Call for papers: Current Research in the World of Neo-Latin Studies
The AANLS invites proposals for a panel of papers on current research in Neo-Latin texts from around the world to be held at the annual meeting of the Society for Classical Studies (SCS) in Philadelphia, PA January 2-5, 2025. Our intent is to illustrate the diversity and richness of Neo-Latin Studies; to underscore the importance of contemporary research in the complex, international phenomenon of Neo-Latin literature; and to give scholars an opportunity to share the results of their research and their methodologies with colleagues in the many disciplines that comprise Neo-Latin studies. We welcome papers on all aspects of the study of literary, historical, scholarly, legal, scientific and technical works written in Latin in the Renaissance and early Modern Period. We also welcome scholarly abstracts dealing with New Ancient Greek. Please send abstracts for a 15-20 minute paper by February 23, 2024 to Patrick M. Owens ( Abstracts should be 500 words or fewer (excluding optional bibliography) and should follow the guidelines for individual abstracts (see the SCS Guidelines for Authors of Abstracts). The abstracts will be judged anonymously and so should not reveal the author’s name, but the email should provide name, abstract title, and affiliation. Decisions will be communicated to the abstracts’ authors by the end of March.