SCS Omnibus Privacy Policy
Click here to skip to contact information if you wish to access and / or delete your data.
Membership Data
SCS retains basic member data (names, member numbers, and dates of membership) for 50 years in order to verify membership in the 50 Year Club, which comes with the benefit of free life membership. SCS retains full member records for five years in order to verify eligibility for member prizes and to answer questions from members about their membership. After five years, data on individuals’ membership categories and any demographic information are de-identified and kept in perpetuity for statistical purposes only. The Society for Classical Studies (SCS) uses Johns Hopkins University Press (JHUP) to administer and manage its membership database. Once you have become a member, you will be able to opt into the member directory, hosted by JHUP, so that your name and contact information are available to other members (not the public). You will also be added to the SCS member email list in order to receive important information about the Society and its programs. You may opt out of the member email list. However, if you do so, you will not receive emails from SCS. JHUP itself will contact you by email and / or mail only in order to remind you to renew your membership. JHUP and SCS share basic member data (name, email address, address, and member number) only with printers and distributors of SCS materials, and with the annual meeting registration vendor, Showcare, so that members can register at the member rate for the annual meeting, and with OpenWater so that members can submit a proposal/abstract for consideration to the annual meeting. SCS does not rent or sell the member list to third parties.
Annual Meeting Registration
SCS and its meeting partner the Archaeological Institute of America retain attendee data for three years. When registering, attendees will be given the option to opt into: (a) receiving emails about past and future meetings from AIA and SCS; (b) allowing AIA and SCS to share information with the annual meeting app vendor, in years in which we utilize an annual meeting app, so that attendees can access the annual meeting app with ease.
Placement Service Data
While being free for AIA and SCS members, the Placement Service (PS) remains an opt-in product for members and non-members alike. Ads are published automatically to the public, and so PS membership is not a requirement to view them. Currently, the services that purchasing PS access grants provides are: (1) access to Career Development Seminars; (2) CV/Resume book access, which enables these documents to be discoverable by hiring institutions; and (3) emails containing job ads as they are published to the SCS website.
SCS collects data on placement candidates in order to understand better the changing nature of the job market and job candidates. Once a member has joined the PS, they have the option to fill out a variety of personal information. PS users have the option to fill out their first and last name, phone number, email address, gender, and principal research specialization, with the option of listing their marital status and employment status. This information is stored online, in a secure content management system for 10 months, and then moved offline to the SCS office for analysis. The data are immediately anonymized after a quick count of who was interviewed at the annual meeting in years in which interviews take place at the meeting. The data is accessible only to SCS staff at every stage of the process.
PS subscribers also have the option to take an annual survey. In the survey, they have the option to provide primary and secondary research specialization, marital status, gender, ethnicity, age (in a range), sexual orientation, and employment category (job title, contract duration, salary range). This information is stored on third party (i.e. SurveyMonkey US domestic) servers, and exported offline to the SCS office for analysis. These data are owned by the SCS, and are held securely by SurveyMonkey in accordance with their own privacy policy. We do not collect IP addresses from this survey. The only non-anonymous data provided in this survey are Candidate ID numbers, which users may elect to provide only if they need to report an ethics violation to the SCS office. This number must be identifying in order for the SCS to follow up with the report.
Program Submission System Data
All program submission data (abstracts, proposals, names, email addresses, and institutional affiliation) are stored online, in a secure content management system for 10 months, and offline for three years. None of this information will ever be shared with any other organization. However, note that in accordance with longstanding policy, abstracts and the annual meeting program are published online and prior to 2021 in print format.
Ecommerce and Donor Data
SCS uses secure payment processors for credit card transactions and refunds made via the Society’s website, and the organization itself retains no records of credit card numbers. SCS retains donor data for 15 years in order to assist the organization in crafting fundraising campaigns. As of summer 2018, the default acknowledgement setting for all donations is “anonymous”.
Data Collected Automatically by the SCS websites (
The Drupal content management system automatically collects users’ IP addresses. However, these IP addresses are deleted after 24 hours. SCS uses Google Analytics in order to collect and analyze data about how its website is being used. All data that could be used to identify users, including IP addresses, are deleted from Google Analytics after 24 hours.
OpenWater, host of new Annual Meeting Program Submission System
Specifics on OpenWater's privacy policy can be found at the link below. In summary, OpenWater does not share any member or attendee information with third parties. You retain the right to update, download, change, or delete your data. Data are stored for only as long as required to fulfill the requests of the Program Manager.
Digital Meeting Addenda
The fully digital nature of the 2021 and 2022 annual meeting, and a possible virtual component to future meetings, raises new topics in our privacy policy not previously addressed. In order to make the meeting as accessible as possible we will record annual meeting sessions but any speaker can opt out of a session being disseminated on the annual meeting platform.
To ensure the privacy of session attendees steps will be taken to funnel questions and comments through consenting presenters, organizers, or presiders. Recorded sessions that receive adequate consent from all featured parties will be available to meeting attendees for 30 days after the annual meeting. Additional consents will be required for public dissemination on YouTube.
Data Access and Deletion Contacts:
In accordance with the EU’s GDPR legislation, individuals have the right to access their data and to have personal data deleted (“the right to be forgotten”). Data access and deletion inquiries and requests should be directed as follows:
For member data: and
Existing members can change their member profile information and settings by logging in at and clicking on “profile”
For annual meeting registration data: Zachary Slates (
For placement service, program submission data, or donor data:
Omnibus Privacy Policy Approved by the SCS Executive Committee on 05/16/18, revised with updated vendor and procedural information on 09/22/20 5/21/22, 9/6/2023, and 8/30/2024.
Vendor privacy policies:
Click here for our detailed website privacy policy.