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Links for the abstracts for the annual meeting appear below. To see the abstract of a paper to be delivered at the annual meeting, click on the abstract's title. To find a particular abstract, use the search field below. You can also click on the column headers to alter the order in which the information is sorted. By default, the abstracts are sorted by the number of the session and the order in which the papers will be presented. Please note the following apparent anomalies: Not all sessions and presentations have abstracts associated with them. Panels in which the first abstract is listed as .2 rather than .1 have an introductory speaker.

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Session/Paper Number Session/Panel Title Title Name Annual Meeting
Ancient MakerSpaces: Digital Tools for Classical Scholarship CommentarySandbox: Creating Custom Digital Commentaries for the Classroom Bret Mulligan 150
Ancient MakerSpaces: Digital Tools for Classical Scholarship Mapping Text with Recogito Valeria Vitale 150
Ancient MakerSpaces: Digital Tools for Classical Scholarship Make Your Own Ancient Studies Podcast Scott Aaron Lepisto 150
Ancient MakerSpaces: Digital Tools for Classical Scholarship Analyzing Ciceronian Networks with Gephi Caitlin Marley 150
AIA-SCS Poster Session Opening up the Ancient Mediterranean World (through Unicode and Fonts) Deborah (Debbie) W Anderson 150
Ancient MakerSpaces: Digital Tools for Classical Scholarship From Stone to Screen and the DIY Method: Digitization, Integration, and You Chelsea Gardner 150
1.1 Late Antique Literary Developments Aphrahat the Persian Sage: Testimony to Constantine and the Roman-Persian Wars Mary J Jett 150
1.2 Late Antique Literary Developments The war with Gildo and the publication of the Letters of Symmachus Christopher Lougheed 150
1.3 Late Antique Literary Developments The Face of Vice: The Monsters of the 'Psychomachia' Kathleen M. Kirsch 150
1.4 Late Antique Literary Developments The Poet and the Virgin: Avitus of Vienne’s Ascetic Aesthetic David Ungvary 150
1.5 Late Antique Literary Developments The Interdisciplinary Teacher: Augustine's "Contra Academicos" as a Dialogue about Rhetoric Stevie Hull 150
1.6 Late Antique Literary Developments Imitation and Emulation in Gregory of Nazianzus’ “On his own affairs” Peter O'Connell 150
2.1 Principles and Practices of Greek Historiography Hecataeus' Heroic Boast: Personal and Impersonal Genealogies in Archaic Greek Literature Joseph Baker Zehner 150
2.2 Principles and Practices of Greek Historiography Cyrus the Cupbearer: Near Eastern Influence in Ctesias' Persica C Sydnor Roy 150
2.3 Principles and Practices of Greek Historiography Croesus in conversation: past tense and dramatic form in Herodotus Tobias Joho 150
2.4 Principles and Practices of Greek Historiography Empathy and Ancient Historiography Regina M Loehr 150
2.5 Principles and Practices of Greek Historiography Diodorus, Roman Generals, and Ptolemaic Egypt Alexander Skufca 150
2.6 Principles and Practices of Greek Historiography The Impact of Evidentiary Bias on Macro-Level Approaches to Greek History Scott Lawin Arcenas 150
3.1 Roman Political Self-Representation The Funerary Monument of Lucius Munatius Plancus and Aristocratic Self-Representation Carolyn Tobin 150
3.2 Roman Political Self-Representation A Community of "Second Selves": the alter ego dynamic and the nature of aristocratic influence in the late Republic Adam Littlestone-Luria 150
3.3 Roman Political Self-Representation Proletarian Tobacco and Augustan Wine John Alexander Lobur 150
3.4 Roman Political Self-Representation Bureaucratic Consistency and Dynastic Continuity: The Case of Titus Zachary Herz 150
3.5 Roman Political Self-Representation Contested Recycling: Conflicting Heritage Values in Dio Chysostom’s Rhodian Oration Cynthia Susalla 150
3.6 Roman Political Self-Representation Aemulatio Traiani? Constantine’s Restored Dacia and the Tervingi Timothy Campbell Hart 150
4.1 Satire What Does Lucilius Mean by Saturae? James Faulkner 150
4.2 Satire Before the Ars Poetica: Poema and Poesis in Lucilius and Varro Marcie Persyn 150
4.3 Satire Memory, Origins, and Fiction in Juvenal’s Satire 3 Maya Sunita Chakravorty 150
4.4 Satire Friend or Enemy?: Humor and Contradiction in Juvenal 11-13 Scheherazade Jehan Khan 150
4.5 Satire Satire and Epic: The Case of Statius' Thebaid Thomas J Bolt 150
5.1 Law Money and Politics Public Finance in Archaic Crete? The Poinikastas of Datala Revisited Evan J Vance 150
5.2 Law Money and Politics Tax Symmories as Micro-Credit Syndicates: The Grain Tax Law in 4th Century Athens J. Andrew Foster 150
5.3 Law Money and Politics The Temple of Artemis on Lemnos: Athenian Land Allotment and Imperial Banking in the Fifth Century BCE Tim Sorg 150
5.4 Law Money and Politics The Afterlives of Royal Land Grants Talia Prussin 150
5.5 Law Money and Politics Satchmo in Macedon? Re-Framing Euripides' Macedonian "Exile" Dennis R Alley 150
5.6 Law Money and Politics Patterns in Anti-Fiscal Revolts of the Julio-Claudian Period Jared Kreiner 150
6.2 Mapping the Classical World since 1869: Past and Future Directions Greek and Roman Mapping Georgia Irby 150
6.3 Mapping the Classical World since 1869: Past and Future Directions Modern Mapping Before Digitization Richard Talbert 150
6.4 Mapping the Classical World since 1869: Past and Future Directions What Difference Has Digitization Made? Tom Elliott 150
6.5 Mapping the Classical World since 1869: Past and Future Directions What has the Ancient World Mapping Center Done for Us? Lindsay Holman 150
6.6 Mapping the Classical World since 1869: Past and Future Directions Rome’s Marble Plan: Progress and Prospects Elizabeth Wolfram Thrill 150
7.1 Culture and Society in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Egypt Judean immigration to Egypt in the 2nd century BC Christelle Fischer-Bovet 150
7.2 Culture and Society in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Egypt A New Understanding of the State Auction Process(es) in Egypt Andrew Hogan 150
7.3 Culture & Society in Greek Roman & Byzantine Egypt The development of papyrology in North America Gabi Stewart 150
7.4 Culture & Society in Greek Roman & Byzantine Egypt Final and consecutive clauses in the Greek documentary papyri of the Roman period Giuseppina di Bartolo 150
7.5 Culture & Society in Greek Roman & Byzantine Egypt Keeping up with the Apollonii: Social and Economic Strategy and Choice among Merchants in Roman Egypt Jane Sancinito 150
8.1 Epic Gods Imperial City: Religion and Ritual in Latin Epic from Beginnings to Late Antiquity The Aeneid, Book VI: Vergil’s Dream of the Afterlife Jeff Brodd 150
8.2 Epic Gods Imperial City: Religion and Ritual in Latin Epic from Beginnings to Late Antiquity Sacrificial Acrostics and the Fall of Great Cities in Latin Epic Julia Hejduk 150
8.3 Epic Gods Imperial City: Religion and Ritual in Latin Epic from Beginnings to Late Antiquity Pallas Primamque Deorum: Minerva in Flavian Epic and Religion Kira Jones 150
8.4 Epic Gods Imperial City: Religion and Ritual in Latin Epic from Beginnings to Late Antiquity Festive days in Statius’ Thebaid Anke Walter 150
8.5 Epic Gods Imperial City: Religion and Ritual in Latin Epic from Beginnings to Late Antiquity Travels with Martyrs: Epic Journey Motifs and Sacred Landscapes in Late Antique Poetry Laura K. Roesch 150