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The 2012-2013 Nominating Committee chaired by Paul Allen Miller and Richard P. Martin has assembled the following slate of candidates for the election to be held this summer:

John Marincola
Marilyn B. Skinner

Vice President for Education
Mary C. English
Chris Ann Matteo

Board of Directors
Joy Connolly
Margaret Imber
Noel Lenski
Laura McClure
Kristina Milnor

Nominating Committee
C. W. (Toph) Marshall
Steven M. Oberhelman
Alex Purves
James B. Rives

Goodwin Award of Merit Committee
Clifford Ando
Fritz Graf

Education Committee
John C. Gruber-Miller
Teresa Ramsby

Professional Matters Committee
Margaret Graver
Stephen A. White

Program Committee
Karen Bassi
Lesley Dean-Jones
Stephen A. Nimis
Dylan P. Sailor

Publications and Research Committee
Yelena Baraz
Laurel Fulkerson

Members are reminded that it is possible to nominate additional candidates by petition. Nominations of candidates not proposed by the Nominating Committee shall require the signature of twenty members in good standing (2013 dues must be paid) and must be reported to the Executive Director by April 15, 2013. A current curriculum vitae of the candidate, who must also be a member in good standing, should be submitted by the same deadline.