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Accessing Economic, Material, and Social Networks in Antiquity Through GIS and Linked Data

By Ryan Horne

The interplay of wealth, power, and identity has a profound impact on current political and social movements. Social and political groups, including the self-proclaimed “resistance” against Donald Trump and the alt-right, have created extensive social and political networks which have coalesced around issues relating to social norms, shared material culture, and wealth distribution. A combination of social network analysis (SNA) and geographic information systems (GIS) is increasingly deployed to examine these communities and the influence of geography on their development.

G.I.S., Military History, and the Mapping of Nuanced Imperialism

By Gabriel Moss

This paper blends traditional historiographic techniques with digital mapping technology to explore the relationship between the Roman army under the early empire, military geography, and the nuances of imperial power relations on the frontiers. I argue that by identifying environments in which the Roman army struggled to wage war and by mapping these environments through Geographic Information Systems (G.I.S.) technology, we can use geospatial analysis to better understand Roman policy and provincial resistance on the empire’s periphery.

Language-Games in Parmenides' Proem

By Gabriela Cursaru

Language and word play are crucial to Parmenides' poem. That is especially the case in the proem, which, as any incipit, is of pivotal importance.A verse-by-verse analysis of the proem allows us to discern the semantic and syntactic similarities with the pre-Parmenidian poetic traditions. From a structural standpoint, the entire poem proceeds, as it were, in circles (Osborne 1998: 33-34, Miller 2006: 15). Recent scholarship has explored its cyclical design, especially in B8, the central fragment of the poem (e.g. Sellmer 1998).

Speaking as a Classicist: The APA/SCS and American Politics

By Lee T Pearcy

In the past few years, many classicists have begun to use our disciplinary framework to engage with contemporary social and political issues. Under rubrics like “classics and social justice” this movement has spawned an affiliated group and sessions at our annual meetings in 2017 and 2018; been the subject of innumerable blogs, tweets, and facebook posts; and produced or called attention to valuable initiatives connecting academic classicists with non-traditional audiences.

Ovid in the #MeToo Era

By Daniel Libatique

Harvey Weinstein sexually harassed, coerced, and threatened over 80 women in the course of his decades-long career. Jupiter deceived and preyed upon countless nymphs and innocent girls in order to gain sexual satisfaction. Matt Lauer of NBC News installed a door-locking button at his desk to trap women in his office so that he could force himself upon them. Tereus locked Philomela away in a hut in the woods after raping her and cutting out her tongue so that she could not expose him.