The Humanities Research Center at Rice University hosts up to three interdisciplinary visiting professors each year. The fellowship term ranges from one semester to one year. Fellows teach one humanities course, participate in special symposia…
We are happy to announce the publication of a new edition of Careers for Classicists in Today’s World by Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr. with the assistance of the APA…
Members are invited to serve as volunteers at the 144th Annual Meeting of the Association in Seattle, WA this coming January. Assignments include assistance in the Registration Area, monitoring session rooms, and supporting the Placement…
In April I briefed members on behalf of the Board about the funding threat to the German office of L'Année and promised to update members when we had further news (…
In August all APA members in good standing for 2012 will receive instructions for voting in the 2012 election from Vote-Now, the firm we have retained to conduct this election. Members for whom we have a valid e-mail address will receive their…