponi
- Matthew Simonton - "The Rules of the Few: Institutions and the Struggle for POlitical Order in Classical Greek Oligarchies" - Advised by Josiah Ober
- Sarah Janda - "Not Written in Stone: Martial and the Epigrammatic Reader" - Advised by Grant Parker
- Juan Sebastian De Vivo - "The Memory of Greek Battle: Warfare, Identity and Materiality" - Advised by Michael Shanks
University at Buffalo SUNY
- Benjamin Costello - "An Analysis of the Architecture and Material Culture from the Earthquake House at Kourion, Cyprus"
- William Duffy - "Legacies of an Imaginary People: The Phaecians after Homer"
- Scott Gallimore - "An Island Economy: Ierapetra and Crete in the Roman Economy"
- Adam Hyatt - "From Taras to Tarentum: The Evolution of a Greek City in Roman Italy"
- Matt Notarian - "Civic Transformation in Early Imperial Latium: An Archaeological and Social History of Praeneste, Tibur, and Tusculum"
- Panagiota A. Pantou - "Mycenaean Society Outside the Palaces: A Study of Late Helladic IIB-IIIB1 Corridor Buildings"
University of Calgary
- Crystal Dean - "Roman Women Authors: Authorship, Agency and Authority" - Advised by J. Vanderspoel
- Graham Wrightson - "Greek and Near Eastern Warfare 3000 to 301: The Development and Perfection of Combined Arms" - Advised by W. Heckel
University of California, Irvine
- Clinton J. Armstrong - "Ovid's Catalogue Tradition and Poetic Debate" - Advised by A. Zissos
- Kourtney Murray - "An Enduring Message: Plato, Alcidamas, and the Medium of Writing" - P. DuBois
University of Chicago
- Paul Keen - "Land of Experiment: The Ptolemies and the Development of Hellenistic Cyprus, 312-58 BCE" - Advised by A. Bresson
- Thomas Keith - "Blood, Toil, Tearless Sweat: Sparta in Philosophical Thought of the Late Republic and Early Empire" - Advised by C. Ando and E. Asmis
- Rana Leibert - "Hunger for tears: Archaic Poetics and Plato's Critique of Poetic Pleasures" - Advised by M. Payne
- Kate Milco - "Perpetua's Two Audiences: The Passio as a Sacred Performance" - Advised by C. Ando
University of Cincinnati
- Jody Gordon - "Between Alexandra and Rome: A Postcolonial Archaeology of Cultural Identity in Hellenistic and Roman Cyprus" - Advised by K. Lynch
- Marcie Handler - "Crafting Matters: A Coroplastic Workshop in Roman Athens" - Advised by J. Davis
- Lynne Kyapil - "The Agricultural Terraces of Korphos-Kalamianos: A Case Study of the Dynamic Relationship Between Land Use and Socio-Political Organizations in Prehistoric Greece" - Advised by J. Davis
- Allison Sterrett-Krause - "The Impacts of Private Donations on the Civic Landscapes of Roman Africa Proconsularis" - Advised by S. Ellis
- Peter Stone - "'Provincial' Perspectives: The Persians, Ptolemaic, and Seleucid Administrative Center at Tel Kedesh, Israel, in a Regional Context" - Advised by K. Lynch
University of Florida
- Catherine Dunar - "Images of the Tiber Island: Art and Archaeology. A Catalog of Artists and Cartographers from the 14th through the 20th. Century" - Advised by R. Wagman
- Robert Brewer - "Epic vs. Elegaic Identity: A New Model for Roman Leadership in Ovid's Fasti" - Advised by J. Rea
- Brenda Fields - "Fear Mongering in Late Republican Rome, 88-28 BCE" - Advised by V. Pagán
- Megan M. Daly - "Tacitus' Germanicus and the Commanders of Germania" - Advised by V. Pagán
- Thomas George Hendren - "Ovid, Augustus, and the Exilic Journey in the Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto" - Advised by J. Rea
- Michael Ritter - "Historicizing Satire: A Vengance Deferred" - Advised by T. Johnson
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Alison Lanski - "Emissaries in the Narrative of Herodotus" - Advised by D. Sansone
University of Michigan (Kelsey Museum)
- Karen Laurence - "Roman Infrastructural Changes to Greek Sanctuaries and Games: Panhellenism in the Roman Empire, Formations of New Identities" - Advised by Sharon Herbert
- Leah Long - "Urbanism, Art and Economy: The Marble Quarrying Industries of Aphrodisias and Roman Asia Minor" - Advised by Christopher Ratté
University of Michigan (Classical Studies)
- Cassandra Borges - "The Geography of the Iliad in Ancient Scholarship" - Advised by Richard Janko
- Joseph Groves - "Ethics and Imperialism in Livy" - Advised by David S. Potter
- Katherine Lu - "Heracles and Heroic Disaster" - Advised by Ruth Scodel
- Jonathan Rowland - "Footnotes to Sappho: An Examination of the Female Poets of Greece" - Advised by Ruth Scodel
- Rebecca Sears - "The Practical Muse: Reconstructing the Contexts of a Greek Musical Papyrus" - Advised by Arthur Verhoogt
- Shonda Tohm - "Contesting Masculinity: Locating the Male Body in Roman Elegy" - Advised by Ruth Caston and Basil Dufallo
University of Michigan (Interdepartmental Program in Greek and Roman History)
- Claudia Arno - "Going Native: How Romans Became 'Roman' in an Expanding World" - Advised by David Potter
- Alexander Conison - "The Organization of Rome's Wine Trade" - Advised by Bruce Frier
- Jennifer Finn - "Alexander the Great: Forming Political Identity in a Multicultural Empire" - Advised by David S. Potter and Margaret Root
- Jared Secord - "Elites and Outsiders: The Greek-Speaking Scholars of Rome, 100 BCE - 200 CE" - Advised by David S. Potter and Raymond Van Dam
University of Minnesota
- M. Christine Marquis - "Reading Aeneas and Dido: Suggestion and INference in Aeneid 1-4" - Advised by Christopher Nappa
- Martin Wells - "A Cosmopolitan Village: The Hellenistic Settlement at Gordion" - Advised by Andrea Berlin
- Michael Wise - "Language and Literacy in Roman Judaea: A Study of the Bar Kokhba Documents" - Advised by George Sheets
- Heather Woods - "Hunting Literary Legacies: Captatio in Roman Satire" - Advised by Christopher Nappa
- Courtney Jade Friesen - “Reading Dionysus: Euripides' Bacchae among Jews and Christians in the Greco-Roman World” - Advised by Melissa Harl Sellew
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- T. H. M. Gellar-Goad - "Lucretius' De Rerum Natura and Satire" - Advised by James O'Hara
- D. C. Anderson Wiltshire - "'Hopeful Joy': A Study of Laetus in Vergil's Aeneid" - Advised by James O'Hara
- Elizabeth Wolfram Thill - "Cultural Constructions: Depictions of Architecture in Roman State Reliefs" - Advised by Monika Truemper
University of Toronto
- Jaclyn I. Neel - "Creative History, Political Reality: Imagining Monarchy in the Roman Republic" - Advised by Andreas Bendlin
- James M. Lynd - "Aspects of Evil in Seneca's Tragedies" - Advised by Alison Keith
- Laura E. Mawhinney - "Sympotic and Rhapsodic Discourse in the Homeric Epics" - Advised by Jonathan Burgess
- Chris R. Wallace - "The Evolution of the Hellenistic Polis: Case Studies in Politics and Political Culture" - Advised by Ephriam Lytle
- Sarah L. McCallum - "Taking Love Seriously: Amor and Erotic Elegy in Vergil's 'Italian Iliad'" - Advised by Alison Keith
- Emily R. Fletcher - "Plato on Pleasure, Intelligence and the Human Good: An interpretation of the Philebus" - Advised by Rachel Barney
- Melanie Racette-Campbell - "The Construction of Masculinity in Propertius" - Advised by Alison Keith
- Mariapia Pietropaolo - "The Elegiac Grotesque" - Advised by Alison Keith
University of Virginia
- Daniel Leon - "Arrian, Alexander, and the Limits of the Second Sophistic" - Advised by John Dillery
- Georgia Sermamoglou-Soulmaidi - "Playful Philosophy and Serious Sophistry: Reversals in Plato's 'Euthydemus'" - Advised by Jenny Clay
- Andrew Beer - "Socrates and the Art of Healing Souls: A Study in Socratic Rhetoric" - Advised by Jon Mikalson
- Rachel Bruzzone - "Cities as Characters in Thucydides" - Advised by John Dillery
- Anne Wadlow Drogula - "The Love of His Life: The Programmatic Recurrence of the God Cupid in Ovid" - Advised by John Miller
In-Progress (2014 Archive from Newsletters)
Boston University
- Laurie Hutcheson - "Repeated Speech in the Iliad" - Advised by S. Scully
- Michael Wheeler - "Reconciling Catullan Invective, Meter, and Audience Expectations" - Advised by P. Johnson
- Rebekah Wysocki - "Death, Chaos and the Underworld in Lucan's Pharsalia" - Advised by P. Johnson
- Deana Zeigler - "Death, Kore, and Succession Myths: The Homeric Hymn to Demeter" - Advised by S. Scully
Bryn Mawr College (Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology)
- Margaret Beeler - "Seals and Sealings of the Early Bronze Age of Greece: Political Economy and Social Practice" - Advised by J. Wright
- Clay M. Cofer - "Grafting as Metaphor in Art, Literature, and Roman Empire-Building in the First Century B.C." - Advised by A.A. Donohue
- Lauren Crampton - "Roman Mythological Landscape Painting" - Advised by A.A. Donohue
- Ali Emre Kuruçayirli - "Copper and Bronze Artifacts from Selected Sites in Cilicia" - Advised by P. Magee and J. Wright
- Emily N. Moore - "Roman Representations of Northern Barbarians" - Advised by A.A. Donohue
- Hollister Pritchett - "Representations of Children and Stages of Childhood in Athenian Art from the Late Sixth to Early Fourth Century B.C.E." - Advised by A. Lindenlauf
- Danielle Smotherman - "Decoding Meaning: Understanding Communication in Athenian Vase-Painting of the Archaic and Classical Periods" - Advised by A. Lindenlauf
- Emily Stevens - "Late Prepalatial Crete" - Advised by J. Wright
Bryn Mawr College (Department Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies)
- Diane Amoroso-O'Connor - "Not Bread Alone: The Ancillary Trade of the Cura Annona" - Advised by D. Scott
- Lee Burnett - "The Neronian Grotesque: Satire in the Age of Nero" - Advised by C. Conybeare
- Jennifer Hoit - "History before History: Historical Memory and the Greek Poetic Tradition" - Advised by R. Edmonds III
- Sara Sieteski - "The Offensive and Defensive Role of Outlying Fort and Town Settlements on Hadrian's Wall" - Advised by D. Scott
- Abbe Walker - "From Bride of Hades to Bride of Christ: Metaphor and Symbol in the Lives and Deaths of Unmarried Women in Greece and Christian Rome" - Advised by R. Edmonds III
- Edward Whitehouse - "Σοφία θεῖα and λόγοι: The Dual Objects of Gregory Nazianzen's Burning Desire" - Advised by C. Conybeare
Catholic University of America
- Lionel Yaceczko - "Ausonius of Bordeaux: Grammar, Rhetoric and the Establishment of a Christian Culture in the Late Roman West" - Advised by W. Klingshirn
City University of New York
- Michael Goyette - "Discourses of Illness in Senecan Tragedy" - Advised by C. Williams
- Timothy Hanford - "Nec Una Nox Est: Multiple Negation in Senecan Tragedy" - Advised by R. Ancona
- Cameron G. Pearson - "Alkmaionid Epigrams and the Framing of Archaic Monuments" - Advised by J. Lidov
- Jared Simard - "Classics and Rockefeller Center: John D. Rockefeller Jr. and the Use of Classicism in Public Space" - Advised by R. Ancona
- Alan Sumler - "Who Stole the Daedalean Statue?" - Advised by J. Lidov
Cornell University
- Allison C. Boex - "Hic Tacitus Lapis: Voice, Audience, and Space in Early Roman Verse-Epitaphs" - Advised by D. Mankin
Duke University
- Theodore Graham - "The Tyrant, the City and the Stage: The Shifting Depiction of Tyranny in Athenian Tragedy" - Advised by P. Burian
- Mackenzie Zalin - "Studies in Aetiology and Historical Methodology in Herodotus" - Advised by W. Johnson
Fordham University
- Patrick Burns - "Armor Belli: Elegiac Diction and the Topic of Amor in Lucan's Bellum Civile" - Advised by M. McGowan
- Patrick Callahan - "Prolegomena ad Scholia Vetera Pindarica" - Advised by J. Foster
- Matthew Keil - "Concordia as an Historiographical Principle in Sallust and St. Augustan - Advised by R. Penelia and C. Sogno
Harvard University
- Calliope Dourou - "From Byzantium to Modern Greece: Recapturing the legacy of Homer in Nikolaos Loukanes' 1526 Iliad” - Advised Panagiotis Roilos
Indiana University
- Mariah E. Smith - "Dimensions of Space and Time in the Literary Worlds of Pliny and Martial" - Advised by E. Winsor Leach
Johns Hopkins University
- Jacquelyn Clements - "Visualizing Autochthony and Identity in Late Fifthe Century BCE Athens" - Advised by A. Shapiro
- Daniel S. Houston - "Aldus Manutius and the Erotemata of Constantine Lascaris" - Advised by C. Celenza
- Nicholas Kauffman - "Rereading Death: Ethics and Aesthetics in the Ancient Reception of Homeric Battle Narrative" - Advised by S. Montiglio
McMaster University
- Amanda Hardman - "Urbanism in Asia Minor" - Advised by M. Beckman
- Jonathan Reeves - "Effects and Legacy of Peloponnesian War at Athens" - Advised by S. Corner
- Barbara Scarfo - "Roman Conception of Maternity" - Advised by M. George
- Ryan Walsh - "Greek Federal Leagues in the Late Hellenistic Age" - Advised by C. Eilers
- Patricia White - "Historiography of the Struggle of the Orders" - Advised by C. Eilers
The Ohio State University
- Michael Jean - "The Fasti in the Classroom: A Critical Edition and Study of the Glosses of Pomponius Laetus on Ovid's Fasti" - Advised by F. Coulson
- Marion Kruse - "The Politics of Roman Memory under Justinian" - Advised by A. Kaldellis
- Joseph M. Lipp - "Fires, Floods, and Races of Men: Imagining the World's Ending Archaic and Classical Greece" - Advised by C. López- Ruiz
- Adam Rappold - "A Festival Reexamined: New Perspectives on the Skira" - Advised by S. Iles Johnston
Rutgers University
- Aaron Hershkowitz - "Rise of the Demagogues: Political Leadership in Imperial Athens after the Reforms of Ephialtes" - Advised by T. Figueira
University of British Columbia
- Justin Dwyer - "Roman Comedy" - Advised by C. Marshall
- Jayne Knight - "Roman Anger in Action: Pragmatism, Performance, and Power" - Advised by S. Braund
- Andrew McClellan - "Dead and Deader: The Treatment of the Corpse in Latin Imperial Epic Poetry" - Advised by S. Braund
- Kevin Solez - "Multicultural Banqueting in the Development of Archaic Greek Society: An Investigation into Modes of Intercultural Contact" - Advised by F. De Angelis
- Tyson Sukava - "The Expanding Body: Anatomical Vocabulary and its Dissemination in Classical Athens" - Advised by C. Marshall
University of Calgary
- Riccardo Bertolazzi - "The Women of the Domus Augusta from the Severian Age until the Advent of the Tetrarchy" - Advised by H. Sigismund-Nielsen
- Lesley Bolton - "An Edition, Translation and Commentary on Mustio's Gynaecia" - Advised by H. Sigismund-Nielsen
- Megan Falconer - "Persian Gold: Achaemenid Intervention in Greek Politics" - Advised by F. Pownall and R. Bertolin Cebrian
- Amber J. Porter - "Empathy and Compassion in the Medicine and Literature of the First and Second Centuries AD" - Advised by P. Toohey
University of California, Berkeley
- Seth Estrin - "Objects of Pity: Art and Emotion in Archaic and Classical Greece, c. 520-380 BCE" - Advised by A. Stewart
- Rachel H. Lesser - "Listening for the Plot: The Role of Desire in the Iliad's Narrative" - Advised by M. Griffith
- Derin McLeod - "The Point of a Politeia: Changing Conceptions of Regimen and Regime from 500 to 350 BCE" - Advised by G. Ferrari
- Sarah Olsen - "Beyond Choreia: Solo and Individualized Dance in Ancient Greek Literature and Culture" - Advised by L. Kurke
- Rachel Preminger - "Sallustian Anxieties: the Significance and Value of Fear" - Advised by D. Sailor
- Joel Street - "Atypical Lives: Networks of Authority in Plutarch's Theseus-Romulus" - Advised by M. Griffith
- Elizabeth A. Wueste - "Politics and Religion in Late Antique Honorific Monuments: Portraiture, Body Sculpture, and Epigraphy" - Advised by C. Hallett
University of California, Irvine
- Kevin Batton - "Graphic Language: Visualization and Plot Structure in Aeschylus" - Advised by J. Porter
- Chris Edmonston - "Authorship & Ownership: Literary Property in Ancient Greece" - Advised by J. Porter
- Jeffrey Feland - "Juvenal and the Boundaries of Libertas" - Advised by J. Porter
- Aleah Hernandez - "Horrors of the Unseen: Depictions of Violence in Homer and Greek Tragedy" - Advised by J. Porter
University of California, Los Angeles
- Brian A. Apicella - "The Politics of Knowledge in Plato's Statesman" - Advised by D. Blank
- Douglas M. Fraleigh - "Aristophanes on Attic: The Role of Traditional Attic in Comedy" - Advised by B. Vine
- Hilary Lehmann - "Feeling Home: House and Ideology in the Attic Orators" - Advised by K. Morgan
- William McCrary - "Homeric Subjects: Psychoanalysis, Emotion, and the Iliad" - Advised by B. Vine
University of Chicago
- Jeremy Brightbill - "The Scenarios of Roman Declamation: - Advisd by S. Bartsch-Zimmer
- Marcos Gouvêa, "Homerus vester Mantuanus: Vergil as Authority in Macrobius and Servius" - Advised by S. Bartsch-Zimmer
- Kassandra Jackson - "A Doctor on the Clocks: Galen's Use of Clocks and Hours" - Advised by C. Faraone, J. Hall, and A. Bresson
- Julie Mebane - "The Head-of-State: Figuring Authority in Roman Politics" - Advised by M. Lowrie
University of Cincinnati
- Mitch Brown - "Off-Stage Activity, Plot and Characterization in Menander" - Advised by K. Gutzwiller
- Kyle Helms - "The Pursuit of Eloquence: Publicly Supported Rhetorical Education in the High Roman Empire" - Advised by D. Markovic
- Alexandros Laftsidis - "Identifying a Hellenistic Ceramic Koine" - Advised by K. Lynch
- Molly Miller - "Poetic Evolution of the Female Self in Stories of Sexual Violence" - Advised by K. Gutzwiller
- Paschalis Zafeiriadis - "Spatial Organization and Social Change in the End of the Neolithic and the Beginning of Bronze Age in the Regions of Macedonia and Thessaly, Greece" - Advised by E. Hatzaki and J. Davis
University of Colorado Boulder
- Reina Callier - "Missing Persons: Character, Context, and Ovidian Poetics" - Advised by C. Newlands
- Mitch Penzer - "Dark Humor in Imperial Latin Literature" - Advised by J. Elliot
University of Florida
- Miller Krause - "The Chracters of Roman Declamation" - Advised by K. Kapparis
- Generosa Sangco-Jackson - "Horace's Roman Odes: A Therapeutic Reading" - Advised by T. Johnson
- Bill Smith - "Mors Honestissima: Cicero and the Contemplation of Suicide in the Late Republic" - Advised by J. Rea
- Jeff Yeakel - "Population Dynamics in Ancient Greek Civil Wars, Insurgencies and Revolts: A Systems Approach" - Advised by A. Wolpert
University of Iowa
- Aaron Burns - "Diatribe and Plutarch's Practical Ethics" - Advised by J. Finamore
- Vanessa Espinosa - "Submitting to God: A Comparative Study of Apuleius's Metamorphoses, Augustine's Confessions, and Aelius Aristides's Sacred Tales" - Advised by J. Finamore
- Matthew Horrell - "Foreground and Background in the Homeric Epics" - Advised by R. Ketterer
University of Michigan (Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology)
- Andrea Brock - "Environment and Topography of the Archaic Forum Boarium" - Advised by N. Terrenato
- Daniel Diffendale - "Visible Vessels and Values in Classical Archaeology" - Advised by N. Terrenato
- Jennifer Kreiger - "The Business of Commemoration: A Comparative Study of Roman Neapolitan Catacombs" - Advised by E. Gazda
- Katherine Larson - "Crafting the Hellenistic World: Technology and Innovation in Hellenistic Glass Production" - Advised by S. Herbert
- Jana Mokrisova - "The Role of Mobility During the LBA-EIA Transition in the SE Aegean and SW Anatolia" - Advised by C. Ratte
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Emma Buckingham - "Identity and Material Culture in the Interplay of Locals and Greek Settlers in Sicily and South Italy in the Archaic Period" - Advised by C. Antonaccio
- Katherine R. De Boer - "Puellae Moriturae: Women and Death in the Odyssey, the Aeneid, and the Metamorphoses" - Advised by S. James
- Zack P. Rider - "Approaching Divinity: The INteraction Between Gods, Humanity and Poet in Didactic from Hesiod to Manilius" - Advised by J. O'Hara
- Daniel Schindler - "Local Poettery in Late Roman and Byzantine Galilee (400-700CE)" - Advised by J. Magness
University of Southern California
- Dina Boero - "Simeon and the Making of the Stylite" - Advised by K. van Bladel
- Matthew Chaldekas - "Vision and Character in Theocritus" - Advised by W. Thaimann
- Scott Lepisto - "The Dynamics of Speech in Senecan Prose" - Advised by T. Habinek
- Afroditi Manthati-Angelopoulou - "Feeling Words: Language and Emotion in Aeschylean Tragedy" - Advised by W. Thalmann
- Robert Matera - "Propertian Corpora and a Poetics of Open Textuality" - Advised by T. Habinek
University of Texas at Austin
- Jacqueline DiBiasie - "The Writing on the Wall: The Spatial and Literary Context of Domestic Graffiti from Pompeii" - Advised by R. Taylor
- Don Carlo Goduto - "Communities of Assemblages: A Network Analysis Perspective on Cultural Contact and Interaction in Southern Italy from 750-475 BCE" - Advised by A. Rabinowitz
- James A. Inman - "The Orphic Argonautica: Grammar, Tradition, Translation" - Advised by T. Hubbard
- Jonathan MacLellan - "The Technitai of Dionysus: Theater and Politics in the Hellenistic World" - Advised by P. Perlman
- Laura Brooke Rich - "Ridicule in Ancient Rome" - Advised by A. Riggsby
University of Toronto
- Alex Cushing - "The Economic Relationship between Patron and Freedman in Italy in the Early Roman Empire" - Advised by C. Bruun
- Susan Dunning - "Roman Ludi Saeculares from the Republic to Empire" - Advised by A. Bendlin
- John MacCormick - "The Paradox of Guilt: Motive and Moral Judgement in Greek and Roman Philosophy" - Advised by B. Inwood
- Janet Mowat - "The Private Sphere in Forensic Rhetoric" - Advised by V. Wohl
- Gilbert Nathan - "Cicero and Roman Epicureanism in the Late Republic" - Advised by B. Inwood
University of Washington
- Edward Bertany - Apollo Through Time and Space: from Homer's Troy to Ovid's Rome" - Advised by O. Levaniouk
- Rachel Carlson - "Apes...Ego Eivinas Bestias Puto: Apian Imagery in Classical Literature" - Advised by J. Clauss
- Allison Das - "When (S)he Spoke: A Study of the Feminized Voice in the Aeschines-Demosthenes Orations" - Advised by Ruby Blondell
- Brandon Jones - "The Sophistic Roman: Education and Status in Quintilian, Tacitus, and Pliny" - Advised by A. Gowing
- Jessica Kapteyn - "All Italy an Orchard: Landscape and the State in Varro's de Re Rustica" - Advisd by S. Culpepper Stroup
- Bridget Langley - "Written on Running Water: Ovidian Poetics in the Roman Waterscape" - Advised by S. Hinds
University of Western Ontario
- Alexandra Dawson - "Non-Athenian Scenes of Supplication in Euripidean Tragedy" - Advised by A. Suksi
- Mary Deminion - "Gender in Justinian's Digest of Roman Law" - Advised by K. Olson
- Dwayne Meisner - "Orphic Theogonies" - Advised by C. Brown
- Jonathan Vickers - "Ancient Greek Acrobatics" - Advised by A. Suksi
University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Susan Drummond - "Conversations We Never Had: Cicero and Varro's INtertextual Dialogue" - Advised by G. Nelsestuen
- Stephen Geiger - "The Conquered Conquers: The Art of Exile in Josephus" - Advised by J. Beneker
- Amanda C. Gregory - "Crafting Images: Critical and Aesthetic Discourse in Hellenistic Poetry" - Avised by P. Rosenmeyer
- Kathleen C. Rogers - "Finding Time to Write: Literary Amicitia and the Economy of Time in Flavian Rome " - Advised by A. Dressler
Completed (2014 Archive from Newsletters)
Boston University
- Sophie Klein - "Playing the Part: The Role of the Client in Horace's Sermones and Epistles" - Advised by P. Johnson
Bryn Mawr College (Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology)
- Stella Diakou - "Lapithos: The Upper Geometric Cemetery" - Advised by J. Wright
Bryn Mawr College (Department Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies)
- Eleanor V. Mulhern - "Roman Nostalgia: Exemplarity and Romanitas in Late Republican and Imperial Literature" - Advised by C. Conybeare
Catholic University of America
- Sr. Maria M. Kiely - "Ambrose the Pastor and the Image of the Bride: Exegesis, Philosophy, and the Song of Songs" - Advised by P. Rousseau
- Brent Douglas Gilbert - "The Image of God: Greek Medicine and Trinitarian Polemic in Gregory of Nyssa's De Hominis Opificio" - Advised by W. McCarthy
City University of New York
- Alissa A. Vaillancourt - "Leonidas of Tarentum: A Wandering Poet in the Tradition of Greek Literature" - Advised by D. Clayman
- Maura Williams - "Homeric Diction in Posidippus" - Advised by D. Clayman
Cornell University
- Lindsay Lauren Sears-Tam - "Didaskalos: The Invention of the Teacher in Classical Athens" - Advised by J. Rusten
Duke University
- Joseph G. Miller - "Democritus and the Critical Tradition" - Advised by J. Gonzalez
Florida State University
- Stephen A Collins-Elliott - "The Table of the Transient World: Long-term Historical Process and the Culture of Mass Consumption in Ancient Rome and Italy, 200 BCE - 20 CE" - Advised by N. de Grummond
- Hillary E. Conley - "Black-Gloss Ceramics from the Samnite/Roman Habitation Site on Monte Pallano and the Implications for the Economy and Identity of the Inhabitants of Samnium" - Advised by N. de Grummond
Fordham University
- Alexander Buzick - "Fragmentary Tragic Poetry in Cicero" - Advised by M. McGowan
Harvard University
- Daniel Bertoni - "The Cultivation and Conceptualization of Exotic Plants in the Greek and Roman Worlds" - Advised by Mark Schiefsky and Richard Thomas
- Vladimir Bošković - "The Ethos of Language and the Ethical Philosophy of Odysseus Elytis" - Advised by Panagiotis Roilos
- Claire Bubb - "Galen's Anatomy: Audience and Context" - Advised by Mark Schiefsky
- Tom Keeline - "A Rhetorical Figure: Cicero in the Early Empire" - Advised by Kathleen Coleman
- Andrea Kouklanakis - "Satire, Blame Poetics, and the Suitors in the Homeric Odyssey" - Advised by Gregory Nagy
- Julia Scarborough - "The Silent Shepherd: Pastoral as a Tragic Strategy in Virgil's Aeneid" - Advised by Richard Thomas
Indiana University
- Michael Holstead - "Homeric Arming Rituals: A Study of Oral Composition and Ritual Dynamics" - Advised by J. Ready
- Michael Salvatore Vasta - "The Crisis of Exemplarity and Sallust's Histories" - Advised by E. Winsor Leach
The Ohio State University
- Hanne Eisenfeld - "Only Mostly Dead: Immortality and Related States in Pindar's Victory Odes" - Advised by S. Iles Johnston
- Luke Gorton - "Through the Grapevine: Tracing the Origins of Wine" - Advised by C. López-Ruiz
- Craig Jendza - "Euripidean Paracomedy" - Advised by T. Hawkins
- John Richards - "Thucydides in the Circle of Philip Melanchthon" - Advised by F. Coulson
- Agapi Stefanidou - "The Reception of Epic Kleos in Greek Tragedy" - Advised by T. Hawkins
- Mark Wright - "The Liber Amicus: Studies in Horace Sermones I" - Advised by W. Batstone
Princeton University
- David H. Kaufman - "Love, Compassion and Other Vices: A History of the Stoic Theory of the Emotions" - Advised by H. Lorenz
- Madeleine K. Jones - "Seneca: The World According to Nature" - Advised by A. Feldherr
- Mallory A. Monaco - "The Hellenistic Past in Plutarch's Lives" - Advised by C. Güthenke
- Jason Pedicone - "Dramatic Measures: Meter and the Birth of Book Lyric in Greece and Rome" - Advised by D. Feeney
- Daniel J. Tober - "The Autobiographical Community: Local Historiography in Classical and Hellenistic Greece" - Advised by N. Luraghi
- Martin Sirois - "The Early Cynic Tradition: Shaping Diogenes' Character" - Advised by C. Wildberg
- Donna G. Zuckerberg - "The Oversubtle Maxim Chasers: Aristophanes, Euripides,a nd their Reciprocal Pursuit of Poetic Identity" - Advised by A. Ford
University of Calgary
- Bryan Natali - "Pietas: Gods, Family, Homeland, Empire" - Advised by H. Sigismund-Nielsen
University of California, Berkeley
- Sasha-Mae Eccleston - "Apuleius' Novel Narrative: Speech, Ethics, and Humanity in the Metamorphoses" - Advised by K. McCarthy
- J. Marilyn Evans - "Funerary Ritual and Urban Development in Archaic Central Italy" - Advised by J. Peña
- Virginia M. Lewis - "Myth, Locality, and Identity in Pindar's Sicilian Odes" - Advised by L. Kurke
- Naomi A. Weiss - "Mousike and Mythos: The Role of Choral Performance in Later Euripidean Tragedy" - Advised by m. Griffith and L. Kurke
University of Chicago
- Emily Jusino - "Misleading Reports, False Resolutions, and Sophoclean Dramaturgy" - Advised by S. Nooter
- Jacobo Myerston - "The Reception of Mesopotamian Etymologizing in Early Greek POetry and Cosmogony" - Advised by C. Faraone
University of Cincinnati
- Natalie Abell - "Reconsidering a Cultural Crossroads: A Diachronic Analysis of Ceramic Production, Consumption, and Exchange Patterns at Bronze Age Ayia Irini, Kea, Greece" - Advised by J. Davis
- Charles Campbell - "Poets and Poetics in Greek Literary Epigram" - Advised by K. Gutzwiller
- Allison Cartmell Emmerson - "Memoria et Monumenta: Local Identities and the Tombs of Roman Campania" - Advised by S. Ellis
University of Florida
- David Hetrick - "Coming Home to Drama: Alternative Paradigms of Nostos in Sophoklean Tragedy" - Advised by G. Van Steen
University of Iowa
- Lindsay Samson - "The Philosophy of Desire in Theocritius' Idylls" - Advised by M. Depew
University of Michigan (Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology)
- Henry Colburn - "The Sixth Satrapy: Archaeology of Empire in Achaemenid Egypt" - Advised by M. Root
- Angela Commito - "Environmental Change and the End of Antiquity in Asia Minor" - Advised by C. Ratte
- Lynley McAlpine Marble - "Memory and Meaning in the Four Pompeian Styles of Wall Painting" - Advised by E. Gazda
University of Minnesota
- Don Burrows - “The Art of Deception: Longus and the Ancient Novel” - Advised byNita Krevans
- Christine Lechelt - “Allusions of Grandeur: Gigantomachy, Callimachean Poetics, and Literary Filiation” - Advised by Nita Krevans and Christopher Nappa
University of Missouri
- Rhian Rowlands - "Eunuchs and Sex: Beyond Sexual Dichotomy in the Roman World" - Advised by R. Marks
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Erin E. Galligan - "Early Helladic Decorated Ceramic Hearths" - Advised by D. Haggis
- Elizabeth C. Robinson - "The Impact of Roman Expansion in Central-Southern Italy: The Case of Larinum" - Advised by N. Terrenato
- Serena Witzke - "Reading Greek and Roman New Comedy Through Oscar Wilde's SOciety Plays" - Advised by S. James
University of Pennsylvania
- Joanna Kenty - "Forense Regnum: Oratory from Republic to Principate" - Advised by C. Damon
University of Southern California
- Hamish Cameron - "Constructing a Borderland: Roman Imperial Geographic Writers on Mesopotamia from the 1st to 4th Centuries CE" - Advised by C. Moatti
- Orazio Cappello - "Cicero's Academica and the Foundation of a Roman Academy" - Advised by A. Boyle
- Nicole Giannella - "The Mind of the Slave: the Limits of Knowledge and Power in Roman Law and Society" - Advised by C. Moatti
University of Texas at Austin
- Ann Morgan - "Promoting Pedigree: Elite Identity, Civic Memory, and Competitive Munificence in Roman Asia Minor" - Advised by J. Gates Foster
- Bartolo Anthony Natoli - "Speech, Community, and the Formation of Memory in the Ovidian Exilic Corpus" - Advised by G. K. Galinsky
- Luis Alejandro Salas - "Anatomy and Anatomical Exegesis in Galen of Pergamum" - Advised by L. Dean-Jones and R. J. Hankinson
University of Toronto
- Vichi Ciocani - "Virginity and Representation in the Greek Novel and Early Greek Poetry" - Advised by H. Mason
- Cara Jordan - "Voicing Power through the Other: Elite Appropriations of Fable in the 1st-3rd Centuries C.E." - Advised by H. Mason
- Patrick L. Hadley - "Athens in Rome, Rome in Germany: Nicodemus Firschlin's 1586 Translations of Aristophanes" - Advised by M. Revermann
- Yuriy Lozynsky - "Ancient Greek Cult Hymns: Poets, Performers and Rituals" - Advised by M. Revermann
- Robert McCutcheon - "An Archaeology of Cicero's Letters: A study of Late Republican Textual Culture" - Advised by E. Gunderson
- Miranda Robinson - "Ways of Hearing Sophokles: AUditory Spaces and Social Dynamics in the Elektra, Philoktetes, Trachiniai, and Oidipous Tyrannos" - Advised by V. Wohl
University of Washington
- Naomi Campa-Thompson - "I Do What I Want: Freedom and Power in Classical Athens" - Advised by R. Blondell
- Lissa Crofton-Sleigh - "The Building of Verse: Descriptions of Architectural Structures in Roman Poetry" - Advised by C. Connors
- Morgan Palmer - "Inscribing Augustan Personae: Epigraphic COnventions and Memory Across Genres" - Advised by A. Gowing
- Laura Zientek - "The Landscape of Civil War: Geography, Ecphrasis, and Philosophy in Lucan's Bellum Civile" - Advised by C. Connors
University of Western Ontario
- James Kruck - "The Modalities of Roman Translation: Source-representative, Allusive, and Independent" - Advised by D. Nousek
- Peter Miller - "Athletes in Song and Stone: Victory and Identity in Epinician and Epigram" - Advised by C. Brown
University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Lisa M. Feldkamp - "Let Sleeping Eros Lie: Erotobucolic Poetry in Hebrew, Greek and Roman Literature" - Advised by P. Rosenmeyer
- Kerry A. Lefebvre - "With You in That Dress: Cultus and Elegy in Rome" - Advised by L. McClure
- Colleen M. Rice - "Carried away by Bacchus: The Power and Politics of bacchic Inspiration in the Augustan Poets" - Advised by A. Dressler
- Josh Smith - "Greek and Roman Scholarly Traditions: Ancient Interpretations of Euripides, Aeschines, Terence, and Vergil" - Advised by J. McKeown
- Matthew P. Vieron - "Poetic Voice and Readership in Lucretius' De Rerum Natura" - Advised by A Dressler and P. Rosenmeyer
In-Progress (2015 Archive from Newsletters)
Boston University
- Rachel Fisher – “Mortal Women as Voices of Counsel in Homer’s Iliad” – Advised by S. Scully
- Colin Pang – “Hesiod – and Homer – in Quintus Smyrnaeus’ Posthomerica” – Advised by S. Scully
- David T. West – “The Case for Politics: a Cross-generic Study of Cicero’s Arguments for Political Engagement” – Advised by A. Vasaly
Brown University
- E. Perot Bissell – “Expansive Epic: Subsumption, Totalization, and Primacy in the Narratives of Ancient Greece, Rome, and the Indian Subcontinent” – Advised by J. Reed
- Justin E. Byrd – “Highest Good or Strong Poison: the Rhetorical Construction of Patronage in the Brahmin Tradition” – Advised by J. Fitzgerald
- Darrel Janzen – “Performing Citizen Identity within Confined Spaces in the Literature at the End of the 1st Century CE” – Advised by J. Bodel
- Joseph Kurz – “The Barcid Empire?” – Advised by J. Bodel
- Dominic Machado – “Collective Action and Social Identity in the Roman Army during the Late Republic” – Advised by J. Bodel and L. Mignone
- Rachel Philbrick – “Credibility amidst the Incredible: Hyperbole and Persuasion in Ovid’s Exile Poetry” – Advised by J. Reed
- Daria Resh – “Early Metaphraseis in Byzantine Hagiography (c. 800-c.1000)” – Advised by J. Pucci
- Jennifer Swalec – “Weaving for the Gods: The Role of Textiles in Ancient Greek Religion” – Advised by A. Scafuro
Catholic University of America
- Fred Fraser – “The Role of Metaphors and Similes in Plotinus’ Enneads” – Advised by W. McCarthy
Cornell University
- Natasha Binek – “The Rehabilitation of Aphrodite in Vergil’s Aeneid” – Advised by H. Pelliccia
- Micaela Carinano – “Ceramic Evidence for Food and Feasting on Proto- and Neopalatial Crete” – Advised by S. Manning
- Michael Esposito – “Information and its Uses in the Aeneid: Knowledge, Rhetoric, and the Struggle for Power” – Advised by M. Fontaine
- Katherine Jarriel – “Small Worlds After All? Landscape and Community Interaction in the Cycladic Bronze Age” – Advised by S. Manning
- Jeffrey Leon – “Beyond ‘Counting Sheep’: Isotopic Approaches to Minoan and Late Cypriot Shepherding and Political Economy” – Advised by S. Manning
- Jacob Nabel – “Crossing the Euphrates: Arsacid Hostages and Roman-Parthian Relations in the First Century CE” – Advised by B. Strauss
- Goran Vidovic – “The Allusive Playwright: Self-Reflexivity and Metapoetry in Terence” – Advised by M. Fontaine
Duke University
- Mackenzie Zalin - “Studies in Aetiology and Historical Methodology in Herodotus,” - Advised by W. Johnson (completed 2016)
- Carl Young - “Plato's Cretan Colony: Theology and Religion in the Political Philosophy of the Laws” - Advised by J. Atkins (completed 2016)
- Robert Dudley - “"Rhetoric, Roman Values, and the Fall of the Republic in Cicero's Reception of Plato" – Advised by J. Atkins (completed 2016)
- Theodore Graham - "The Tyrant, the City, and the Stage: The Shifting Depiction of Tyranny in Athenian Tragedy" – Advised by P. Burian
- Kathryn Langenfeld - " Forging a History: the Inventions and Intellectual Community of the Historia Augusta" - Advised by M. T. Boatwright
- John Aldrup-MacDonald - "Paper Trails: The Ephemeral Document in Greek Politics and Law" - Advised by J. Sosin
- Timothy Shea - “The Dead among the Living: Mapping Death in Classical Athens” - Advised by C. Antonaccio and S. Dillon
- Melissa Huber - "Monumentalizing Infrastructure: the City and People of Rome under Claudius" - Advised by M. T. Boatwright
Fordham University
- Patrick Burns – “Amor Belli: Elegiac Diction and Themes in Lucan’s Bellum Civile” – Advised by M. McGowan
- Lauren Carpenter – “Achilles Tatius: An Intertextual Reading of the Myths” – Advised by M. McGowan and D. Konstan
Harvard University
- Elizabeth Mitchell - "Thinking through bodies: cupids as mediators in Roman art" - Advised by Emma Dench
- Anthony Shannon - "Africa Romana: Tradition, Appropriation and Interaction in the Development of Pre-Existing Urban Landscapes in Roman North Africa" - Advised by Adrian Staehli
(2015-2016) Harvard University
- Samantha Blankenship - "Greek and Persian Historiography of the Achaemenids" - Advised by Paul Kosmin
- Michael Konieczny - "The Power of Talk: Discourse, Interpretation, and Ideology in the Annals of Tacitus" - Advised by Kathleen Coleman
Indiana University
- Kyle Guenther Grothoff – “A Cultural History of Astrology” – Advised by E. Winsor Leach
- Mariah Elaine Smith – “Space and Performance in Martial’s Epigramsand the Letters of the Younger Pliny” – Advised by E. Winsor Leach
McMaster University
- Amanda Hardman – “Roman Baths in their Urban Context” – Advised by M. Beckmann
- Kyle McLeister – “Publicani in the Principate” – Advised by E. Haley
- Jonathan Reves – “Kenesis: The Efects of the Peloponnesian War on Athenian Society and Culture” – Advised by S. Corner
- Barbara Scarfo – “The Social Construction of Roman Maternity” – Advised by M. George
- Patricia White – “Reinterpretations of the Struggle of the Orders: Re-working Historical Memory” – Advised by C. Eilers
New York University
- Nathalie Sado Nisinson – “Greek Heroes, Roman Rituals: Cult and Culture Clash in Ovid’s Heroides” – D. Levene
- Calloway Scott – “Asklepios on the Move: Cult and the Institutions of Healthcare in Classical Greece”
Princeton University
- Hanna Golab – “Postclassical Choral Performances” – Advised by A. Ford
- Amanda Klause – “Grief, Loss, and the Boundaries of the Self in Statius’ Silvae” – Advised by D. Feeney
- Brahm Kleinman – “Accountability in the Roman Republic (201-49 BCE)” – Advised by H. Flower
- Paul Touyz – “Satyr-play as Genre and its Critical Conception in Antiquity” – Advised by A. Ford
- Mathura Umachandran – “Dis/Enchanting Antiquity: Exile and Return to Antiquity in the Thought of Theodor Adorno, Hanna Arendt and Erich Auerbach” – Advised by B. Holmes
- Vanya Visnjic – “The Origins of the Concept of Duty in Antiquity” – Advised by C. Wildberg
- Clem Wood – “Exemplarity in Tacitus” – Advised by A. Feldherr
Rutgers University
- Scott Barnard – “Actors & Conspirators: Civic Anxiety in Late Attic Tragedy” – Advised by E. Allen-Hornblower
- Aaron Beck-Schachter – “The Motility of Cult Icon and Ritual Surrogate in Euripidean Tragedy” – Advised by T. Power and T. Figueira
- Charles George – “Epigrams of Diogenes Laertius” – Advised by T. Power
- Aaron Hershkowitz – “Rise of the Demagogues: Political Leadership in Imperial Athens after the Reforms of Ephialtes” – Advised by T. Figueira
- Brian Mumper – “Inconcinnitas Rerum: Imparting and Obscuring Meanings in Sallust’s Historiography” – Advised by T. Brennan
University of British Columbia
- Maude Côté-Landry – “Political Authority and Religion in Ancient Greece” – Advised by F. De Angelis
- Ryan Johnson – “Greece and the Near east”
University of California, Los Angeles
- Grace A. Gillies – “Despicable Cities: Urban Sites of Disgust in Roman Satire and Related Genres” – Advised by A. Richlin
- Irene Han – “Think Like a Woman: Plato and Desire” – Advised by G. Sissa
- Justin Vorhis – “The Best of the Macedonians: Alexander as Achilles in Curtius, Plutarch, and Arrian” – Advised by K. Morgan
University of Cincinnati
- Mitch Brown – “Invisible Drama: Offstage Activity in Menander” – Advised by K. Gutzwiller
- Taylor Coughlan – “Dialect and Poetic Meaning in Hellenistic Book Epigram” – Advised by K. Gutzwiller
- Alison Fields – “An Archaeology of the Athenian Economy” – Advised by K. Lynch
- Kyle Helms – “Masters of Eloquence and Empire: The Integration of Latin Rhetorical Education and Roman Political Power” – Advised by D. Markovic
- Kathleen Kidder – “Representations of Truth and Falsehood in Hellenistic Poetry” – Advised by K. Gutzwiller
- Alexandros Laftsidis – “The Hellenistic Ceramic ‘Koine’ Revisited” – Advised by K. Lynch
- David Schwei – “The Empire Strikes: The Making of the Roman Imperial Currency System” – Advised by B Burrell and P. van Minnen
- Meg Sneeringer – “The Prehistoric Material from the Nemea Valley Archaeological Project/Archaeological Survey” – Advised by J. Davis
- Jesse Taniguchi – “Political Agency and Philosophical Reform in Plato’s Republicic” – Advised by Susan Prince
- Pachalis Zafeiriadis – “Spatial Organization and Social Change in the End of the Neolithic and the Beginning of Bronze Age in Macedonia, Greece” – Advised by J. Davis and E. Hatzaki
University of Florida
- Sara Agnelli – “Galen on Tremor, Rigor, Palpitation and Spasm: An English Translation of Galen’s De Tremore, Rogore, Palpitatione et Colvulsione Liber, with Introduction, Text and Critical Commentary” – Advised by K. Kapparis
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Nicholas Dee – “Currencies of Control in Tacitus’ Histories: Oaths, Money and Religion in the Civil Wars of 69 CE” – Advised by A. Augoustakis
University of Iowa
- Tyler Fyotek – “Coping with Mortality: Ancient Greek Thought on Death and Dying” – Advised by P. Dilley
- Michael S. Overholt – “Phantasiaand the Art of Living from Plato to Galen” – Advised by J. Finamore
University of Michigan
- Andrea Brock – “Environmental and Topography of the Archaic Forum Boarium” – Advised by N. Terrenato
- Dan Diffendale – “Containing Multitudes? Visible Vessels and Values in Classical Archaeology” – Advised by N. Terrenato
- Jenny Kreiger – “The Business of Commemoration: A Comparative Study of Italian Catacombs” – Advised by E. Gazda and E. Sears
- Katherine Larson – “Innovation in the Production and Consumption of Glass during the Hellenistic Period” – Advised by S. Herbert
- Paolo Maranzana – “Cities and Countryside in Late Roman-Early Byzantine Central Anatolia” – Advised by C. Ratté
- Neville McFerrin – “Fashioning Realities: Ambiguity, Adornment, and the Performance of Social Position in the Pompeian House” – Advised by E. Gazda
- Jana Mokrisova – “The Role of Mobility during the LBA-EIA Transition in the SE Aegean and SW Anatolia” – Advised by C. Ratté
- Emma Sachs – “Stylistic Allusions in Campanian Wall Painting” – Advised by E. Gazda
University of Michigan (Interdepartmental Program in Greek and Roman History)
- Timothy Hart – “Beyond Romans and Barbarians: Power and Environment in the Danube Borderland” – Advised by D. Potter and R. van Dam
- Garrett Ryan – “Placing Power: Greek Cities and Roman Governors in Western Asia Minor, 69-235 CE” – Advised by R. van Dam
University of Missouri
- Christopher Dobbs – “Not All Fun and Games: Elite Uses of Leisure for Socio-Economic Control in Ancient Rome” – Advised by R. Marks
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (History)
- Bret Devereaux – “Sinews of War: The Social and Economic Roots of Roman Victory in the Second Century BCE” – Advised by R. Talbert
- Corey Ellithorpe – “Circulating Imperial Ideology: Coins as Propaganda in the Roman World” – Advised by R. Talbert
University of Virginia
- Hilary Bouxsein – “Talking Truth: The Vocabulary of Honesty in Early Greek Poetry” – Advised by J. Strauss Clay
- Megan Bowen – “Prayer Formulae in Ovid” – Advised by J. Miller and K. Meyers
University of Washington
- Joshua Hartman – “Refracted Histories: Allusive Negotiations of the Past in Late Antiquity” – Adivsed by S. Hinds
- Eunice Kim – “The Fugitive: Murder and Exile in Ancient Greece (Age of Heroes)” – Advised by O. Levaniouk
- Adriana Vazquez – “Vates and Initiates: Augustan Poetic Manipulation of Greek Mystery Cult” – Advised by S. Hinds
University of Wisconsin – Madison
- Mary Clare Dolinar – “Between Gods and Mortals: Divinity, Mortality, and Religious Ritual in Euripides” – Advised by L McClure
- Adrienne Hagen – “Human(s and) Nature in the Literature of Late Republican Rome” – Advised by J. Beneker
- Rachel Hart – “Cultural Agency and the Failure of Western Binaries in Greek Scientific Texts” – Advised by J. Beneker
- Marie La Fond – “Material Memory in Homer’s Odyssey” – Advised by P. Rosenmeyer
Completed (2015 Archive from Newsletters)
Boston University
- Dustin W. Dixon – “Myth-making in Greek and Roman Comedy” – Advised by J. Henderson
- Michael I. Hulin Wheeler – “Meter in Catullan Invective: Expectations and Innovation” – Advised by P. Johnson
Brown University
- Barbara Blythe – “Petronius’ Satyrica: A Novel of Mystic Initiation” – Advised by J. Bodel
- Scott DiGiulio – “Aulus Gellius, the Noctes Atticae, and the Literary Logic of Miscellany under the High Roman Empire” – Advised by J. Bodel
- Byron MacDougall – “Gregory of Nazianzus and Christian Festival Rhetoric” – Advised by S. Papaioannou
- Anne McDonald – “Plutarch and the Philosophical Dialogues” – Advised by S. Papaioannou
- Tara Mulder – “Fetal Actors, Female Bodies: Childbirth in the Roman Empire” – Advised by J. Bodel
- Anne Rabe – “Innovation and Invective in Cicero’s Violent Metaphors” – Advised by J. Bodel
- Matthew C. Wellenbach – “Choruses for Dionysus: Studies in the History of Dithyramb and Tragedy” – Advised by J. Hanink
Bryn Mawr College (Archaeology)
- Johanna Best – “Religion of the Roadways: Roadside Sacred Spaces in Attica” – Advised by A. Donohue
- Clay Cofer – “The Ara Pacis Augustae and the Ancient Understanding of Grafting” – Advised by A. Donohue
- Steven Karacic – “The Archaeology of Hittite Imperialism and Ceramic Production in Late Bronze Age IIA Tarsus-Gözlükule, Turkey” – Advised by P. Magee
Catholic University of America
- Edward Naumann – “Augustine the Preacher and the Judgement of God” – Advised by P. Rousseau
Cornell University
- Allison C. Boex – “Hic Tacitus Lapis: Voice, Audience, and Space in Early Roman Verse-Epitaphs” – Advised by D. Mankin
- Carrie A. Fulton – “Lost in Transportation: Trade Networks and the Materiality of Cargoes in the Ancient Mediterranean” – Advised by V. Platt
- Catherine M. Kearns – “Unruly Environments: The Making of a 1st Millennium BCE Political Landscape on Cyprus” – Advised by C. Manning
Duke University
- Clifford Robinson – “The Longest Transference: Self-Consolation and Politics in Latin Philosophical Literature” – Advised by P. Burian
Florida State University
- Robert E. Hendrick III – “Seeing the Unseeable: The Philosophical and Rhetorical Concept of Enargeia at Work in Latin Poetry” – Advised by T. Stover and S. Slaveva-Griffin
Fordham University
- Alexander Buzick – “Fragmentary Tragic Poetry in Cicero” – Advised by M. McGowan
- Matthew A. Keil – “Concordia as an Historiographical Principle in Sallus and St. Augustine” – Advised by R. Penella and C. Sogno
Harvard University
- Rebecca Brown - "The Roman Odysseus" - Advised by Richard Thomas
- Saskia Dirkse - "The Great Mystery: Death, Memory and the Archiving of Monastic Culture in Late Antique Religious Tales" - Advised by John Duffy
- Erika Nickerson - "The Measure of All Things: Natural Hierarchy in Roman Republican Thought" - Advised by Kathleen Coleman
- Sergios Paschalis - "Tragic palimpsests: The reception of Euripides in Ovid's Metamorphoses" - Advised by Albert Henrichs
- Julian Yolles - "Latin literature and Frankish culture in the Crusader States (1098-1187)" - Advised by Jan Ziolkowski
(2015-2016) Harvard University
- Coleman Connelly - "Contesting the Greek Past in Ninth-Century Baghdad" - Advised by Mark Schiefsky
- Rebecca Katz - "Arma virumque: The Significance of Spoils in Roman Culture" - Advised by Emma Dench
- Sarah Lannom - "Pindaric Aspects of Ovid's Metamorphoses" - Advised by Richard Tarrant
- Sarah Rous - "Ancient Upcycling: Social Memory and the Reuse of Marble in Athens" - Advised by Adrian Staehli
Indiana University
- Laura Leola Brant – “Apuleian Women and Genre Conventions” – Advised by E. Winsor Leach
- Kenneth Morton Draper – “Non-Lyric Voices in Horace’s Odes: The Poetics of Disguise and Infiltration” – Advised by E. Winsor Leach
- Alan Christopher Fleming – “Slavery in Seneca: Institution and Metaphor” – Advised by E. Winsor Leach
Johns Hopkins University
- Nicholas Kauffman – “Rereading Death: Ethics and Aesthetics in the Ancient Reception of Homeric Battle Narrative” – Advised by S. Montiglio
New York University
- Neeltje Irene Kuin – “Lucian and the Comic in Ancient Religious Experience” – Advised by R. Cribiore
- Brett Wisniewski – “Casting Spells in Augustan Poetry: Magic, Song and Discourses of Power” – Advised by A. Becker
Princeton University
- Virginia Clark – “Landscapes of Conquest: Space, Place, and Environment in Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita” – Advised by A. Feldherr
- Aaron Kachuck – “Solitutde and Imagination: Cicero, Virgil, Horace, Propertius” – Advised by D. Feeney
- Dawn LaValle – “Methodius of Olympus’ Symposium, Imperial Greek Literature and the Aesthetics of Hope” – Advised by C. Güthenke
- Danielle Meinrath – “Leading (And Reading) by Example: Exemplarity in Ovid’s Metamorphoses” – Advised by A. Feldherr
- Thomas Miller – “Plato’s Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul” – Advised by C. Wildberg
- Simon Oswald – “Trends in Early Epigram” – Advised by J. Katz
Rutgers University
- Andriy Fomin – “How Dio Wrote History: Dio Cassius’ Intellectual, Historical, and Literary Techniques” – Advised by S. Takacs
University of British Columbia
- Kevin Solez – “Multicultural Banqueting in the Development of Archaic Greek Society: An Investigation into Modes of Intercultural Contact” – Advised by F. De Angelis
- Tyson Sukava – “The Expanding Body: Anatomical Vocabulary and its Dissemination in Classical Athens”
University at Buffalo
- James Artz – “The Drainage Network of the Athenian Agora” – Advised by B. Ault
- Krishni Burns – “The Magna Mater Romana: A Sociocultural Study of the Cult of the Magna Mater in Republican Rome” – Advised by S. Dyson
- Kevin Roth – “Learning Latin as a Second Language, Using Latin for a Third: a Linguistic and Pedagogical Investigation of Neo-Latin Foreign Language Textbooks” – Advised by R. Woodard
- Erin Warford – “The Multipolar Polis: A Study of Processions in Classical Athens and the Attic Countryside” – Advised by B. Ault
University of California, Los Angeles
- Alexander J. Lessie – “Becoming Mark Antony: A Metabiographical Study of Characterization and Reception” – Advised by A. Richlin
- Kristin L. Mann – “The Fabulist in the Fable Book” – Advised by K. Morgan and A. Richlin
University of Cincinnati
- Natalie Abell – “Reconsidering a Cultural Crossroads: A Diachronic Analysis of Ceramic Production, Consumption, and Exchange Patterns at Bronze Age Ayia Irini, Kea, Greece” – Advised by J. Davis
- Charles Campbell – “Poets and Poetics in Greek Literary Epigram” – Advised by K. Gutzwiller
- Andrew Connor – “Temples as Economic Agents in Early Roman Egypt: The Case of Tebtunis and Soknopaiou Nesos” – Advised by P. van Minnen
- Emily Egan – “Nestor’s Megaron: Contextualizing a Mycenaean Institution at Pylos” – Advised by J. Davis
- Allison Emmerson – “Memoria et Monumenta: Local Identities and the Tombs of Roman Campania” – Advised by S. Ellis
- Kristina Neumann – “Mapping the Transformation of Roman Antioch: The Coin Evidence” – Advised by B. Burrell
University of Florida
- David Hoot – “The Sanctuary of Asclepius at Epidaurus in Roman Times” – Advised by R. Wagman
- Generosa Sangco-Jackson – “Horace’s Roman Odes: A Therapeutic Reading” – Advised by T. Johnson
- William P. Smith III – “Mors Honestissima: Cicero and Suicide Contemplation in the Late Republic” – Advised by J. Rea
- Jeff Yeakel – “Population Dynamics in Ancient Greek Civil Wars, Insurgencies and Revolts: A Systems Approach” – Advised by A. Wolpert
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Amy Norgard – “The Senses in Horace’s Sermones” – Advised by A. Augoustakis
- Sergio Yona – “The Psychology of Satire: Epicurean Ethics in Horace’s Sermones” – Advised by A. Augoustakis
University of Iowa
- Sharada Shreve-Price – “Complicated Courtesans: Lucian’s Dialogues of the Courtesans” – Advised by C. Gibson
University of Michigan
- Ryan Hughes – “The Archaeology of a Colchian Landscape: Results of the Eastern vani Survey” – Advised by C. Ratté
- Charlotte Maxwell-Jones – “Ceramics of Bactra, 500 BCE-500 CE, Typology, Chronology, and Exchange” – Advised by S. Herbert
University of Michigan (Classical Studies)
- Clara Bosak-Schroeder – “Ecology, History, and the Other in Ancient Greece” – Advised by F. Schironi
- Nicholas Geller – “Roman Architexture: The Idea of the Monument in the Roman Imagination of the Augustan Age” – Advised by D. Dufallo
- Matthew Newman – “The Ruins of Heaven: Linguistic and Poetic Indices of Cosmic Instability in Ancient Mediterranean Myth and Thought” – Advised by R. Janko
University of Michigan (Interdepartmental Program in Greek and Roman History)
- W. Graham Claytor – “Mechanics of Empire: the Karanis Register and the Writing Offices of Roman Egypt” – Advised by I. Moyer and A. Verhoogt
- Jonathan McLaughlin – “The Transformation of the Roman Auxiliary Soldier in Thought and Practice” – Advised by D. Potter
University of Minnesota
- Aaron Beek - “Freelance Warfare and Illegitimacy: the Historians' Portrayal of Bandits, Pirates, Mercenaries, and Politicians” - Advised by Andrew Gallia
- Anna Beek - “Always Look on the Bright Side of Death: Violence, Death, and Supernatural Transformation in Ovid's Fasti” - Advised by Christopher Nappa
- Andrew Willey - “Discovering a Higher Law: Cicero's Creation of a Roman Constitution” - Advised by Christopher Nappa
University of Missouri
- Justin Arft – “Queen of the Curse: The Odyssey’s Formulaic Interrogation and Arete’s Determination of Odysseus’ Epic Identity” – Advised by D. Schenker
- Matthew Crutchfield – “A New Heroism: A Study of the Battle Scenes in Lucan’s Bellum Civile” – Advised by R. Marks
- Andrew Smith – “Homeric Constructions: The Reception of Homeric Authority” – Advised by D. Schenker
- Eric Thienes – “Remembering Trajan in Fourth-Century Rome: Memory and Identity in Spatial, Artistic, and Textual Narratives” – Advised by D. Trout
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (History)
- Ryan Horne – “Imperial Power and Local Autonomy in Greek Garrison Communities: The Phrourarchia and the Polis” – Advised by R. Talbert
University of Pennsylvania
- Heather Elomaa – “The Poetics of the Carmina Priapea” – Advised by R. Rosen
- Anna Goddard – “Ovid’s Satiric Successors in the Early Imperial Period” – Advised by J. Farrell
- Lydia Spielberg – “The Rhetoric of Documentary Quotation in Roman Historiography” – Advised by C. Damon
- Kathryn Wilson – “Signs in the Song: Scientific Poetry in the Hellenistic Period” – Advised by R. Rosen
University of Virginia
- Erich Merkel – “The Role of Eloquence in Tacitus” – Advised by A. Woodman
University of Washington
- Rachel Carlson – “The Honey Bee and Apian Imagery in Classical Literature” – Advised by J. Clauss
- Allison Das – “Medical Language in the Speeches of Demosthenes” – Advised by R. Blondell
- Brandon F. Jones – “The Sophistic Roman: Education and Status in Quintilian, Tacitus and Pliny” – Advised by A. Gowing
- Jessica Kapteyn – “All Italy and Orchard: Landscape and the State in Varro’s De Re Rustica” – Advised by S. Culpepper Stroup
University of Wisconsin – Madison
- William N. Bruce – “Industry, Community, and the Sacred: Life Outside the City Walls at Sardis” – Advised by N. Cahill
- Kathleen C. Rogers – “Finding Time to Write: Literary Amicitia and the Economy of Time in Flavian Rome” – Advised by A. Dressler
In-Progress (2016-2017 Academic Year)
Boston University
- Elizabeth Baxter - "A Spring of Ambrosial Words: Pindar's Theory of Poetry" - Advised by Jeffrey Henderson
- Peter Blandino - "Music as Drama in Euripides" - Advised by Herbert Golder
- Rachel Fisher - "Homophrosyne and Women in the Iliad" - Advised by Stephen Scully
- Laurie Hutcheson - "Reported Speech in the Iliad" - Advised by Stephen Scully
- Amanda Jarvis - "Euripides and Thucydides from 415-411: Thematic Parallels" - Advised by Jeffrey Henderson
- Daniel Libatique - "Tereus, Procne, and Philomela: Speech, Silence, and the Voice of Gender" - Advised by Patricia Johnson
- Colin Pang - "Engaging Hesiod and Homer in Quintus Smyrnaeus and Imperial Greek Poetry" - Advised by Stephen Scully
- David West - "The Case for Politics: A Cross-Generic Study of Cicero's Arguments for Political Engagement" - Advised by Ann Vasaly
Brown University
- Elliston Perot Bissell - "Expansive Epic: Subsumption, Totalization, and Primacy in the Narratives of Greece, Rome and the Indian Subcontinent" - Advised by Joseph D. Reed
- Justin Byrd - "Highest Good or Strong Poison: The Construction of Patronage in the Brahmin Tradition" - Advised by James Fitzgerald
- Keith Fairbank - "A Dividing Sea: The Adriatic World from the Death of Alexander to the Foundation of Nicopolis" - Advised by Graham Oliver
- Christopher Geadrities - "Einhard: Vita Karoli Magni. Text, Translation and Commentary" - Joseph Pucci
- Stephany Hull - "The Model Teacher: Mentorship and Exemplarity in Philosophical Dialogues" - Joseph Pucci
- Darrel Janzen - "The Outsider Within: Self-Seclusion by the Roman Elite from 40 to 130 CE" - Advised by John Bodel
- Luther Karper - "The Greeks and the Roman Civil Wars of the Late Republic" - Advised by Graham Oliver
- Dominic Machado - "Communities and Collective Action in the Republican Army" - Advised by John Bodel and Lisa Mignone
- Daria Resh - "Early Metaphraseis in Byzantine hagiography (c. 800 - c. 1000)" - Advised by Joseph Pucci and David Konstan
- Trigg Settle - "Trauma and the Interpretation of Tragedy: Studies in Greek Theater and Drama" - Advised by Johanna Hanink
- Jennifer Swalec - "Dress and the Making of Gender in Ancient Greece" - Advised by Adele Scafuro
- Michiel Van Veldhuizen - "Divining Disaster: Signs of Catastrophe in Ancient Greek Culture and Society" - Advised by Pura Nieto
The Catholic University of America
- Luigi De Luca - "The Quest for Health in the Writings of Basil of Caesarea: Botany, Pharmacology and Nutrition" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Fred Fraser - "Figurative Language in the Philosophy of Plotinus" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Kathleen Kirsch - "The Soul at War in Late Antiquity: the Image of Spiritual Warfare in the Poetry of Prudentius" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Benjamin Lewis - "The Senses and Sensory Metaphors in Augustine’s Confessions" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Alex Poulos - "Callimachus and Callimacheanism in the Poetry of Gregory of Nazianzus" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Damon Smith - "Basil of Caesarea’s Theory of Language in Practice: Understanding the Hexaëmeron" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Sr. Maria del Fiat Miola - "Spaces of Salvation in Sixth-Century Arles: The Women’s Monastery as Household and Family" - Advised by William E. Klingshirn
- Karen Carducci - "The Roman Lapidary Discourse from Pliny the Elder to Isidore of Seville" - Advised by William E. Klingshirn
Cornell University
- Dennis Alley - "Pindar and the Poetics of Autonomy: Authorial Agency in Pythian Four" - Advised by Hayden Pelliccia
- Liana Brent - "Corporeal Connections: Tomb Disturbance, Reuse and Violation in Roman Italy" - Advised by Eric Rebillard
- Natasha Binek - "The Reception of Aphrodite in Vergil's Aeneid" - Advised by Hayden Pelliccia
- Micaela Carignano - "What's for Dinner?: Recreating Minoan Dining Practice in Neopalatial Households and Palaces" - Advised by Sturt Manning
- Jennifer Carrington - "Network Analyses of Everyday Ceramics in Ptolemaic Egypt" - Advised by Sturt Manning
- Theodore Harwood - "How to Read the Book: St. Augustine on the Interpretaiton of Scripture" - Advised by Charles Brittain
- Katherine Jarriel - "Small Worlds After All? Landscape and Community Interaction in the Early Cycladic Bronze Age" - Advised by Sturt Manning
- Michael Esposito - "Knowledge and its Uses in the Aeneid" - Advised by Michael Fontaine
Duke University
- Theodore Graham - "The Tyrant, the City, and the Stage: The Shifting Depiction of Tyranny in Athenian Tragedy" – Advised by P. Burian (completed 2017)
- Kathryn Langenfeld - "Forging a History: the Inventions and Intellectual Community of the Historia Augusta" - Advised by M. T. Boatwright (completed 2017)
- John Aldrup-MacDonald - "Paper Trails: The Ephemeral Document in Greek Politics and Law" - Advised by J. Sosin
- Timothy Shea - “The Dead among the Living: Mapping Death in Classical Athens” - Advised by C. Antonaccio and S. Dillon
- Melissa Huber - "Monumentalizing Infrastructure: the City and People of Rome under Claudius" - Advised by M. T. Boatwright
- Tom Cole - “Republican Rhetoric and Its Limits in Tacitus” - Advised by J. Atkins
- Courtney Monahan - “Matrona visa: Women's Public Visibility and Civic Identity in Hispania Tarraconensis” - Advised by M. T. Boatwright
- David Stifler – “Lucian and Atticism: A Barbarian at the Gates” - Advised by W. A. Johnson
Harvard University
- Eliza Gettel - "Between Federalism and Imperialism: The koina of Roman Achaea from the 1st to 3rd century CE" - Advised by Emma Dench
McMaster University
- Barbara Scarfo - "To which their lot condemns them: The Socio-Cultural Construction of Maternity in the Roman World" - Advised by Michele George
- Amanda Devitt - "Fandom and Fanaticism: Studies in the Spectatorship of Roman Chariot Racing" - Advised by Michele George
New York University
- Ari Zatlin - "The Contingency of Cicero: Ciceronian Reception in the Early Empire" - Advised by Joy Connolly
- Chris Parmenter - "Commodity and Identity in Archaic Greece" - Advised by Barbara Kowalzig
- Stephanie Crooks - "The Poet's Tomb: Space for Immortality" - Advised by Alessandro Barchiesi
- Philip Katz - "The Ideology of the Ship in Greece and Rome" - Advised by Barbara Kowalzig
- Calloway Scott - "Asklepios on the Move" - Advised by Barbara Kowalzig
- Nathalie Sado Nisinson - "Greek Heroes, Roman Rituals: Cult and Culture Clash in Ovid's Heroides" - Advised by David Levene
Princeton University
- Emily Hulme - "Under the Shadow of the Hephaistion: Τἐχνη and Ἐπιστήμη in the Platonic Dialogues" - Advised by Christian Wildberg
- Caroline Mann - "Transgression in Roman Republic Religion" - Advised by Harriet Flower
- Emily Curran - "Lucretian and Epicurean Influences on Horace's Odes" - Advised by Denis Feeney
- Carolyn Tobin - "Remembering Sulla, 78 BC - 160 AD" - Advised by Harriet Flower
- Noah Levin - "Roman Desire during the First Triumvirate" - Yelena Baraz
Rutgers University
- Aaron Beck-Schachter - "The Goddess on Parade: Portable Icons in Archaic and Classical Greece" - Advised by Timothy Power
- Charles George - "The Philosophical Epigrams of Diogenes Laertius" - Advised by Timothy Power
- Aaron Hershkowitz - "Rise of the Demagogues: Political Leadership in Imperial Athens after the Reforms of Ephialtes" - Advised by Thomas Figueira
- Brian Hill - "Recurrent Imagery and Incremental Didacticism in Lucretius' De Rerum Natura" - Advised by Leah Kronenberg
- Ella Wallace - "The Sorcerer's Pharmacy: Magic and Science in Classical Pharmaceutical Literature" - Advised by Leah Kronenberg
Stanford University
- Ava Shirazi - "The Mirror and the Senses: Reflection and Perception in Classical Greek Thought" - Advised by Anastasia-Erasmia Peponi and Andrea Nightingale
- Israel McMullin - "Touching Heroes: the Homeric Construction of Intimacy" - Advised by Richard Martin
- Eunsoo Lee - "Visual Agency in Euclid's Elements: A Study of the Transmission of Visual Knowledge" - Advised by Reviel Netz
- Jonathan Weiland - "The Roman Poor: in the City and the Country" - Advised by Jennifer Trimble and Walter Scheidel
- Anja Krieger - "People, Ships, and the Sea: Seafaring in the Eastern Mediterranean, c. 1600 BCE - c. 50 BCE" - Advised by Michael Shanks
State University of New York at Buffalo
- Massimo Betello - "Management and Exploitation of Pedestrian Traffic in Ancient Rome: The Case of Pompeii" - Advised by Stephen Dyson
- Jennifer Krantz - "Dialects and Identity: The Ancient Greek View of Greek Dialects" - Advised by Carolyn Higbie
- Lana Radloff - TBD - Advised by Stephen Dyson
University of British Columbia
- Justin Dwyer - "Apollodoros of Karystos and the Tradition of New Comedy" - Advised by C. W. Marshall
- Bethany Brothers - "The Ludi as Medium for Imperial Propoganda in the Severan Age" - Advised by Jeremy Rossiter (U Alberta), Leanne Bablitz
- Chelsea Gardner - "The Mani Peninsula in Antiquity: An Archaeological, Historical, and Epigraphic Investigation into Regional Identity - Advised by Hector Williams
- Ryan Johnson - "The κατάδεσμοι of Selinous: Intermediaries between Near Eastern and Greek Traditions of Cursing" - Advised by Franco De Angelis
University of California, Berkeley
- Christopher Adams - "The Unreality Effect: Realism, Discourse, and the Elegiac Persona" - Advised by Kathleen McCarthy
- Daniel Esses - "Images of the World: Cosmology and Rhetoric in Plato's Timaeus and Laws" - Advised by John Ferrari and Mark Griffith
- Morgan Hunter - "Making Troy Great Again: the Cult of the Palladion at Troy, Athens, and Rome" - Advised by Mark Griffith
- Morgan King - "The Path of Love: Travel, Immobility, and the Construction of Difference in Roman Love Elegy" - Advised by Kathleen McCarthy
- Mark McClay - "Memory and Performance in the Orphic-Bacchic Lammelae" - Advised by Mark Griffith
- Kevin Moch - "Quoium Pecus? Representations of Italian Identity in Vergil's Eclogues and Georgics" - Advised by Ellen Oliensis
- Kelsey Turbeville - "A Given Image: The Iconography of Votive Bronze" - Advised by Kim Shelton
University of California, Los Angeles
- Hans Bork - "The Anthropology of Insult in Plautus" - Advised by Amy Richlin
- Grace Gillies - "Despicable Cities: Urban Sites of Disgust in Roman Satire and Related Genres" - Advised by Amy Richlin
- Irene Han - "One Hundred and One Nights: Plato and the Metaphysical Feminine" - Advised by Giulia Sissa
- Nathan Kish - "Oratio Inepta: The Ethics of Style in Latin Rhetorical Invective" - Advised by Amy Richlin
- Elliott Piros - "The Imagination of Objects: Production, Consumption, and Description in Martial's Epigrams" - Advised by Francesca Martelli and Amy Richlin
- Ben Radcliffe - "The Plastic Sovereign: Figuring Politics in Early Greek Poetry" - Advised by Alex Purves
- Justin Vorhis - "The Best of the Macedonians: Alexander as Achilles in Arrian, Curtius, and Plutarch" - Advised by Kathryn Morgan
- Celsiana Warwick - "For Those Yet to Come: Gender and Kleos in the Iliad" - Advised by Alex Purves
University of California, Santa Barbara
- Brett Collins - "The Ancient Reception of Thersites" - Advised by Helen Morales
- Aerynn Dighton - "The Roman Toga: The Social Effects of the Interface Between Object and Body" - Advised by Dorota Dutsch
- Regina Loehr - "Emotion in Polybius' Histories" - Advised by Robert Morstein-Marx
- Nicole Taynton - "Desire and Self-Construction in Tibullus' Elegies: Reading Tibullus with Lacan" - Advised by Sara Lindheim
- Deepti Menon - "Staging the Foreign Imaginary: the 'Other' on the Comedic Stage" - Advised by Dorota Dutsch
- Marshall Evans - "Seen and Unseen: The Concept of Idolatry in 1 Corinthians" - Advised by Christine Thomas
University of Cincinnati
- Catherine Baker - "Landscapes of the Middle Republic: Roman Imperialism and the Integration of Central Italy" - Advised by Steven Ellis
- William Dibble - "From Livestock to Lifestyle: The Longue Durée of Human-Animal Interaction in Ancient Greece" - Advised by Kathleen Lynch
- Kathleen Kidder - "Representations of Truth and Falsehood of Hellenistic Poetry" - Advised by Kathryn Gutzwiller
- Christopher Motz - "The Impact of Knowledge Networks on Workshop Construction in the Western Roman Empire" - Advised by Steven Ellis
- Alexandros Laftsidis - "The Hellenistic Ceramic 'Koine' Revisited" - Advised by Kathleen Lynch
- Paschalis Zafeiriadis - "Spatial Organization and Social Change: The Transition from Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age in Macedonia, Greece" - Advised by Eleni Hatzaki
University of Colorado - Boulder
- Ian Oliver - "The Audiences of Herodotus: The Influence of Performance on the Written Histories" - Advised by Peter Hunt
- Sam Kindick - "Ovid's City: Rome in the Ars Amatoria and the Fasti" - Advised by Carole Newlands
- Elizabeth Deacon - "Tellers of Long Tales: Homeric Structures in the Greek Ideal Novel" - Advised by John Gibert
University of Florida
- Andrew P. Clark - "Solon the Poet, Solon the Lawgiver, Solon the Sage: The Changing Narrative and Historical Personage of Solon of Athens" - Advised by Robert S. Wagman
- Rob Conn - "Vernae in the Roman Republic" - Advised by Velvet Yates
- Neil Beers - "Love and the Nature of Things: Ovid's Reception of Lucretius and his Poetic Immortality" - Advised by Velvet Yates
- April Spratley - "Musical Instruments and Intertextuality in Ovid" - Advised by Konstantinos Kapparis
- Tim Griffith - "Lactantius, On the Anger of God" - Advised by Konstantinos Kapparis
- Jennifer Nelson - "Gian Vittorio Rossi's Eudemia: Annotated Edition of Books 1-5 with an Introduction and Translation" - Advised by Jennifer Rea
- Paloma Rodriguez - "Sacrilegae Artes: Attitudes Toward Prostitution in the Roman World" - Advised by Konstantinos Kapparis
- Kory Plockmeyer - "Cultural Exchange and the Empire of Alexander: A Postcolonial Analysis of Quintus Curtius Rufus" - Advised by Victoria Pagan
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Sebastian Anderson - "Poetry in Public" - Advised by Craig Williams
- Orestis Karatzoglou - "Fear of Personal Death in Plato" - Advised by Kirk Sanders
- Aine McVey - "Suetonius' Use of Anecdotes in De Vita Caesarum" - Antony Augoustakis
University of Iowa
- Robert K. Morley - "Poverty in the Fictional Works of Petronius and Apuleius" - Advised by Craig A. Gibson
- Tyler Fyotek - "Deathics: Homeric Ethics as Thanatology" - Advised by Paul Dilley
- Jeremy Swist - "Roman Kings and their Exempla in Post-Augustan Imperial Historiography" - Advised by Sarah E. Bond
- Matthew Horrell - "Epic Hyperbole in Homer" - Advised by Robert C. Ketterer
- Caitlin A. Marley - "Sentiments, Networks, Literary Biography: Towards a Mesoanalysis of Cicero's Corpus" - Advised by Paul Dilley
- Jacqueline Jones - "At Cliff's Edge: Studies of the Single Heroides" - Advised by Robert C. Ketterer
- Vanessa Espinosa - "Submitting to God: A Comparative Study of Apuleius's Metamorphoses, Augustine's Confessions, and Aelius Aristides's Sacred Tales" - Advised by John F. Finamore
University of Michigan
- David Morphew - "Passionate Platonism: Plutarch on the Positive Role of Non-Rational Affects in the Good Life" - Advised by Victor Caston
University of Minnesota
- Ryan Seaberg - "Lexical Blends in Greek and Latin" - Advised by George A. Sheets
- Elizabeth Torresson - "Demeter and her Youth at the Crossroads of Poetry, Politics, and Religion" - Advised by Nita Krevans
- Nicholas Wagner - "Haec Templa: Religion in Cicero's Orations" - Advised by Spencer Cole
University of Missouri - Columbia
- Justin James - "Emblem of Empire: The Roman Army as Symbol for Roman Identity in Late Republican and Early Imperial Literature" - Advised by Dennis Trout
- Claire McGraw - "Imperial Gods: divine Representations and the Imperial Cult in Rome" - Advised by Dennis Trout
- Christopher Dobbs - "Not Just Fun and Games: Exploring Ludic Elements in Greek and Latin Literature " - Advised by Raymond Marks
- Katy Chenoweth - "Mapping Seneca: Cognitive Cartography and Moral Imagination in the Natural Questions" - Advised by Raymond Marks
University of New Brunswick
- Marilyn Sarah McGrath - "A Search for the Homeland of Horses Found at Bronze Age Greek Sites" - Advised by Maria Papaioannou (Classics) and Sue Blair (Anthropology)
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
- Cicek Beeby - "Spatial Narratives of Mortuary Landscapes in Early Iron Age Greece" - Advised by Donald Haggis
- John Beeby - "Literary and Archaeological Etruscans on the First Century BCE" - James Rives
- William Begley - "The Avignon Manuscript and the Transmission of Rufinus' Translation of Origen's Peri Archon" - Advised by Robert Babcock
- Emma Buckingham - "Identity and Material Culture in the Interplay of Locals and Greek Settlers in Sicily and the Early Archaic Period" - Advised by Donald Haggis and Carla Antonaccio
- Patrick Dombrowski - "Magic and Supersititions and Roman Popular Religion" - Advised by James Rives
- Sarah Miller Esposito - "Commemorating the Past in Herodotus' ethnographic logoi" - Advised by Emily Baragwanath
- Sarah Hilker - "From Houses to Settlements: A Consideration of Mycenaean Social Structure" - Advised by Donald Haggis
- Catharine Judson - "Protogeometric and Geometric Crete" - Advised by Donald Haggis
- Keith Penich - "Vision and Narrative in Apollonius' Argonautica" - Advised by James O'Hara
- Matthew Schueller - "Public Entertainment Venues as Network Actors in Roman Macedonia and Thrace" - Advised by Jennifer Gates-Foster and Herica Valladares
- Tedd Wimperis - "Vergil's Political Myths: Cultural Memory and Constructed Ethnicity in the Aeneid" - Advised by James O'Hara
- Jessica Wise - "Gender, Speech, Authority: Ovid's Fasti and Augustan Thought on Women" - Advised by Sharon James
University of Pennsylvania
- William Beck - "The Narrative of the Iliad: Time, Space, and Plot" - Advised by Bridget Murnaghan
- Alice Hu - "The Epic Successors of Tragedy: Problems of Generation and Overliving in the Reception of Greek Tragedy in Roman Epic" - Advised by Joseph Farrell
- Amy Lewis - "Aristophanes' Vulgar Poetics" - Advised by Ralph Rosen
- Scheharezade Kahn - "Pseudonymous Authors of the Second Sophistic" - Advised by Ralph Rosen
- Marcie Persyn - "Bilingual and Multicultural Allusions from Meleager to Varro" - Advised by Cynthia Damon
University of Southern California
- Thomas Sapsford - "The Life of the Kinaidoi" - Advised by Thomas Habinek
- Robert Matera - "The Vulnerable Corpus of Propertius" - Advised by Thomas Habinek
- Russell Pascatore - "Zeus' Plan in Early Greek Poetry's Construction of Political and Social Identity" - Advised by William Thalmann
- Christian Lehmann - "The End of Augustan Literature: Ovid's Epistulae ex Ponto IV" - Advised by Anthony Boyle
- Afroditi Angelopoulou - "Emotionality and the Embodiment of Morality in Aeschylean Tragedy" - Advised by William Thalmann
- Louis Palazzo - "The Garden of Atticus" - Advised by Thomas Habinek
- Matthew Chaldekas - "Vision in Theocritus: Perception, Performance, Poetics" - Advised by William Thalmann
- Jennifer Devereaux - "The Enacted Text: Evidence for Mind-Body Analogy as a Structuring Mechanism in Latin Texts" - Advised by Thomas Habinek
- Elke Nash - "Honor and Women in Greek Tragedy" - Advised by William Thalmann and Thomas Habinek
University of Texas at Austin
- Andrea Pittard - "In the Eye of the Beholder: Audience Reaction to Gender Performance in Ancient Rome" - Advised by Andrew M. Riggsby
- Margaret Clark - "Laying the Groundwork: Agricultural Land in the Roman Agricultural Imaginary" - Advised by Andrew M. Riggsby
- Benjamin Crowther - "Life on the Streets: Architecture and Community along the Colonnaded Avenues of the Roman Empire (1st-4th c. CE) - Advised by Rabun Taylor
- Stephanie Craven - "The Mercenaries of Hellenistic Crete" - Advised by Paula J. Perlman
- Kyle Sanders - "Pindar and the Enigmatic Tradition" - Advised by Thomas K. Hubbard
- Colin Yarborough - "Xenophon's Political Class: Revitalization and Reconciliation in the 4th Century" - Advised by Paula J. Perlman
- Laura Takakjy - "Building a Home in Atomic Rome: Lucretius on the Biological Family and Community" - Advised by Lesley Dean-Jones
- Einav Denbin - "Weaving Practices Outside Athens: The Case of the epinetra" - Advised by Nassos Papalexandrou
University of Virginia
- Hilary Bouxsein – “Talking Truth: The Vocabulary of Honesty in Archaic Greek Poetry” – Advised by Jenny Strauss Clay
- Megan Bowen – “Prayer in Ovid’s Metamorphoses” – Advised by John Miller and K. Sara Myers
- Timothy Brannelly – “A Clash of Characters: Jupiter and Juno in Ovid’s Fasti” – Advised by K. Sara Myers and John Miller
- Courtney Evans – “Time in the Odes of Horace” – Advised by Jenny Strauss Clay
- Mary Gilbert – “Racine Reads the Ancients: Andromaque, Britannicus, Iphigénie and Phèdre” – Advised by Jon Mikalson
- David Hewett – The First Person Narratives in Seneca’s Epistles” – Advised by Gregory Hays
- Sarah Miller – “The Rhetoric of apologia in Cicero’s Letters” – Advised by Jane Crawford
- Jocelyn Moore – “When You Can’t Go Home Again: The Destruction of the oikos in Greek Tragedy” – Advised by Jon Mikalson
- Nick Rich – “Word Order in Latin Accusativus cum infinitivo Constructions” – Advised by Coulter George
- Sarah Teets – “One is not born a Greek: Josephus and Cultural Identity in the Against Apion” – Advised by John Dillery
- Evan Waters – “Lucian and Greek Historiography” – Advised by John Dillery
- Sarah Herbert - "The Philosopher and the Farmer: Socrates and Spatial Metaphor in Plato, Xenophon, and Cicero" - Advised by K. Sara Myers
University of Washington
- Edward Bertany – “Apollo through Time and Space: From Homer’s Troy to Ovid’s Rome” – Advised by Olga Levaniouk
- Matthew Gorey – “Physics and History in Virgil’s Aeneid” – Advised by Stephen Hinds
- Eunice Kim – “The Fugitive: Murder and Exile in the Age of Heroes” – Advised by Olga Levaniouk
- Xiaoran Luo – Polyphemus and His World” —Advised by Stephen Hinds
- Alberto Requejo – “Hesiod, Lucretius, and Virgil in Columella's Treatise on Agriculture: Ideology and Intertext” - Advised by Stephen Hinds
- Adriana Vazquez – “Vates and Initiates: Augustan Poetic Manipulation of Greek Mystery Cult” – Advised by Olga Levaniouk
University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Mary Clare Dolinar - "Between Gods and Mortals: Divinity, Mortality, and Religious Ritual in Euripides" - Advised by Laura McClure
- Stephen Geiger - "The Conquered Conqueres: The Art of Exile in Josephus" - Advised by Jeffrey Beneker
- Molly Harris - "Leaving War Behind: War, Return, and Survival in Greek Tragedy" - Advised by Laura McClure
- Rachel Hart - "Identity and Truth in Greek Ethnographic Texts" - Jeffrey Beneker
- Marie La Fond - "οὔτω τοι τόδε σῆμα πιφαύσκομαι: Significant Objects in the Odyssey" - Advised by Patricia Rosenmeyer
Yale University
- Alex Zhang - "Classical Natural Law Theories from Attic Rhetoric to Aristotle" - Advised by Victor Bers and Verity Harte
- Allison Glasscock - "Learners and Seekers in the Platonic Corpus" - Advised by Verity Harte
- Claudia Rammelt - "The Impact of the Emerging Renaissance Thucydides on Machiavelli's 'Istorie Fiorentine'" - Advised by Emily Greenwood
- Cynthia Polsley - "Contrafactual Structures and Hologrammar in Ancient Greek Narrative" - Advised by Egbert Bakker
- Emily Kress - "Chance and Spontaneity in Physics II.4-6" - Advised by Verity Harte
- Geoffrey Moseley - "Plato Arabus" - Advised by Dimitri Gutas
- Jennifer Weintritt - "Troy Story: The Epic Cycle in Latin Epic" - Advised by Irene Peirano Garrison
- Kyle Khellaf - "The Paratextual Past: Digression in Classical Historiography" - Advised by Christina Kraus
- Meghan Freeman - "Encountering the Past: Republican and Augustan Rome as Memoryscape" - Advised by Diana Kleiner
- Noreen Sit - "Nobility on Parade: Roman Processional Movement as Performance of Status" - Advised by Kirk Freudenberg
- Rachel Love - "Writing After Livy: Ab Urbe Condita Historgraphy as Tradition and Reception" - Advised by Christina Kraus
- Sarah Derbew - "The Metatheater of Blackness: Looking at and through Blackness and Ancient Greek Literature and Art" - Advised by Emily Greenwood
- Yunfeng Lin - "The Language of Plato: from Stylistics to Linguistics" - Advised by Victor Bers and Egbert Bakker
Completed (2016-2017 Academic Year)
Brown University
- Dominic Machado - "Communities and Collective Action in the Republican Army" - Advised by John Bodel and Lisa Mignone
- Jennifer Yates - "The Ancient Novels and the Tragic Tradition" - Advised by John Bodel and David Konstan
Bryn Mawr College
- Charles Kuper - "The Latin Controversial Dialogues of Late Antiquity" - Advised by Catherine Conybeare
- Sara Sieteski - "Recontextualizing Military Structures along the Stanegate and Hadrian's Wall Utilizing Aerial Photography and GIS Mapping" - Advised by Russell T. Scott
- Abbe Walker - "Bride of Hades to Bride of Christ: The Virgin and the Otherworldly Bridegroom in Ancient Greece and Early Christian Rome" - Advised by Radcliffe G. Edmonds and Catherine Conybeare
Duke University
- Katheryn Langenfeld - "Forging a History: The INventions and Intellectual Community of the Historia Augusta" - Advised by Mary Boatwright
- Theodore Graham - "Playing the Tyrant: The Representation of Tyranny in Fifth-Century Tragedy" - Advised by Peter Burian
Harvard University
- David Camden - "Medicine and Cosmology in Classical Greece: First Principles in Early Greek Medicine" - Advised by Mark Schiefsky
- Tyler Flatt - "Redeeming Epic: Furor, Classical Tradition, and Christian Cosmos in Late Antiquity" - Advised by Jan Ziolkowski
- Alexander Forte - "Tracing Homeric Metaphor" - Advised by Gregory Nagy
- Amy Koenig - "The Tongueless Nightingale: Loss of Voice in the Literature of the Roman Empire" - Advised by Kathleen Coleman
Johns Hopkins University
- Ross Brendle - "The Function and Significance of Late Attic Black-figure Vases" - Advised by Alan Shapiro
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Rex Crews - "The Handbooks De Officio Proconsulis: Authorship and Audience" - Advised by James Rives
- Zackary Rider - "Caelum Ascendid Ratio: The Divinizing Role of Knowledge in Didactic Poetry from Hesiod to Manilius" - Advised by James O'Hara
- Jessica Wise - "Gender, Rhetoric, Authority: Ovid's Fasti and Augustan Thought on Women" - Advised by Sharon James
- Hans Hansen - "Pindar's Isthmian 6: A Commentary and Literary Study" - Advised by William Race
- Katherine De Boer Simons - "Death and the Female Body in Homer, Vergil, and Ovid" - Advised by Sharon James
- Robyn Le Blanc - "The Public Sacred Identity of Roman Ascalon" - Advised by Jodi Magness
- Elizabeth Clark - "The Chronicle of Novalese: Translation, Text and Literary Analysis" - Advised by Robert Babcock
- Pablo Molina - "Paul in Rome: A Case Study on the Formation and Transmission of Traditions" - Advised by James Rives
- Daniel Schindler - "Late Roman and Byzantine Galilee: A Provincial Case Study from the Perspective of the Imported and Common Pottery" - Advised by Jodi Magness
- Erika Weiberg - "The Trauma at Home: Wives of Returning Veterans in Greek Tragedy" - Advised by William Race
- Tedd Wimperis - "Cultural Memory and Constructed Ethnicity in Vergil's Aeneid" - Advised by James O'Hara
University of Chicago
- Kassandra Jackson - "A Doctor on the Clock: Hourly Timekeeping and Galen's Scientific Method" - Advised by Christopher Faraone and Elizabeth Asmis
- Julia Mebane - "The Body Politic and Roman Political Languages" - Advised by Michele Lowrie and Clifford Ando
- Branden Kosch - "Reading Demosthenes" - Advised by Helma Dik and David Martinez
University of Cincinnati
- Mitch Brown - "Menander Offstage" - Advised by Kathryn Gutzwiller
University of Colorado Boulder
- Ian Oliver - "The Audiences of Herodotus: The Influence of Performance on the Histories" - Advised by Peter Hunt
University of Florida
- Sara Agnelli - "Galen on Tremor, Rigor, Palpitation and Spasm: A Critical Edition" - Advised by Konstantinos Kapparis
- Miller Krause - "Major Characters in Roman Declamation" - Advised by Konstantinos Kapparis and Lewis Sussman
- Philip Cook - "Abandoning the City: Meaning and Identity in Lucan's Rome" - Advised by Jennifer Rea
University of Iowa
- Tyler Fyotek - "Deathics: Homeric Ethics as Thanatology" - Advised by Paul Dilley
- Matthew Horrell - "Epic Hyperbole in Homer" - Advised by Robert Ketterer
- Jacqueline Jones - "At the Cliff's Edge: Studies of the Single Heroides" - Advised by Robert Ketterer
University of Michigan (Interdepartmental Program)
- Tiggy McLaughlin - "Christian Pedagogy and Christian COmmunity in the Fifth- and Sixth- Century Mediterranean" - Advised by Raymond Van Dam
University of Michigan (Classical Studies)
- Amy Pistone - "When the Gods Speak: Oracular Communication and Concepts of Language in Sophocles" - Advised by Ruth Scodel
- Zach Andreadakis - "Reading for Clues: Detective Narratives in Heliodorus' Aithiopika" - Advised by Richard Janko
- Jaqueline Stimson - "Killing Romans: Legitimizing Violence in Cicero and Caesar" - Advised by David Potter
University of Minnesota
- Rachael Cullick - “Maximae Furiarum: The Female Demonic in Augustan Epic” - Advised by Christopher Nappa
University of Pennsylvania
- Jacob Feeley - "Josephus as Political Philosopher: Hist Theory of Ideal Monarchy" - Advised by Julia Wilker and Cynthia Damon
- Eyal Meyer - "The Satraps of Western Anatolia and the Greeks" - Advised by Jeremy McInerney and Lauren Ristvet
- Jeff Ulrich - "Platonic Reflections in Apuleius" - Advised by Emily Wilson and Cynthia Damon
- Elizabeth Palazzolo - "The Roman Cultural Memory of the Conquest of Latium" - Advised by Cynthia Damon and Joseph Farrell
In Progress (2017-2018 Academic Year)
Boston University
- Elizabeth Baxter - "A Spring of Ambrosial Words: Pindar's Theory of Poetry" - Advised by Jeffrey Henderson
- Peter Blandino - "Music as Drama in Euripides" - Advised by Herbert Golder
- James Ferguson - "The Roman Tertullian: De Spectaculis and Christian Identity" - Advised by Zsuzsanna Varhelyi
- Colin Pang - "Engaging Hesiod and Homer in Quintus Smyrnaeus and Imperial Greek Poetry" - Advised by Stephen Scully
Catholic University of America
- Luigi De Luca - "The Quest for Health in the Writings of Basil of Caesarea: Botany, Pharmacology and Nutrition" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Fred Fraser - "Figurative Language in the Philosophy of Plotinus" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Kathleen Kirsch - "The Soul at War in Late Antiquity: the Image of Spiritual Warfare in the Poetry of Prudentius" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Benjamin Lewis - "The Senses and Sensory Metaphors in Augustine’s Confessions" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Alex Poulos - "Callimachus and Callimacheanism in the Poetry of Gregory of Nazianzus" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Damon Smith - "Basil of Caesarea’s Theory of Language in Practice: Understanding the Hexaëmeron" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Sr. Maria del Fiat Miola - "Spaces of Salvation in Sixth-Century Arles: The Women’s Monastery as Household and Family" - Advised by William E. Klingshirn
- Karen Carducci - "The Roman Lapidary Discourse from Pliny the Elder to Isidore of Seville" - Advised by William E. Klingshirn
Duke University
- John Paul Aldrup-Macdonald - “Athenian Democracy on Paper” - Advised by Joshua D. Sosin
- Laura Camp - “Schools of Greek Mathematical Practice” - Advised by Joshua D. Sosin
- Thomas J. B. Cole - “Political Thought in Tacitus' Minor Works” - Advised by Jed Atkins
- Alexander John Fowler - “The Necklace of Harmony: Nonnus and Neoplatonism” - Advised by José González
- Melissa Huber - "Monumentalizing Infrastructure: The City and People of Rome in the Time of Claudius" - Advised by Mary T. Boatwright
- Adrian C. Linden-High - “Slaves and Ex-Slaves in the Roman Military Community under the Principate” - Advised by Mary T. Boatwright
- Courtney Monahan - "Matrona Visa: Women's Public Visibility and Civic Identity in Hispania Tarraconensis" - Advised by Mary T. Boatwright
- David W. F. Stifler - “Lucian and the Atticists: A Barbarian at the Gates” - Advised by William Johnson
Florida State University
- Ana Belinskaya – “Internal Narrators and the Evolution of Roman Space in Ovid’s Fasti” – Advised by Laurel Fulkerson.
- Michelle Currie – “Fear in Senecan Tragedy” - Advised by Tim Stover
- Amy Dill – “Second Order Centers and the Mycenaean Argolid-Corinthia” – Advised by Daniel J. Pullen
- Carolyn Fine – “New Investigations into Prehistoric Corinth: the ‘Neolithic rhyton’ and continuity of cult” – Advised by Daniel J. Pullen
- Ann Glennie – “Water Collection, Storage, and Usage at Cosa in the Roman Republic and Imperial Period” – Advised by Andrea De Giorgi
- Alexander Skufca – “Egypt and Universal Empire in the Works of Diodorus and Strabo” – Advised by John Marincola
- Allison Smith – “The Interconnectivity of Bathing Architecture in Central and Northern Italy” – Advised by Andrea De Giorgi
Harvard University
- Keating McKeon - "No Going Back: Attic Tragedy and the Autocratic Return" - Advised by Naomi Weiss
- Alexandra Schultz - "Monumental Libraries" - Advised by Paul Kosmin and Richard Thomas
- James Taylor - "Changing Places: geological change and the shaping of landscapes in classical thought and imagination" - Advised by Richard Thomas
- James Zainaldin - "Philosophy, Rhetoric, Science: The Formation of Specialized Knowledge at Rome, 100 BCE – 200 CE" - Advised by Kathleen Coleman and Mark Schiefsky
Ohio State University
- Kathryn Caliva - "Prayers and Pragmatic Speech Acts in Greek Poetry" - Advised by Sarah Iles Johnston
- Alice Gaber - "Praise and Desire: Chorality, Narrative, and the Choral Voice in Archaic Lyric" - Advised by Benjamin Acosta-Hughes
- Marcus Ziemann - "The Iliad and Gilgamesh Reconsidered: Contexts for Appropriations of Assyrian Propaganda" - Advised by Carolina Lopez-Ruiz
- Brandon Bourgeois, “Roman Imperial Accessions: Politics, Constituencies, and Communicative Acts”- Advised by Antony Kaldellis
- Warren Huard - "The Association of Herakles and Dionysos in Archaic Greece" - Advised by Sarah Iles Johnston
- William Little - "Sappho in the Renaissance: the Evidence from the Latin Commentary Tradition"- Advised by Frank Coulson
Stanford University
- Simeon Ehrlich – “Greco-Roman Urban Form in its Global Context” – Advised by Ian Morris
- Stephen Sansom – “The Poetics of Style in the Shield of Heracles: Speech, Ekphrasis, and Sound” – Advised by Richard Martin
- Scott Arcenas – “Stasis: the nature, frequency, and intensity of political violence in ancient Greece” Advised by Josh Ober
- Eunsoo Lee – “Visual Agency in Euclid's Elements: a study of the transmission of visual knowledge” – Advised by Reviel Netz
- Israel McMullin – “Touching Heroes: the Homeric construction of intimacy” – Advised by Richard Martin
- Jon Weiland- “ The Roman Poor: in the city and the country” – Advised by Jen Trimble and Walter Scheidel
University of British Columbia
- Justin Dwyer – “Apollodoros of Karystos and the Tradition of New Comedy” – Advised by C.W. Marshall
- Bethany Brothers – “The Ludi as a Medium for Imperial Propaganda in the Severan Age” – Advised by Jeremy Rossiter (University of Alberta) and Leanne Bablitz
- Chelsea Gardner – “The Mani Peninsula in Antiquity: An Archaeological, Historical, and Epigraphic Investigation into Regional Identity” – Advised by Hector Williams
- Ryan Johnson – “The κατάδεσμοι of Selinous: Intermediaries between Near Eastern and Greek Traditions of Cursing” – Advised by Franco De Angelis
- Graham Butler – "The Production of Similarity: a Comparative Perspective on the Literary Representation of Slaves in Antiquity" – Advised by C.W. Marshall
University of California, Berkeley
- Caroline Cheung - "Storage and Packaging for an Empire: Agricultural Economies in West-Central Italy, c. 200 BCE – 200 CE" - Advised by J. Theodore Peña
- Eric Driscoll - "Contest and Contestation in the Athenian Empire" - Advised by Emily Mackil and Nikolaos Papazarkadas
- Lynn Gallogly - "Figures of Speech: Bodies, Texts, and Performance in Lucian" - Advised by Mario Telò (Classics)
- Marissa Henry - "Meat, Nectar and Ambrosia, and Cannibalism in Archaic Hexameter Poetry" - Advised by Leslie Kurke
- Chris Waldo - "Making Meaning in the Victory Ode" - Advised by Leslie Kurke
University of California, Los Angeles
- Hans Bork – “A Rough Guide to Insult in Plautus” – Advised by Amy Richlin
- Grace Gillies – “Writing in the Street: the Development of Urban Poetics in Roman Satire” – Advised by Amy Richlin
- Nathan Kish – “The Ethics of Style in Latin Rhetorical Invective” – Advised by Amy Richlin
- Dale Parker – “Plato’s Arguments and Aristotle’s Reception” – Advised by David Blank
- Elliott Piros – “Martial and the Poetics of Popular Consumption” – Advised by Francesca Martelli & Amy Richlin
- Ben Radcliffe – “The Aesthetics of Equality in Early Greek Poetry” – Advised by Alex Purves
- John Tennant – “Proverbial Plato: Proverbs, Gnomai, and the Attempt to Reform Discourse in Plato’s Republic” – Advised by Kathryn Morgan
- Celsiana Warwick – “For those Yet to Come: Gender and Kleos in the Iliad” – Advised by Alex Purves
University of California, Riverside
Carly Maris - "Parading Persia: West Asian Geopolitics and the Roman Triumph" - Advised by Michele Renee Salzman
Shawn Ragan - "Inter Divos Referri : Roman Imperial Cult in the Third Century C.E." - Advised by Michele Renee Salzman
Elizabeth Parker - "The Rhetoric of Geography in the Panegyrici Latini" - Advised by Michele Renee Salzman
University of Cincinnati
- Jeffrey Banks - "Early Helladic Corinth," Jack L. Davis and Eleni Hatzaki
- Mohammed Bhatti, "Imperial Greeks and Their Memory of the Roman Republican Past,” Peter van Minnen
- Gabriele Busnelli, “Inquiring Knowledge: On Callimachean Epistemology,” Kathryn Gutzwiller
- Christopher Miller, “A Cultural History of the Roman Centurion,“ Peter van Minnen
- Alexandros Laftsidis, “The Hellenistic Ceramic ‘Koine’ Revisited,” Kathleen Lynch
- Efthymia Tsiolaki, “Diachronic Landscapes and Social Change in Pylos, Western Messenia, Greece: The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project and its Archaeological Context in Prehistory,” Jack L. Davis
- Paschalis Zafeiriadis, "Analyzing Spatial and Social Structures in Late Neolithic-Early Bronze Age Macedonia, Greece," Eleni Hatzaki and Jack L. Davis
University of Colorado, Boulder
- Elizabeth Deacon - "Tellers of Long Tales: Homeric Structures in the Greek Ideal Novel: - Advised by John Gibert
- Tyler Denton - "Monuments and Monumentality in Livy's Ab Urbe Condita" - Advised by Jackie Elliott
- Samuel L. Kindick - "Ovid's City: Rome in the Ars Amatoria and the Fasti" - Advised by Carole Newlands
University of Florida
- Andrew P. Clark - "Solon the Poet, Solon the Lawgiver, Solon the Sage: The Changing Narrative and Historical Personage of Solon of Athens" - Advised by Robert S. Wagman
- Rob Conn - "Vernae in the Roman Republic" - Advised by Velvet Yates
- Neil Beers - "Love and the Nature of Things: Ovid's Reception of Lucretius and his Poetic Immortality" - Advised by Velvet Yates
- April Spratley - "Musical Instruments and Intertextuality in Ovid" - Advised by Konstantinos Kapparis
- Tim Griffith - "Lactantius, On the Anger of God" - Advised by Konstantinos Kapparis
- Jennifer Nelson - "Gian Vittorio Rossi's Eudemia: Annotated Edition of Books 1-5 with an Introduction and Translation" - Advised by Jennifer Rea
- Paloma Rodriguez - "Sacrilegae Artes: Attitudes Toward Prostitution in the Roman World" - Advised by Konstantinos Kapparis
- Kory Plockmeyer - "Cultural Exchange and the Empire of Alexander: A Postcolonial Analysis of Quintus Curtius Rufus" - Advised by Victoria Pagan
- Emilie Jordan - "Are you not entertained?: Comedy in Ovid's Metamorphoses" - Advised by Jennifer A. Rea
- Maria Papaioannou - "Epigram and Cult: A New Study of the Rock-Cut Precinct of Artemidorus at Thera" - Advised by Robert S. Wagman
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Konstantinos Arampapaslis, “Witches in Imperial Latin Poetry”- Advised by Antony Augoustakis
- Stephen Froedge, “Plenus monstris: Monsters and Monstrosity in Flavian Epic”- Advised by Antony Augoustakis
- Orestis Karatzoglou, “Platonic Psychology”- Advised by Kirk Sanders
- Adam Kozak, “Humans and Natura in Flavian Epic” ”- Advised by Antony Augoustakis
- Aine McVey, “Anecdotes in Suetonius’ De Vita Caesarum”- Advised by Antony Augoustakis
- Clayton Schroer, “Exile in Flavian Epic”- Advised by Antony Augoustakis
- Jessica Wells, “Gender and Genre in Martial”- Advised by Craig Williams
University of Iowa
- Jeremy J. Swist - "A Principio Reges: The Reception of the Seven Kings of Rome in Imperial Historiography from Tiberius to Theodosius" - Advised by Sarah E. Bond
- Kenneth Elliott - "Rewards for Violence: Praemia in Roman Declamation" - Advised by Craig Gibson
- Vanessa Espinosa - "Submitting to God: A Comparative Study of Apuleius's Metamorphoses, Augustine's Confessions, and Aelius Aristides's Sacred Tales" - Advised by John Finamore
- Caitlin A. Marley - "Sentiments, Networks, Literary Biography: Towards a Mesoanalysis of Cicero's Corpus" - Advised by Paul Dilley
- Robert Morley - "Poverty in the Fictional Works of Petronius and Apuleius" - Advised by Craig Gibson
University of Michigan
- Louise Loehndorff – “Setting Rufinus in Context: A Holistic Approach to the Translation of Origen’s Psychology of Thought and Sin” – Advised by Sara Ahbel-Rappe
- Megan Wilson – “A Social History of Theater In Attalid Asia Minor” – Advised by Ruth Scodel
- Elizabeth Nabney – “The Impact of Labour-Motivated Mobility on Family Structures in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt” – Advised by Arthur Verhoogt
- Parrish Wright – “Competing Narratives of Identity and Urbanism in Central and Southern Italy, 750 BCE – 100 BCE” – Advised by David Potter
- Daniel Walden – “To Sing the Deeds of Men: Epithet and Identity in Homeric and Indo-European Epic” – Advised by Ben Fortson
- Zachary Hallock – “Inclusion and Transparency: The Emergence of State Record Keeping in Republican Rome in the 4th Century BCE” – Advised by David Potter
- David R. Morphew – “Passionate Platonism: Plutarch on the Positive Role of Non-Rational Affects in the Good Life” – Advised by Victor Caston
- Christian Axelgard – “Tragedy and Identity in Fourth-Century Athens” – Advised by Ruth Scodel
- James Faullkner –“Intellectual Currents in the Gracchan Period” – Advised by David Potter and Basil Dufallo
- Malia Piper – “No Romance without Finance: the Role of Money in Roman Comedy” - Advised by Ruth Caston
- Jan Dewitt – “The Aedileship, the Quaestorship, and the Development of the Roman State” – Advised by David Potter
University of Minnesota
- Joshua Reno - "Holy Obscenity: Sexual Invective in the Pauline Corpus" - Advised by Stephen Ahearne-Kroll and Melissa Harl Sellew
- Ryan Seaberg - "Lexical Blends in Greek and Latin" - Advised by George A. Sheets
- Anthony Thomas - "Old (Testament) Solutions to New Problems: Ambrose of Milan's Use of Old Testament Exegesis in the Nicene Controversies" - Advised by Meliisa Harl Sellew
- Elizabeth Torresson - "Demeter and her Youth at the Crossroads of Poetry, Politics, and Religion" - Advised by Nita Krevans
- Nicholas Wagner - "Haec Templa: Religion in Cicero's Orations" - Advised by Spencer Cole
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Cicek Beeby – "Spatial Narratives of Mortuary Landscapes in Early Iron Age Greece" – Advised by Donald Haggis
- John Beeby - "Literary and Archaeological Etruscans of/in the First Century BCE" - Advised by James Rives
- Emma Buckingham - "Identity and Material Culture in the Interplay of Locals and Greek Settlers in Sicily in the Early Archaic Period" – Advised by Donald Haggis & Carla Antonaccio
- Patrick Dombrowski - "Magic and Superstition as Roman Popular Religion" – Advised by James Rives
- Andrew Ficklin – “Cupido Caesar: Venus’ Other Son in Augustan Art and Text” – Advised by James O’Hara
- Sarah Hilker – "From Houses to Settlements: A Consideration of Mycenaean Social Structure" – Advised by Donald Haggis
- Catharine Judson - "Protogeometric and Geometric Crete" – Advised by Donald Haggis
- Katelin McCullough – “Women in Roman Crete and Cyrenaica: Female Representation Civic and Religious Spaces of the Eastern Mediterranean” - Advised by Jennifer Gates-Foster
- Brian McPhee - "Apollonius' Argonautica and the Homeric Hymns" – Advised by Patricia Rosenmeyer
- Keith Penich - "Vision and Narrative in Apollonius' Argonautica" – Advised by James O’Hara
- Matthew Schueller - "Public Entertainment Venues as Network Actors in Roman Macedonia and Thrace" – Advised by Jennifer Gates-Foster & Herica Valladares
- Katie Tardio – “Roman Conquest and Changes in Animal Economy in the North-East of the Iberian Peninsula” – Advised by Jennifer Gates-Foster & Benjamin Arbuckle
University of Pennsylvania
- William Beck, "The Narrative of the Iliad: Time, Space, and Plot" - Advised by Sheila Murnaghan
- Greg Callaghan, “Attalid Networks: Seeking Status and Acquiring Authority Beyond State Capacity” - Advised by Julia Wilker and Jeremy McInerney
- Morgan Condell, “The Forest Resources of Ancient Greece: Management, Exploitation, and Trade” - Advised by Jeremy McInerney
- Alice Hu, "The Epic Successors of Tragedy: Problems of Succession and Overliving in Latin Epic” - Advised by Joseph Farrell
- Amy Lewis, "Aristophanes' Vulgar Poetics" - Advised by Ralph Rosen
- Scheherazade Khan, "Spectacular Mimesis: A Dynamic Representational Strategy in Roman Imperial Culture" - Advised by Ralph Rosen
- Marcie Persyn, "Code-switching and Bilingualism in Saturis Lucilii" - Advised by Cynthia Damon
- Ryan Pilipow, “The Little Men of Law: A Social History of the Jurist in Late Antiquity” - Advised by Cam Grey
- Ruben Post, “The Economics of the Achaian Koinon” - Advised by Jeremy McInerney and Cam Grey
- Jane Sancinito, “Merchants in the Later Roman Empire” - Advised by Cam Grey
- Cynthia Susalla, “Heritage, Conflict and Ancient Rome: Discourse and Practice” - Advised by Cam Grey
- Ching-Yuan Wu, “The Local Impact of the Koinon of the Cities in Pontus” - Advised by Julia Wilker
University of Washington
- Edward Bertany - “Apollo through Time and Space: From Homer’s Troy to Ovid’s Rome” - Advised by Olga Levaniouk
- Charles Carver - “Ἕρκος Ἀθηναίων: The Ajax Myth, the Trojan War, and the Construction of Civic Ideology in Fifth-Century Athens” - Advised by Ruby Blondell
- Daniel Conner – “Mille simul leti facies: The Allusive Battlefield of Silius’ Punica” - Advised by Stephen Hinds
- Xiaoran Luo - “Polyphemus and his World” - Advised by Stephen Hinds
- Megan O’Donald - “Lexical Figures in Homer” - Advised by Olga Levaniouk
- Anna Simas - “Killer Queen: Clytemnestra as Goddess, Heroine, and Monster” - Advised by Ruby Blondell
Yale University
- Treasa Bell - "Monsters in Latin Epic" - Advised by Christina S Kraus
- Kevin Feeney - "Roman Imperial Succession from Maximinus Thrax to Justinian" - Advised by Noel Lenski
- Andrew Hogan - "The Auction of Pharaoh: Institutions, Markets, and Culture in the Mediterranean during hte First Millennium BC" - Advised by J. G. Manning
- Niek Janssen - "Round Pegs into Square Holes: Parody and the Fitting in Greco-Roman Literature" - Advised by Irene Peirano and Kirk Freudenburg
- Rachel Love - "Writing After Livy: Ab Urbe Condita Historgraphy as Tradition and Reception" - Advised by Christina Kraus
- Allison Glasscock - "Learners and Seekers in the Platonic Corpus" - Advised by Verity Harte
- Cynthia Polsley - "Contrafactual Structures and Hologrammar in Ancient Greek Narrative" - Advised by Egbert Bakker
- Noreen Sit - "Nobility on Parade: Roman Processional Movement as Performance of Status" - Advised by Kirk Freudenberg
- Jennifer Weintritt - "Troy Story: The Epic Cycle in Latin Epic" - Advised by Irene Peirano Garrison
- Zachary Wolens - "Seneca's Metamorphoses: Ovidian Change and Disorder in Senecan Tragedy" - Advised by Kirk Freudenburg
- Kyle Conrau-Lewis - "The Classical Index: Reading the Historiographical Compilations of valerius Maximus, Frontinus and Plutarch" - Advised by Christina Kraus
- Daniel Ferguson - "Eudaimonia in the EE" - Advised by David Charles
- Reier Helle - "Unity, Part, and Whole in Stoic Philosophy" - Advised by David Charles
- Yunfeng Lin - "The Language of Plato: from Stylistics to Linguistics" - Advised by Victor Bers and Egbert Bakker
- Kyle Khellaf - "The Paratextual Past: Digression in Classical Historiography" - Advised by Christina Kraus
Completed (2017-2018 Academic Year)
Harvard University
- Charles Bartlett - "Roman Political Economy and Legal Change: The Effects of Empire on Property in Roman Law" - Advised by Emma Dench
- Gregory Mellen - "Deliberative Fictions: Isocrates' Assembly Speeches" - Advised by David Elmer & Harvey Yunis
- Monica Park - "The Mortal Divine: Callimachus and the Making of an Imperial Theology" - Advised by Paul Kosmin & Leslie Kurke
- Marco Romani Mistretta - "Invention and Discovery in Greek and Roman Thought" - Advised by Mark Schiefsky
- James Townshend - "Horace and the Ancient Grotesque" - Advised by David Elmer and Richard Thomas
- David Ungvary - "Verse and Conversion: Poetship, Christianity, and the Transformation of the Roman World, AD 400-700" - Advised by Jan Ziolkowski
- Katherine van Schaik - "Medical Decision Making in Greco-Roman Antiquity" - Advised by Mark Schiefsky
University of California, Riverside
- Moyses Marcos - "Julian and Themistius: Panegyric, Communication, and Power in the Fourth Century Roman Empire" - Advised by Michele Renee Salzman
University of Chicago
Andrew Horne - "Making Freedom in Cicero and Horace" - Advised by Michèle Lowrie
Paul Vadan – “Crisis Managemwnt and Socio-Political Risk in the Hellenistic Age” - Advised by: Alain Bresson
- Sarah Derbew - "The Metatheater of Blackness: Looking at and through Blackness and Ancient Greek Literature and Art" - Advised by Emily Greenwood
- Francois Geradin - "City foundations in Egypt and Western Asia in the Second Century B.C." - Advised by Joe Manning
- Alex Zhang - "Classical Natural Law Theories from Attic Rhetoric to Aristotle" - Advised by Victor Bers and Verity Harte
- Emily Kress - "Chance and Spontaneity in Physics II.4-6" - Advised by Verity Harte
In Progress (2018-2019 Academic Year)
Catholic University of America
- Luigi De Luca - "The Quest for Health in the Writings of Basil of Caesarea: Botany, Pharmacology and Nutrition" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Fred Fraser - "Figurative Language in the Philosophy of Plotinus" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Kathleen Kirsch - "The Soul at War in Late Antiquity: the Image of Spiritual Warfare in the Poetry of Prudentius" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Benjamin Lewis - "The Senses and Sensory Metaphors in Augustine’s Confessions" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Alex Poulos - "Callimachus and Callimacheanism in the Poetry of Gregory of Nazianzus" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Damon Smith - "Basil of Caesarea’s Theory of Language in Practice: Understanding the Hexaëmeron" - Advised by William J. McCarthy
- Karen Carducci - "The Roman Lapidary Discourse from Pliny the Elder to Isidore of Seville" - Advised by William E. Klingshirn
Duke University
- Thomas J.B. Cole - "Political Thought in Tacitus' Minor Works" - Advised by J. W. Atkins
- Alexander John Fowler – "The Necklace of Harmony: Nonnus and Neoplatonism" - Advised by José González
- Melissa Huber - "Monumentalizing Infrastructure: the City and People of Rome under Claudius" - Advised by M. T. Boatwright
- Clinton Kinkade - "The Afterlives of a Classic: Documenting Sophocles’ Reception in the Ancient World" - Advised by C. E. Catenaccio
- Adrian Linden-High — "Slaves and Ex-Slaves in Roman Military Communities under the Principate" — Advised by M. T. Boatwright.
- Courtney Monahan - "Matrona Visa: Women's Public Visibility and Civic Identity in Hispania Tarraconensis" - Advised by M. T. Boatwright
- David W.F. Stifler - "Lucian and the Atticists: A Barbarian at the Gates" - Advised by W.A. Johnson
- Laura Winters - “Schools of Greek Mathematical Practice” - Advised by J. D. Sosin
Harvard University
- Massimo Cè - "From menis to ira: Ancient Translators of Homer" - Advised by Richard Thomas
University of Washington
- Emma Brobeck – “Craftsmen, Identity, and Status in the Literature of Flavian Rome” – Advised by Stephen Hinds
- Konnor Clark – “Giton’s Performance of Status in the Satyrica of Petronius” - Advised by Catherine Connors
- Xiaoran Luo - “Polyphemus and his World” - Advised by Stephen Hinds
- Megan O’Donald - “Lexical Figures in Homer” - Advised by Olga Levaniouk
- Anna Simas - “Killer Queen: Clytemnestra as Goddess, Heroine, and Monster” - Advised by Ruby Blondell
- Sr. Maria del Fiat Miola - "Spaces of Salvation in Sixth-Century Arles: The Women’s Monastery as Household and Family" - Advised by William E. Klingshirn
Boston University
- David West - "The Case for Politics: A Cross-Generic Study of Cicero's Arguments for Political Engagement" - Advised by Ann Vasaly (April 2018)
- Rachel Fisher - "Homophrosyne and Women in the Iliad" - Advised by Stephen Scully (April 2018)
- Laurie Hutcheson - "Reported Speech in the Iliad" - Advised by Stephen Scully (2018)
- Amanda Jarvis - "Euripides and Thucydides from 415-411: Thematic Parallels" - Advised by Jeffrey Henderson (November 2017)
- Daniel Libatique - "Tereus, Procne, and Philomela: Speech, Silence, and the Voice of Gender" - Advised by Patricia Johnson (April 2018)
- Elizabeth Baxter - "A Spring of Ambrosial Words: Pindar's Theory of Poetry" - Advised by Jeffrey (Sept 2018)
In-Progress (2019-2020 Academic Year)
University of Virginia
- Christine Boltsi - "Hellenistic Influences on Catullus' Lesbia and the Intersection of Erotics and Poetics in the Catullan Corpus" - Advised by K.S. Myers
- Sam Crusemire - "Preverbs in Attic Prose: Grammaticalization, Aktionsart, and Functional Gramma" - Advised by Coulter George
- Holly Maggiore - "Love, Death, and Daimones: Euripides' δαἰμων and Contemporary Greek Religion" - Andrej Petrovic
- Sidney Christman - "The Role of Divine Emotion in the Homeric Hymns" - Advised by Ivana Petrovic
- Vergil Parson - "Panegyric in Latin Pastoral" - Advised by John Miller
- Rebecca Frank - "Delphic Divination in Plutarch's Work" - Advised by Ivana Petrovic
- Kevin Scahill - "Livy's Moral History of the Third Macedonian War" - Advised by Anthony Corbeil
- Joseph Zehner - "Genealogy and Early Greek Philosophy" - Jenny Strauss Clay
- Evan Waters - "Playing the Historian: Lucian's Historiographical Parodies in Context" - Advised by John Dillery
- Adam Gross - "άμυδροῖς γράμμασι: Thucydides' Use of Documents - Advised by John Dillery
- Matt Pincus - "Voices in the Interstices: Internal Aporia in the Platonic Dialogues" - Advised by Jenny Strauss Clay
- Timothy Brannelly - "A Clash of Characters: Jupiter and Juno in Ovid's Fasti" - Advised by Sara Myers and John Miller
- Peter Moench - "Pindar's Physics of Family: Kinship, Heredity, and the Problem of Being Human" - Advised by Jenny Strauss Clay
- Brett Evans - "Poetic Exchange in Callimachus" - Advised by Ivana Petrovic
- Nick Rich - Constituent Order in Latin AcI Clauses" - Advised by Coulter George