Last updated 03/23/20
Over the last two weeks, individuals and organizations have been doing some amazing work in compiling tips and resources on how to convert in-person courses to remote courses. Much of this work is being shared on Twitter (search for #CovidCampus). However, if you are not a Twitter user or want a quick guide to some very practical advice with links to other helpful resources, please see below. The following links may supplement advice being provided by your campus. There is not one way to teach remotely especially when you did not plan to do so this term or next. Much will depend on the resources provided by your institution, the needs of your students, the type of courses that you are teaching, and your own currrent circumstances. We hope the following links are helpful. We are just aggregating and sharing these links and thank the authors for sharing their wisdom.
Bill Caraher, Online in a Hurry
Amy Pistone, Resources for Teaching Remotely
Michelle D. Miller, Going Online in a Hurry: What to Do and Where to Start
Rebecca Barrett-Fox, Please do a bad job of putting your courses online
MLA on Humanities Commons, Bringing your course online
Introduction to Learning Space, MLA
Sean Michael Morris, Pivot to Online: A Student Guide
Kevin Gannon, How to Make Your Online Pivot Less Brutal
Advice on teaching history remotely from the AHA:
Webinars on online teaching by the American Sociological Association and American Anthropological Association
Helen Lovatt, Emergency Online Teaching Help and Suggestions (CUCD Bulletin, pdf)
Online Teaching Help Kit for Classics Colleagues, from the Open University