Sharon L. James (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
One of only two Roman comedies to stage no female character, Plautus’ Trinummus has been dismissed as dull by scholars from Wilamowitz to Segal to Sharrock. I argue that it is an overlooked source on women’s lives: in its continuous fuss about providing a dowry for an off-stage daughter, Trinummus offers tantalizing perspectives on women’s marriages that have been overlooked in its scanty scholarship.
The plot: as his son Lesbonicus has run through much of the family’s estate (rem confregit, 108), the senex Charmides fears poverty for himself and dire prospects for his daughter, who will soon be ready for marriage. He sets off to repair the family finances, entrusting her and 3,000 gold coins to his friend Callicles, with instructions to arrange a worthy match for her (dignam condicionem, 159) if his quest fails.
Although she remains unseen, this girl is the play’s greatest concern. Plautus surrounds her with an improbable crew of four senes—snoopy fairy godfathers—and two adulescentes, working to help her. They consider her dowry a matter of broad social interest, as the sign of her family’s commitment to her. Its importance is marked when Callicles exclaims flagitium quidem hercle fiet, nisi dos dabitur virgini! (611). To rescue her from a bad future, Lysiteles (the neighboring adulescens) offers to marry her without a dowry. Ashamed of himself, Lesbonicus rejects the offer and promises the family farm as her dowry (507-10)—he cannot let his own irresponsibility (meam neglegentiam, 585) damage his sister. Even facing destitution (688-92), he won’t let her become little more than a slave to her husband (690-93; cf. Aulularia). Charmides returns just in time, with a dowry (1159-60), to settle everything.
This plot is driven by a comic conspiracy of men, some guided only by interest in what is socially right, to put this girl into a good marriage. They want her well-treated, respected by husband, new family, neighbors. The poisonous effects of gossip are a theme: her protectors know that an undowered woman faces an unhappy, insecure life.
Roman comedy shows much concern about citizen daughters, chiefly in women fearing the risks of rape, pregnancy, and ruin to such girls (Hecyra, Epidicus, Cistellaria; James). Trinummus testifies to broad anxiety about daughters among men, even outside the family. Awareness that a citizen girl can slide into concubinage (concubinatum, 690), if her male kin neglect her, haunts this play, and the conspiracy to prevent that fate shows men recognizing that marriage affects a woman’s happiness and well-being (Phormio), as well as her general respectability. It is natural that fathers seek stable, fulfilling marriages, with respectful husbands, for their daughters (Andria, Hecyra). But in Trinummus, non-kin men act to secure a girl’s safety and happiness, even as they complain about their own wives (42-64). Their striking concern for such emotional issues suggests that the more tender, less utilitarian attitude toward girls in the elite Republican family, identified by Hallett, is widespread across Roman society, extending beyond family bonds even to relative strangers.