With over 30 committees and the Board of Directors, there are plenty of opportunities for members to contribute to our current efforts and shape the future directions of the Society and the field. We are calling for volunteers for: (a) appointed committee service beginning in January 2024 and; (b) elected offices beginning in January 2025 with elections occurring in summer 2024, although Nominating Committee members will begin service in Fall 2024.
Committee Appointments
We have openings in January 2024 on most appointed committees, as well as some state legate positions and the delegate to the American Council of Learned Societies.
Elected Offices
Elected positions that will appear on the 2024 election slate include:
Board Positions
President-Elect (three-year term on the board as President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President)
VP for Professional Matters (three-year term on the board with oversight of the Professional Matters Division)
VP for Publications and Research (three-year term on the board with oversight of the Publications and Research Division)
Junior Financial Trustee (six-year term on board and finance committee, three years as Junior Financial Trustee and three years as senior financial trustee)
Directors-at-large (2 positions, three-year term on the board without special portfolio, but may be called to serve on an hoc committees and will discuss and vote on all board business)
Graduate student director and contingent faculty director: These initial appointments were for two years. The next graduate student director will continue to have a two-year term, while the next contingent faculty director will hold a three-year term to establish appropriate staggering of terms amongst directors.
Nominating Committee (two positions, three-year term with responsibility for filling the SCS election slate, service begins in Fall 2024)
Program Committee (two positions, three-year term with responsibility for reviewing abstracts and proposals for the annual meeting, as well as discussing possible changes to the annual meeting and changes to program committee policies and procedures)
Goodwin Award of Merit Committee (two positions, three-year term will responsibility for selecting three winners of the Goodwin Award, the Society's only book prize)
Committee on Professional Ethics: (one position, four-year term on the committee that handles issues and complaints related to the Society’s Statement on Professional Ethics)
Learn More
You can learn more about the board and committees on this page. Please read carefully especially if you are volunteering for an elected position and reach out to info@classicalstudies.org if you have questions about specific duties and the time commitment involved. Please note that officers will write letters attesting to meaningful and impactful service and its contribution to the Society and the field for the purposes of evaluation, promotion, and tenure.
How to Volunteer
Please fill out the volunteer survey form if you would like to volunteer for a specific office, or if you would like to serve, but are unsure in what capacity. The form for 2024-2025 will be added in Fall 2024. Please check back on this page for more information at that time.