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The American School of Classical Studies at Athens seeks an Administrative Director. Based in Princeton, New Jersey, the Administrative Director will handle all duties associated with professionally administering a non-profit educational institution, including, but not limited to, financial management, human resources and benefits administration, operational issues including insurance, Board stewardship, and a broad range of development activities. The position manages four fulltime staff in the Princeton office as well as outside contractors, and reports to the Board of Trustees. Required is a seasoned administrator with experience working in an international environment; desirable is an advanced degree in the classics, archaeology, or a related field. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience, and include health and pension plan. Candidates should send a resume, a statement explaining their interest in the position, and the names of three recommenders to Prof. James R. McCredie, President, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 6-8 Charlton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540-5232. Applications must be received by March 31, 2006. The ASCSA is an EO/AA employer.

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, or disability when considering admission to any form of membership or application for employment.

American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 6-8 Charlton St., Princeton, NJ 08540 Phone: 609-683-0800 Fax: 609-924-0578.

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) invites applications and nominations for the position of Associate Librarian of the Blegen Library. Founded in 1881, the ASCSA is a primary resource for American and international graduate students and scholars in ancient and post-classical Hellenic studies, and offers two research libraries located on its campus in Athens, Greece: the Blegen, with 88,000 volumes dedicated to the ancient Mediterranean world, and the Gennadius, with 110,500 volumes and archives devoted to post-classical Hellenic civilization. The School also sponsors excavations and provides centers for advanced research in archaeological and related topics at its excavations in the Athenian Agora and Corinth.

The primary responsibility of the Associate Librarian is the maintenance and development of the Blegen Library's catalogue which is being developed on-line using Ex Libris' Aleph in conjunction with the Gennadius and the library of the British School at Athens. The Associate Librarian will be the lead cataloguer for the Blegen Library.

Additional responsibilities of the Associate Librarian will include such things as: Working with a dynamic team to build and preserve the collections of the library both print and electronic; collaborating with the Head Librarian of the Blegen Library, the Director and Head Librarian of the Gennadius Library, the Archivist, The Head of IT, academic staff and committees of the School to develop effective means of communication in an increasingly technology-driven research environment; corresponding and exchanging of information with scholars and book-dealers; providing guidance and information on the library's resources to readers and visiting scholars in the use of print and electronic materials; working with colleagues at related research libraries in Greece and abroad to develop and promote collaborative efforts; writing sections of grant proposals concerning the Library.

Position requirements: Advanced training in Library and Information Sciences; BA in classics, history, literature or archaeology; demonstrated skills and experience in relevant information technology, including its use and management, and possessing a comprehensive understanding of the technology-driven information environment; excellent knowledge of modern Greek as well as the traditional languages of scholarship: English, French, German; understanding of unique needs of a graduate research library and familiarity with current issues in academic librarianship; knowledge of best practices and current trends in managing academic libraries and serving library constituencies; excellent communication, computer, organizational, and interpersonal skills; specific experience working with Ex Libris' Aleph highly desirable.

The salary and benefits are commensurate with experience.

Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Send a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and three references(including contact information) to Mr. Charles E. Jones, Head Librarian, The Blegen Library, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 54 Souidias Street, GR -106 76 Athens, Greece. E-mail address:

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, or disability when considering admission to any form of membership or application for employment.

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens seeks a distinguished scholar and experienced administrator for the position of Director of the School. The Director works with the School's Managing Committee and Trustees in developing and implementing the academic and fiscal policy of the School and reports to the Managing Committee through its Chair. The Director leads the School’s mission in Greece and oversees the School's activities, including its academic program, excavations, and other research. The Director is expected to participate actively in the design of academic programs and the instruction of students at the School. All department heads report to the Director. The Director also oversees relations between the School and the host country. Candidates must demonstrate strong qualities of leadership and articulate clearly their vision for the future of the School.

The term is flexible, two to five years. It begins on July 2, 2007, and is renewable. Salary and benefits commensurate with rank and experience, housing in the Director's residence, travel, entertainment and research budgets provided. The deadline for applications is January 8, 2006. Candidates should send a curriculum vitae, a statement explaining their interest in the position and their vision for it (max. 750 words), and the names of three referees to K. Clinton, Chair, Committee on Personnel, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 6 - 8 Charlton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540-5232. ASCSA is an EO/AA employer. American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 6-8 Charlton St., Princeton, NJ 08540. Phone: 609-683-0800 Fax: 609-924-0578.

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, or disability when considering admission to any form of membership or application for employment.

(Three Positions)

POSITION ONE: Malcolm H. Wiener Visiting Research Professor at the Wiener Laboratory of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Term: Early September to June 1, to coincide with the American School's academic year. It is expected that the applicant will maintain a physical presence at the Wiener Laboratory.

Compensation: Maximum $35,000 for ten-month project. (Projects of shorter duration may be considered).

Qualifications: Postdoctoral scholars and professionals in fields relevant to the research interests of the Wiener Laboratory of the American School, including: physical anthropology, zooarchaeology, geoarchaeology and environmental sciences.


  1. Cover letter naming the applicant, current research interests, and title and brief description of the proposed research project.
  2. Statement (up to 3,500 words) of the proposed research project to be completed during the term of the professorship, including research goals, explicit methodology to be used and relevant bibliography, materials and collections to be studied, timetable and publication schedule, equipment/resources needed while at the Wiener Laboratory, and the reasons the project should occur in Athens at the Wiener Laboratory.
  3. Copies of permit(s) from relevant authorities and letters of permission from excavation or project directors to study proposed materials.
  4. One page description of proposed Wiener Laboratory contribution to the academic program. Candidates who can enrich the teaching mission of the School, by offering seminars, fieldtrips or other contributions, will be particularly welcome.
  5. Budget. Itemize in as much detail as possible, including living and research expenses.
  6. Curriculum vitae with list of publications.
  7. Two letters of reference from scholars in the field commenting on the value and feasibility of the project.

Applications should be postmarked no later than November 15, 2005.

Dr. Sherry C. Fox, Director, Wiener Laboratory, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 54 Souidias St., Athens GR106-76 Greece e-mail:

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, or disability when considering admission to any form of membership or application for employment.

POSITION TWO: (Two openings) Directors of the Summer Sessions (Gertrude Smith Professors) Two Positions Term: Summer 2007.

Compensation: Stipend commensurate with rank: ranging from $6,000 to $8,000 plus travel and expenses.

Qualifications: Former membership in the School. At least two years' teaching in a post-secondary educational institution. Qualified applicants in all areas of classics, including history, art history, languages, and archaeology, are encouraged to apply. Some knowledge of modern Greek. Stamina, good health and a sense of humor. Further information posted on the ASCSA web site:

Duties: To plan the itinerary, in consultation with the staff in Athens, at least six months prior to the session. To collaborate with the Committee on the Summer Sessions in membership selection. To correspond with members concerning travel, equipment, academic requirements, etc. To supervise all aspects of the program in Greece, including teaching, coordinating with on-site expert lecturers, keeping a detailed log of the sessions, and submitting a report to the Director.

Application: A letter of application, a curriculum vitae and three letters of support should be sent to: Prof. Timothy F. Winters, Chair, Committee on the Summer Sessions, Austin Peay State University, Dept. of Languages & Literature, P.O. Box 4487, Clarksville, TN 37044. E-mail:

POSTMARK DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2006. The appointments will be announced by March 15, 2006.

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, or disability when considering admission to any form of membership or application for employment.

American School of Classical Studies at Athens – Athens, Greece
Elizabeth A. Whitehead Visiting Professors (Two Positions)
Term: Early September 2006, to June 1, 2007. Compensation: $24,000, plus round-trip airfare, housing and board at the School.

Qualifications: Managing Committee Member or staff member at a Cooperating Institution; a research project which utilizes the facilities of the School and enriches the academic program of the School.

Duties: None. (Whitehead Professors, however, traditionally make use of the opportunity, which their presence at the School affords, to offer a seminar during the winter term on the subject of their expertise or contribute to the academic program in some other significant way.)


  1. Curriculum vitae and list of publications.
  2. Statement of current and projected research.
  3. One page description of proposed seminar or other contribution to the academic program.
  4. Account of the frequency and length of earlier visits to Greece.
  5. Three letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the address below.
  6. Applicants may be asked to interview at the annual AIA/APA meetings.

Send application to: Professor Kevin Clinton, Chair, Committee on Personnel, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 6-8 Charlton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540-5232. Tel: 609-683-0800 Fax: 609-924-0578. E-mail: Web site: POSTMARK DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2005. The appointments will be announced January 8, 2006. The American School of Classical Studies at Athens does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, or disability when considering admission to any form of membership or application for employment