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Anchoring National Socialism:

The Classical Languages in Germany between 1933 and 1945

Postdoc project (18 months, 1.0 fte), University of Groningen
Anchoring Work Package 12: Modern Europe

Dr. Bettina Reitz-Joosse (Groningen) and Prof. dr. Han Lamers (Oslo)

Salary range
Between € 3.821,- and € 5.230,- gross per month, depending on education and experience

Job description
The project ‘Anchoring the Fascist Revolution’, which is part of the Anchoring Innovation research agenda, explores the ways in which Ancient Greek and Latin have been used to promote and legitimize Fascist regimes and ideologies. In particular, these languages have served to ‘anchor’ these radical and revolutionizing political movements in an idealized, ancient past. So far, the project team has mainly focused on the role of Latin in Fascist Italy (1922-1943). We would now like to add a comparative perspective to the project. Therefore, we are searching for a postdoctoral researcher who will investigate whether there are comparable or contrasting dynamics to be observed under German National Socialism (1933-1945). The postdoctoral researcher will study the role of Latin and/or Ancient Greek as anchoring devices under German National Socialism. The research project may for example address one or more of the following topics:

  • The study or use of Ancient Greek and/or Latin in National Socialist circles and/or in resistance movements;
  • The role and visibility of Ancient Greek and/or Latin in German public culture between 1933 and 1945;
  • The changing role of Ancient Greek and/or Latin in the German educational curriculum between 1933 and 1945;
  • The role of ancient Greek or Roman authors in historical narratives of heritage, affinity or cooperation between Greece or Rome and Germany;
  • A comparative analysis of the role of Ancient Greek and/or Latin under Italian Fascism and German National Socialism.

Besides pursuing her/his own research, the successful candidate will play an active part in the research team, including student supervision and organizational tasks, and contribute to Fascist Latin Texts’, our digital open access library of Fascist Latin, supported by the University of Oslo.

Candidates for this postdoc position are invited to submit (1) an abstract for a paper and (2) a plan for a workshop they consider relevant to the subject, addressing one or more of the above-mentioned subject areas or related topics and relating them to the concept of ‘anchoring’. More information about the Anchoring Innovation research agenda of OIKOS can be found on the website (, including an article by Ineke Sluiter, entitled “Anchoring Innovation: a Classical Research Agenda”.

Host institution
University of Groningen, Faculty of Arts, the Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG). For more information see: and An additional research affiliation with the Department of Philosophy, Classics, and the History of Art and Ideas of the University of Oslo is possible (

Terms and conditions
Postdoc project, 18 months (1.0 fte, 38 hrs per week), starting date to be agreed upon, with a preference for September 1, 2022. Initially the employee will receive a one-year contract, with extension for the following 6 months on condition of a positive evaluation. Salary range (depending on education and experience) of a minimum of € 3.821,- and a maximum of € 5.230,- (salary scale 11) gross per month for full-time employment, (pay scale for postdoctoral researchers, in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch Universities). This includes medical and pension benefits. If desired, the position may be held part-time and thereby extended in length. Groningen University offers an attractive benefits package with additional holiday allowance (8%) and end-of-year bonus (8.3%), training and career development. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break.

Tasks of the postdoc will include:

  • Researching, writing and publishing two research papers;
  • Contributing to the organization of a workshop and/or a conference;
  • Presenting papers at conferences, both in the Netherlands and internationally;
  • Contributing to the further development of the online library Fascist Latin Texts;
  • Taking part in the life of the Classics Department at Groningen University and participating in the academic community of the national research school OIKOS (especially the research group Classical Receptions and Traditions) and the wider Anchoring Innovation program.


  • A PhD in a relevant field (e.g. Classics, Ancient History, Modern (Cultural) History, Classical Reception), held by time of appointment;
  • An excellent research and publication record in relation to stage of career;
  • Very good knowledge of Ancient Greek and/or Latin;
  • Excellent command of English, very good command of German;
  • A strong cooperative attitude and willingness to engage in collaborative research;
  • Some organizational experience.

The Anchoring Innovation program is strongly committed to diversity within its team and especially welcomes applications from members of underrepresented groups.

Enquiries about the position can be addressed to Dr. Bettina Reitz-Joosse, Questions about the procedure can be directed to Dr. Suzanne van de Liefvoort,

In order to be admissible, applications must include the following information (in the same order), in one PDF file (not zipped):

  • Cover letter, describing the applicant’s qualifications and motivation for this particular position;
  • CV, including contact information of two referees;
  • Transcript of records (i.e. a list of BA and MA courses and grades);
  • Copy of relevant diploma or statement by PhD supervisor confirming that the applicant will hold the required degree at the time of appointment.

Due to the pioneering nature of this research project, we do not, at this stage, expect a fully developed research proposal. Instead, interested candidates should submit:

  • an abstract for a hypothetical paper on a case study or theoretical problem that the candidate considers relevant to the project (max. 500 words);
  • a plan for a hypothetical workshop/conference on a subject they consider relevant to the project, possibly organized in collaboration with other members of the Anchoring Innovation project (abstract of the topic; outline of the workshop/conference; list of envisioned speakers) (max. 700 words).

Please submit your complete application to Dr. Suzanne van de Liefvoort, the coordinator of the Anchoring-program via before April 24, 2022. Interviews will take place in the week of 30 May – 3 June 2022 and will possibly be held online.