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Ancient Greek Philosophy (AFG-2017)

Sponsored by the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy
Organized by Anthony Preus, Binghamton University

The deadline for submission of papers for the SAGP meetings with the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association and with the Society for Classical Studies is March 1, 2016.

The Intellectual World of the Early Empire (AFG-2017)

This panel seeks to explore the intellectual world of the Early Roman Empire, with a special focus on the people, literature, and philosophies that comprise the context for Plutarch’s composition of the Parallel Lives and Moralia in the first and early second centuries CE. The topic is purposely broad so as to embrace contemporary figures from the greater Greco-Roman political and social world, such as the emperor Trajan, as well as people mentioned in Plutarch’s works and his dedicatees, including his own family.

Latin Epic (AFG-2017)

Sponsored by the American Classical League
Organized by Ronnie Ancona, Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center, and Alison Keith, University of Toronto

The American Classical League invites scholars and teachers to submit abstracts for its panel session on Latin Epic at the Toronto, Canada meeting of the Society for Classical Studies, in January 2017. We are particularly interested in papers that address the reception of Vergil in later Latin epic and in papers that address Vergil’s Latin epic predecessors.

2017 Affiliated Group Panels

An affiliated group is a group having an organizational structure independent of the SCS. The affiliated group has a common purpose and/or scholarly interest, usually representing a special field or ancillary discipline. Affiliated groups maintain membership lists, and the majority charge dues and circulate newsletters. Affiliated groups are chartered for five-year periods for participation in the SCS/AIA Joint Annual Meeting. Each Category II Affiliated Group is authorized to issue a Call for Papers and to take responsibility for the selection of abstracts and discussants.

2017 Organizer Refereed Panels

Organizer-refereed Panels are approved by the Program Committee for presentation at a future Annual Meeting at least 18 months before that meeting takes place. For example, the Organizer-Refereed Panels to be held at the January 2017 meeting were approved by the Committee in June 2015. After approval, the Program Committee delegates all discretionary responsibility for selection of abstracts and discussants to the panel organizer(s).