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Object, Matter, and Medium in Hellenistic Epigram

By Verity J. Platt (Cornell University)

One of the most influential aspects of Kathryn Gutzwiller’s scholarship has been her elucidation of the relationship between Hellenistic epigrams and material objects (Gutzwiller 2002a), from her recognition in Poetic Garlands that processes of anthologization go hand in hand with the replication of opera nobilia (1998) to her field-changing analyses of Posidippus’

When in Egypt...: Ptolemaic Greek Marriage Documents and the Position of Women

By Jasmine Sahu (Yale University)

This paper examines the corpus of twenty-five Greek marriage documents from the Ptolemaic period in light of contemporary Egyptian marital instruments and the wider context of Greeks living in Hellenistic Egypt. Whilst Uri Yiftach-Firanko (2003) has discussed the mechanics of the legal type and its development into the Roman period, most scholarly interest focuses on the position of women within these documents. Certain elements seem strikingly empowering.

Affective Labour and Manumission in Roman Egypt: Relationships, Emotional Expression, and Freeing the Enslaved in the Papyri

By Alex Cushing (Independent Scholar)

Most documents from the Roman World which record the manumission of an enslaved person give little indication of what motivated the enslaver to free that person. Typically, non-literary accounts of manumission were tersely legalistic, recording only the most necessary information and leaving the historian to piece together relationships and background information.

From Professional Association Regulations to Monastic Rules

By Carl-Louis Raschel (Collège de France)

This presentation aims to study the influence of professional association regulations on monastic rules in Byzantine Egypt. While writing my Ph.D. thesis, I noticed similarities between these two kinds of texts that deserve a closer examination.

Tricks and Treachery: A Reevaluation of λάθρῃ in Homeric Hymn to Demeter 372

By Hope Ladd (Hillsdale University)

This paper analyzes and reevaluates both the grammatical interpretation and the conceptual significance of the adverb λάθρῃ (literally “secretly”) as it occurs in line 372 of the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, a passage which describes Hades’ giving of the pomegranate seed to Persephone in the underworld. Many possible translations have been previously offered, such as “secretly,” (Sikes, 1904), “stealthily” (Foley, 1994), and “surreptitiously” (West, 2003), with the idea that Persephone was unaware that Hades was giving her the fruit.

Tria Praeter Naturam: Greetings in Terence’s Adelphoe

By Michael Frost (Hillsdale College)

An analysis of the greetings used by Demea and Syrus in Terence’s Adelphoe shows that both characters go beyond the bounds of Roman propriety when it comes to forms of address, in ways that reveal their character. Knowing what kinds of greeting are normal in Roman comedy and what exactly is polite or impolite helps clarify how characters and character interactions should be understood. In the Adelphoe, the slave Syrus diverges from expected behavior by using overly familiar language with superiors and even by insulting Demea.

Ancient Virtual Reality in the Eternal City: The Arch of Titus as Experiential Validation of Flavian Rule and Roman Imperial Preeminence

By Luther Riedel (Florida State University)

The Arch of Titus served as an essential component of the Flavian program for political propaganda aimed at legitimizing the rule of their dynasty. This has often been noted in the scholarship, as has the innovative use of lifelike relief sculpture to further this objective. However, the manner in which these two elements work together has not been adequately appreciated or emphasized.

Reception of Greek Literature in Pre-Revolutionary French Legal Thought

By Matthew Nelson (University of Mary Washington)

The French Revolution, beginning in 1789, represented the end of an intellectual period that accepted social divisions as a natural aspect of life. French philosophers, along with many other European nations, conceptualized this as a tripartite system consisting of the church, the nobility, and the peasantry. There was no specific term for this system at the time, but the disillusioned revolutionaries coined the term Ancien Régime as they overthrew it and established the First Republic in the 1790s.