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Call for Papers: “Culture and Society in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Egypt”

The American Society of Papyrologists invites proposals for papers for its panel “Culture and Society in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Egypt” at the 2018 meeting of the Society for Classical Studies in Boston, Massachusetts (4-7 January). Although the scope of papyrological studies is wide, submissions for this panel must meet at least one of the following criteria:

(a) they must deploy evidence for ancient literary cultures that is preserved on papyri, ostraka, or wooden tablets (in Greek, Latin, Coptic, demotic Egyptian, Arabic, or other pertinent languages);

Call for Abstracts: "The Sounds of War"

The Sounds of War

Sponsored by MOISA -- Society for the Study of Greek and Roman Music and Its Cultural Heritage
Organized by Sean Gurd (University of Missouri, Columbia) and John Franklin (University of Vermont)

Call for Abstracts: "Classics and Social Justice"

CFP: The Classics and Social Justice Affiliated Group invites paper proposals for its inaugural Panel at the 2018 meeting of the SCS.

Classics and Social Justice
The panel organizers are Jessica Wright (USC) and Amit Shilo (UCSB).

We welcome papers that discuss any aspect of social justice work in which you are engaged as well as papers that theorize the place of social justice work in Classics and the place of Classics in social justice work.

Call for Abstracts: Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance

The Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance (CAMP) of the Society for Classical Studies invites proposals for a panel to be held under the Committee’s sponsorship at the 149th Annual Meeting of the SCS (January 4-7, 2018; Boston, Massachusetts). Submissions, which should not exceed 500 words in length, should include:

(1) the title of the proposed panel;

(2) a general outline of the proposed topic;

(3) a brief explanation of the topic's relevance to the performance of ancient or modern drama;

(4) and, where appropriate, a brief bibliography.