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POSITION ONE: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) invites applications for the position of Collection Development Librarian for the Carl W. Blegen Library in Athens. The American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) is one of the world’s leading research and teaching institutions dedicated to the advanced study of all aspects of Greek culture, from antiquity to the present day. Founded in 1881, the ASCSA provides graduate students and scholars from over 180 affiliated North American colleges and universities a base for research and study in Greece. The ASCSA operates two major research libraries in Athens (the Blegen Library and the Gennadius Library), supports archaeological research and excavations in the Ancient Agora of Athens, in Corinth, and elsewhere in Greece, and disseminates information about its research through an active publications program.
The ASCSA is a primary resource for American and international graduate students and scholars in Hellenic studies, from antiquity to the present day. The Blegen Library is a non-circulating library dedicated to the entire field of classical antiquity, with special emphasis on the language, literature, art, history and archaeology of Greece, with over 97,000 volumes, ca. 700 print periodical subscriptions, and ca. 500 electronic subscriptions. The library primarily serves a constituency of North American students and scholars, and there is a large group of international library users, including many Greek scholars.
Key responsibilities of the Collection Development Librarian of the Blegen Library are as follows:
• Undertakes the selection and acquisition of materials and the development of the collection in all languages and all formats.
• Provides research assistance to members of the American School of Classical Studies and visiting researchers who are library users.
• Works closely with colleagues to ensure timely and uninterrupted access to the entire library collection for members and readers.
• Manages the Library’s approval plans and publications exchange program.
• Advises the Head Librarian on all matters relating to collection development, maintenance and preservation and participates in the development of relevant policies.
Position requirements:
• Advanced degree in classical archaeology or classics (Ph.D. preferred) with a specialization in ancient Greece.
• Appropriate experience in an academic research library highly desirable.
• Fluency in English and Modern Greek and knowledge of Ancient Greek and Latin as well as the languages of scholarly research (German, French, Italian, etc.).
• Familiarity with bibliographic tools available for researchers in the field and knowledge of scholarly publishing in the U.S. and Europe.
• Understanding of unique needs of a graduate research library and familiarity with digital content management issues.
• Demonstrated skills and experience in relevant information technology, including its use and management, and possessing a comprehensive understanding of the technology-driven information environment.
• Strong organizational and communication skills and the ability to work both independently and as part of a team.
The position is full-time. Salary commensurate with experience. Generous benefits package. Successful candidate will be expected to live and work in Athens, Greece.
Send a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference to Karen M. Bohrer, Head Librarian, Blegen Library, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 54 Souidias Street, GR-106-76 Athens, Greece or email application to Review of applications will begin on September 30, 2011 and will continue until the position is filled. ASCSA is an EO/AA employer.
POSITIONS TWO AND THREE: Elizabeth A. Whitehead Professors
Term: Early September 2012 to June 1, 2013.
Compensation: Stipend of $35,000, plus round-trip coach airfare to Athens, board at Loring Hall for the Whitehead Professor (one-half senior rate for spouse, and one-half student rate for dependents) and School housing. Hotel and transportation on all fall trips and transportation on all winter Attica excursions. Residence permit and limited amount of office supplies.
Qualifications: A senior scholar with a significant record of publication and teaching in a North American institution; Managing Committee Member or faculty/staff from a Cooperating Institution. Preference will be given to those who have not received recent support from the School. Candidates who have held the Whitehead Professorship may apply if the previous term was at least five years prior.
Mission: Advancing research on a project, which utilizes the facilities of the School and enriches the academic program of the School. Whitehead Professors are encouraged to present a seminar during the winter term on the subject of their expertise and to contribute to the academic program in other significant ways, such as mentoring or advising students at the School.
a) Curriculum vitae and list of publications.
b) Statement of current and projected research.
c) One page description of proposed seminar and other contribution to the academic program.
d) Account of the frequency and length of earlier visits to Greece.
e) Three letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the address below.
f) Applicants may be invited to an interview at the annual AIA/APA meetings or by telephone.
E-mail application to:
Committee on Personnel,American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 6-8 Charlton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540-5232.
DEADLINE: October 31, 2011. The appointments will be announced by January 15, 2012.
POSITIONS FOUR AND FIVE: Directors of the 2013 Summer Sessions, Gertrude Smith Professors
Term: Summer 2013.
Compensation: Stipend commensurate with rank: ranging from $7,365 to $9,064, pending available funding, plus travel and expenses, as defined in the attached policy.
Qualifications: Former membership in the School. At least two years’ teaching in a post-secondary educational institution. Qualified applicants in all areas of classics, including history, art history, languages, and archaeology, are encouraged to apply. Some knowledge of modern Greek. Stamina, good health and a sense of humor.
Duties: To plan the itinerary, in consultation with the staff in Athens, at least six months prior to the session. To collaborate with the Committee on the Summer Sessions in the selection of participants. To correspond with participants concerning travel, equipment, academic requirements, etc. To supervise all aspects of the program in Greece, including teaching, coordinating with on-site expert lecturers, keeping a detailed log of the sessions, and submitting a report to the Director.
A letter of application, a curriculum vitae and three letters of support should be sent to: Committee on the Summer Sessions E-mail:
DEADLINE: JANUARY 30, 2012. The appointments will be announced by March 30, 2012.
POSITION SIX (Pending Funding): Assistant Director of the School (position located in Athens, Greece)
Term: A full-time (12 months) position beginning July 1, 2012 for three years, with the possibility of renewal for a final fourth year.
Compensation: Salary commensurate with experience; benefits include room and board at the School.
Qualifications: Candidates must have earned the PhD from a North American university no more than three years prior to the application, must have spent a minimum of a year as a Member of the ASCSA, should have an active agenda for research and publication, should have knowledge of Greece and Modern Greek, and should have some teaching experience.
• To help the Director in the administration of School business and to stand in for the Director when needed. Reports to the Director of the School.
• To assist with the academic program under the direction of the Mellon Professor by lecturing, leading short trips or offering mini-seminars/workshops on area(s) of expertise.
• To serve as a contact and resource person for all members of the School and to live in Loring Hall.
• To help with the planning of the Summer Session by suggesting itineraries, speakers, and generally offering support to the Summer Session Directors, but not making actual arrangements.
• To be a visible presence in the Athenian social and academic scene by attending functions as an official of the School.
• Pursue research on a project.
Application: The Assistant Director will be appointed by the ASCSA Managing Committee (through the Personnel Committee) in consultation with the Director of the School and the Andrew W. Mellon Professor. Submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, research project description (up to three pages in length), and arrange for three letters of recommendation. Application materials should be sent to
DEADLINE: October 31, 2011.
The appointment will be announced by January 15, 2012.
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, ethnic origin, or disability when considering admission to any form of membership or application for employment