8:00 am - 5:00 pm Registration Second Floor Foyer Hyatt Regency 7:30 am - 8:30 am Meeting of the Oxford Committee on Ancient History Hyatt Regency 7:30 am - 8:30 am Meeting of the Windsor C Editorial Board for Monographs Hyatt Regency 7:30 am - 8:45 am Meeting of the Council of the Anaheim Alumni Association of the American School Marriott of Classical Studies at Athens 7:30 am - 9:00 am Meeting of the Chairman's Boardroom Committee on Scholarships for Minorities Hyatt Regency 8:00 am - 9:00 am Open Meeting of the Columbia 1/2/3 Placement Committee Marriott
8:30 am Section 1 Manchester Ballroom E Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Homer Susan Shelmerdine, Presider
1. Alan J.M. Haffa, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Appeal for Hector's Body: One Supplication or Two? (15 min.)
2. Erling B. Holstmark, University of Iowa
A Typology of Want; Why Elpenor? (15 min.)
3. Ruth Scodel, University of Michigan
The Removal of the Arms and Narrative Tension in the Odyssey (15 min.)
4. Thérèse de Vet, University of Southern California
Implications of Archaisms in the Homeric Poems (15 min.)
5. John Miles Foley, University of Missouri-Columbia
Guslar and Aiodos: What South Slavic Oral Epic Can -- and Cannot -- Tell us about Homer (15 min.)
8:30 am Section 2 Connaught Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Greek Prose John Marincola, Presider
1. Elizabeth Pender, King's College London
Language and Thought in Motion, From Tragedy to Plato (15 min.)
2. David C. Mirhady, University of Alberta
The Composition of Aristotle's Rhetoric (15 min.)
3. Leslie Collins-Edwards, University of California, San Diego
Mimesis as Progress: The Materialist Pedagogy of Isocrates (15 min.)
4 Erik Gunderson, University of California, Berkeley
Rhetoric, Cosmetics and Social Order in Dionysius of Halicarnassus' On the Ancient Orators (15 min.)
8:30 am Section 3 Manchester Ballroom A Paper Session: Hyatt Regency East and West Steven Lattimore, Presider
1. David W. Frauenfelder, North Carolina State University
Twins from the East: The Origins of Castor and Pollux Revisited (15 min.)
2. Sandra Westover, University of Southern California
Black Hephaistos: African Ironworking and Greek Ideology (15 min.)
3. Jay Reed, Ohio State University
Antinoe's Adonis and the Poetics of Ptolemaic Imperialism (15 min.)
4. John T. Ramsey, University of Illinois, Chicago
Rome's Annexation of Phrygia Maior: Gaius Gracchus and the Publicani (15 min.)
5. Jonathan Roth, San Jose State University
Paullus Fabius Saulus: Saint Paul's Roman Name? (15 min.)
8:30 am Section 4 Manchester Ballroom F Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Women and Religion Jennifer T. Roberts, Presider
1. Jennifer Larson, Kent State University
Handmaidens of Artemis? (15 min.)
2. Sarah Peirce, Fordham University
Nothing to do with "Maenadism:" Maenads, the Dionysian and Some Problems of Definition (15 min.)
3. Louis H. Feldman, Yeshiva University
The Relationship between Classical and Early Christian Anti-Semitism (15 min.)
4. Daniel Richter, University of Chicago
The Matron Lucina: An Analysis of a Hagiographic Topos (15 min.)
5. Carolyn S. Snively, Gettysburg College
Virgin and Deaconess: The Ambiguous Religious Roles of Late Antique Women (15 min.)
8:30 am Section 5 Manhcester Ballroom D Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Latin Poetry Joseph Farrell, Presider
1. Julia Haig Gaisser, Bryn Mawr College
Time after Time: Medea and Ariadne in Cat. 64 (15 min.)
2. Jeanne Neumann O'Neill, Davidson College
Florus and the Commendatio ad Gloriam in Horace, Epistles 1.3 (15 min.)
3. Gustaf Hansen, University of Toronto
The Non-Stoic Character of Persius' Satire (15 min.)
4. Brent Vine, Princeton University
The Resonance of a Prose Rhythm: Apuleius, Met. 2.29 (15 min.)
8:30 am Section 6 Manchester Ballroom B Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Philology Barbara McManus, Presider
1. Jon C. Billigmeier, California State University, Northridge
Homeric, (15 min.)
2. John Rauk, Michigan State University
The Vocative of Deus (15 min.)
3. Brian A. Krostenko, University of Notre Dame
Scents of Suauis in Cicero (15 min.)
4. Ann DeVito, Consortium for Latin Lexicography
Developing an Electronic Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (15 min.)
5. David Hart. University of Montreal
Towards a New Latin Dictionary (15 min.)
8:30 am Section 7 Manchester Ballroom I Panel Session: Hyatt Regency Modern Stagings of Ancient Greek Tragedy Marianne McDonald, Organizer
1. Marianne McDonald, University of California, San Diego
Colonialism and Greek Tragedy: The Irish Experience (25 min.)
2. Sallie Goetsch, University of Warwick
Philoctetes in Vietnam (15 min.)
3. Herbert Golder, Boston University
The Orestes Murders (20 min.)
4. Kate Mendeloff, University of Michigan
Discovering Dionysus (20 min.)
5. Christopher W. Marshall, Trent University
How to Play with a Box (20 min.)
Discussion (20 min.)
8:30 am Section 8 Manchester Ballroom C Three-Year Colloquium on Cultural Poetics: Hyatt Regency War Memorials: The Politics of Public Mourning Carol Dougherty and Leslie Kurke, Co-Organizers
Introduction: Carol Dougherty, Wellesley College
1. Anne Carson, McGill University
Mourning Becomes Exactitude: Simonides and the Art of the Public Epitaph (20 min.)
2. Richard Neer, University of California, Berkeley
The Rhetoric of the Kouros: Body, Rhetoric, Ideology (20 min.)
3. Andrew Wolpert, University of Chicago
Monumentalizing Compromise: Public Memorials Commemorating The Restoration of Athenian Democracy (20 min.)
BREAK (10 min.)
4. Sharon James, Bryn Mawr College
Memory, Anger and Dead Bodies as War Memorials in the Aeneid's Civic Conflicts (20 min.)
5. Samuel Hughes, University of Pennsylvania
Spectacular Indeterminacy: A Study of the Mars Ultor Temple and its Dedicatory Games as War Memorial (20 min.)
Discussion (20 min.)
8:30 am Section 9 Windsor A,B Panel Session: Hyatt Regency The Role of Modern Medical Knowledge in the Study of Ancient Medicine Lesley Dean-Jones, Organizer
(Sponsored by the Society for Ancient Medicine)
1. John Riddle, North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Evaluation of Ancient Medicine and Historical Positivism (20 min.)
2. Helen King, Liverpool Institute of Higher Education
How Should We Read Ancient Medicine? (20 min.)
3. John Scarborough, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Greco-Roman Therapies for Greco-Roman Ailments: Comparative Techniques and Modern Medicine (20 min.)
4. Paul T. Keyser, Cornell University
Retrospective Diagnosis as a Problem in Conceptual Translation (20 min.)
5. Nancy Demand, Indiana University
Constructing Illness and Retrospective Diagnosis (20 min.)
9:00 am-10:00 am Meeting of the Board of Advisors Windsor C of the Database of Classical Bibliography Hyatt Regency 9:30 am-11:00 am Meeting of the Secretary's Suite APA Committee on Placement Marriott SECOND SESSION FOR THE READING OF PAPERS. 11:00 am Section 10 Manchester Ballroom E Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Aeschylus William Thalmann, Presider
1. Maureen Haviland, Columbia University
Characterization of the Aeschylean Scholia (15 min.)
2. Michael Hendry, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Post-Promethean Thugs: The Human Condition in the Prometheus Bound (15 min.)
3. Joshua T. Katz, Harvard University
The Parodos of the Agamemnon Again: A Trojan Perspective (15 min.)
4. David J. Schenker, University of Missouri, Columbia
Narrative Layering in the Speech of Agamemnon, Ag. 206-17 (15 min.)
11:00 am Section 11 Manchester Ballroom A Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Roman History Thomas R. Martin, Presider
1. J. Rufus Fears, University of Oklahoma
The Augurate of Sulla (15 min.)
2. Thomas P. Hillman, Monmouth University
Pompeius in Africa and Sulla's Order to Demobilize (Plutarch Pompeius 13.1-4) (15 min.)
3. Ann M. Marshall, Union College
Atticus, Athens and the Mithridatic War (15 min.)
4. Stefan G. Chrissanthos, University of Southern California
Caesar and the Mutiny of 47 BC (15 min.)
5. Carin M.C. Green, University of Iowa
Varro's Political Aviary: De Re Rustica 3.1-5 (15 min.)
11:00 am Section 12 Manchester Ballroom D Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Roman Elegy E. N. Genovese, Presider
1. Leah Himmelhoch, University of Texas, Austin
On Death, the Maiden, and the Creation of the Elegiac Muse in Catullus' c. 65 (15 min.)
2. David A. Jones, Hillsdale College
A Dedication with Renunciation: Motival Inventio in Lygdamus 1 (15 min.)
3. Rebecca L. Frost, University of Pennsylvania
Rhetoric, Servitium Amoris and Authority in Propertius I.1 (15 min.)
4. Nigel J. Nicholson, Reed College
Gallan Multiplication in Propertius' Monobiblos (15 min.)
11:00 am Section 13 Oxford Panel Session: Hyatt Regency Rhetoric and Neo-Latin Terence O. Tunberg, Organizer (Sponsored by the American Association for Neo-Latin Studies)
Chair: Jane Crawford, Loyola Marymount University
1. Outi Merisalo, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
History and Rhetoric in Tito Livio Frulovisi's Vita Henrici Quinti (20 min.)
2. Kenneth Lloyd-Jones, Trinity College
Erasmus and Dolet on Dissimulation (20 min.)
3. Mark Morford, University of Virginia
The Epistolica Institutio of Justus Lipsius (20 min.)
4. Michelle Valerie Ronnick, Wayne State University
The Meaning and Method of Milton's Panegyric of Cromwell in the Defensio Pro Populo Anglicano Secunda (20 min)
5. Frank Coulson, The Ohio State University
Humanistic Biographies of Ovid (20 min.)
11:00 am Section 14 Manchester Ballroom C Panel Session: Hyatt Regency Ovid in Margine Mundi: Psychology and Subjectivity in the Tristia Andrew D. Walker, Organizer
1. Andrew D. Walker, University of Southern California
Narrative, Body, Eye: Psychoanalytic Themes in Ovid's Tristia (15 min.)
2. Gareth Williams, Columbia University
The Rhetoric of Psychology in Ovid's Tristia (15 min.)
3. Ellen Oliensis, Yale University
Return to Sender: The Rhetoric of Nomination in Ovid's Tristia (15 min.)
4. Thomas N. Habinek, University of Southern California
Doctissima Perilla: Female Learning and the Limits of Masculinism in Tristia 3.7 (15 min.)
Respondents: Patricia Rosenmeyer, Yale University (10 min.)
William Fitzgerald, University of California, San Diego (10 min.)
11:00 am Section 15 Manchester Ballroom F Three-Year Colloquium on Hyatt Reency Ideology and Poetic Form: Greek Comedy Charles Platter, Organizer
1. Daniel McGlathery, University of Michigan
The Politics of Gastronomical Imagery in Aristophanes' Acharnians (15 min.)
2. Niall Slater, Emory University
Aristophanes' Spectator Politics (15 min.)
3. Gregory Dobrov, University of Michigan
Swallowing Euripides: Ideology and the Comic Poetics of Transformation (15 min.)
4. Wilfred Major, Loyola University, New Orleans
Menander in a Macedonian World (15 min.)
Respondent: Charles Platter, University of Georgia (15 min.)
11:00 am Section 16 Manchester Ballroom I Panel Session: Hyatt Regency Neoplatonism in Late Antiquity: Continuity with the Ancient Tradition John F. Finamore, Organizer (Sponsored by the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies)
Commentator: John F. Finamore, University of Iowa
1. Ruth Majercik, University of California, Santa Barbara
The Chaldaean Oracles and the School of Plotinus (20 min.)
2. Jay Bregman, University of Maine
Hellenic Neoplatonism Among Christians and Hellenes (20 min.)
3. Sara Rappe, University of Michigan
Dogmatic Doubt: Damascius' Relation to the Skeptical Tradition (20 min.)
11:00 am Section 17 Manchester Ballroom B Panel Session: Hyatt Regency Women and Death in the Ancient World Nancy Demand and Ronda Simms, Organizers (Sponsored by the Women's Classical Caucus)
1. Delores O'Higgins, Bates College
Brides of Death: Reading the Crones of Aristophanes' Comedies (20 min.)
2. Sarah Johnston, Ohio State University
Hekate, Demons and Reproductive Death (20 min.)
3. Gail Holst-Warhaft, Cornell University
Festivals and Funerals: Women's Role in Death Rituals and its Relationship to Their Participation in Festivals and Mystery Cults in Ancient Greece (20 min.)
4. Micaela Janan, Duke University
The Phenomenenology of the Spirits: Propertius' Cornelia Elegy (4.11) (20 min.)
Respondent: Eva Stehle, University of Maryland (20 min.)
12:00 n-1:00 pm Open Organizational Meeting for Windsor B the Society of Ancient Military Historians Hyatt Regency 12:00 n-1:30 pm Open Organizational Meeting for Windsor A "Classica Americana" Hyatt Regency 12:00 n-1:30 pm Meeting of the Manchester 1 Committee of the Regional Classical Associations Marriott 12:00 n-4:30 pm Annual Meeting of the Chairman's Boardroom TLL Fellowship Committee Hyatt Regency 12:30 pm-2:00 pm Annual Meeting of the Windsor C Committee on the Classical Tradition Hyatt Regency 1:00 pm-2:00 pm Annual Business Meeting of the Oxford American Association for Neo-Latin Studies Hyatt Regency
1:30 pm Section 18 Manchester Ballroom E Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Athenian Discourse Josiah Ober, Presider
1. Robert L. Kane, Miami University
Speaking of the Dead: Epic v. Civic Speech in the Ajax Burial Debate (15 min.)
2. John Carlevale, Boston University
The Paideia Play and the Didactic Function of Tragedy (15 min.)
3. James F. McGlew, Iowa State University
Laughing at Poverty: Comic Fantasy and the Ploutos (15 min.)
4. S. Douglas Olson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Rewriting the City: Political Ideology in Aristophanes' Wasps (15 min.)
5. Matthew R. Christ, Indiana University
(Re)shaping Athenian Law: Metis and Metaphor in the Attic Orators (15 min.)
6. Susan Prince, University of Michigan
Antisthenes' Ajax and Odysseus and Persuasion in a Democracy (15 min.)
1:30 pm Section 19 Manchester Ballroom D Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Early Greek Lyric William Race, Presider
1. Sarah Mace, Union College
Utopian and Erotic Fusion in a New Elegy of Simonides (15min.)
2. Christopher A. Faraone, University of Chicago
Hipponax Frag 128W: Parody of Epic Narrative or Ritual Chant? (15 min.)
3. Bruce M. King, University of Chicago
The Heroized and Humanized Monster of Stesichorus' Geryoneis (15 min.)
4. Suzanne Bonefas, Miami University
Ars Memoriae: Memory and Memorial in the Simonidean Epitaphs (15 min.)
5. Ippokratis Kantzios, Bryn Mawr College
Pindar's Muses (15 min.)
6. Stephen B. Heiny, Earlham College
Metaphor, Persuasion and Performance in Pindar's Olympia 2 (15 min.)
1:30 pm Section 20 Manchester Ballroom B Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Roman Historiography Thomas Scanlon, Presider
1. Drew A. Mannetter, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Narrative Function of Caesar's Catalogs: Bellum Gallicum 7.75 and 7.90 (15 min.)
2. Alan Heinrich, SUNY, Buffalo
Narrative and Authority in Sallust's Bellum Catilinae (15 min.)
3. Cynthia Damon, Amherst College
From Source to Sermo: Narrative Technique in Livy 34.54.4-8 (15 min.)
4. D. Thomas Benediktson, University of Tulsa
Fate and the Structure of Suetonius' Galba (15 min.)
1:30 pm Section 21 Manchester Ballroom F Panel Session: Hyatt Regency Devising Social Fictions Susan Stephens, Organizer
1. Martin Bloomer, Stanford University
Silencing the Novel (20 min.)
2. Susan Stephens, Stanford University
Fragmentation and Reintegration in Apuleius' Golden Ass (20 min.)
3. Stephen Nimis, Miami University, Ohio
The Ancient Novel and the Sense of an [Open] Ending (20 min.)
4. Kate Cooper, University of Manchester, England
Fragmentation and Recognition in the Pseudo-Clementine Recognitiones (20 min.)
Respondent: James Tatum, Dartmouth College
1:30 pm Section 22 Manchester Ballroom I Panel Session: Hyatt Regency The Rim of the Frog Pond: The Interaction of Peoples and Cultures on the Periphery of the Ancient Greek World Stanley M. Burstein and Frank M. Clover, Co-Organizers (Sponsored by the Committee on Ancient History)
Chair: Frank M. Clover, Wisconsin-Madison
1. H. Sancisi-Weerdenburg, University of Utrecht
The Pace of Acculturation in the Achaemenid Empire (20 min.)
2. Richard Jasnow, Johns Hopkins University
Echoes of Alexander: The Image of Alexander the Great in Demotic Literature (20 min.)
3. Jeffrey Lerner, Wake Forest University
Indo Greek: Adaptation and Assimilation (20 min.)
4. Frank Holt, University of Houston
Cultural Diversity on the Greek Frontier: A New Methodology (20 min.)
Respondent: Stanley M. Burstein, California State University, Los Angeles (10 min.)
1:30 pm Section 23 Manchester Ballroom A Three-Year Colloquium on Hyatt Regency Early Greek Culture and Society Approaches to Greek State-Formation John R. Lenz, Organizer
Introduction: John R. Lenz, Drew University (5 min.)
1. Donald C. Haggis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Considerations of Heterarchy toward a Definition of Pre-State Society in the Aegean (20 min.)
2. Nigel Spencer, Institute of Archaeology, Oxford
Early Iron Age and Archaic Lesbos: A Place Between East and West (20 min.)
3. Kurt A. Raaflaub, Center for Hellenic Studies
Homeric Soldier-Citizens and the Rise of the Polis (20 min.)
4. David W. Tandy, University of Tennessee
Agroskopia: Hesiod's Oikos and the Rise of the Consumer-City (20 min.)
5. Paul Christesen, Columbia University
Odysseus at the Academy: The Evolution of the Socio-Political Context of Greek Athletics c. 800-550 B.C. and the Rise of the Polis (20 min.)
Respondent: Ian Morris, Stanford University (20 min.)
1:30 pm Connaught Panel Session: Hyatt Regency The Heritage of Plutarch Anthony J. Podlecki, Organizer (Sponsored by the International Plutarch Society)
1. Stephen T. Newmyer, Duquesne University
Of Pigs and People: Plutarch and the French Beast Fable (25 min.)
2. Brad Cook, American School of Classical Studies, Athens
Plutarch's Demosthenes and Demosthenes (25 min.)
3. Lawrence Tritle, Loyola Marymount University
Plutarch and the Georgekreis under the Bent Cross: Victor Frank and Agis & Cleomenes (25 min.)
4. Margaret M. Smith, University of California, Irvine
How's the View? The Legacy of Plutarch's Cultural Perspective (25 min.)
Respondent: Hubert M. Martin, Jr., University of Kentucky (25 min.)
1:30 pm Section 25 Manchester Ballroom H Joint Panel Session: Hyatt Regency A City of Images: Some Views Twelve Years Later Giulia Sissa and Robert F. Sutton, Jr., Co-Organizers
1. Giulia Sissa, Johns Hopkins University
A City of Images: Ambitions, Reception, Transformations (20 min.)
2. François Lissarrague, CNRS, Centre Louis Gernet, Paris
From Iconography to Anthropology (20 min.)
3. Françoise Frontisi-Ducroux, Collège de France, Centre Louis Gernet, Paris
From Mask to Frontal Face: The "Apostrophe" (20 min.)
4. Alain Schnapp, Panthéon Sorbonne, Centre Louis Gernet, Paris
Hunt and Hunters in Ancient Greece (20 min.)
5. Robert F. Sutton, Jr., Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis
A City of Changing Images: Exploring the Dimension of Time (20 min.)
6. Gloria Ferrari Pinney, University of Chicago
Meaningful Figures (20 min.)
Respondent: H. Alan Shapiro, University of Canterbury (15 min.)
1:30 pm Section 26 San Diego Ballroom A Joint Panel Session: Marriott Sexual Harrassment in the Academy GailAnn Rickert and Deborah Roberts, Co-Organizers (Sponsored by the APA Committee on Professional Matters, The Women's Classical Caucus of the APA, The AIA Commmittee on Professional Responsibilities, and The AIA Subcommittee on Women in Archaeology)
Introduction: Matthew S. Santirocco, New York University, APA Vice President for Professional Matters
1. Attorney Virginia Gaburo, Virginia H. Gaburo & Associates
2. Attorney Marilyn Ireland, Professor of Law, California Western Law School
3. Barbara Gutek, University of Arizona, Tucson
Open Discussion
Breakout Sessions immediately follow panel Torrey 1/2/3 Marriott
2:00 pm-3:00 pm Meeting of the Joint Committee Secretary's Suite on Classics in American Education Marriott 3:30 pm-4:30 pm Meeting of the Education Committee's Secretary's Suite Sub-Committee on the Promotion of Greek Marriott 3:30 pm-5:30 pm Meeting of the Windsor A Committee on Publications Hyatt Regency 3:45 pm-5:00 pm Reception Sponsored by the Manchester Ballroom I APA Committee on Ancient History Hyatt Regency and the Friends of Ancient History 4:00 pm-5:30 pm Annual Meeting of the Advisory Manchester Ballroom D Council of the American Academy in Rome Hyatt Regency 4:00 pm-5:30 pm Reception Sponsored by the Manchester 1,2 Friends of Classics, San Diego State University Marriott 4:15 pm-5:15 pm Annual Meeting of the Associated Windsor B Colleges of the Midwest/Great Lakes Colleges Hyatt Regency Association of Classicists 5:00 pm-6:30 pm Business Meeting of the Connaught Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Classical Caucus Hyatt Regency 5:00 pm-7:00 pm Reception for Alumni and Friends of the Oxford College Year in Athens Hyatt Regency 5:00 pm-7:30 pm Reception sponsored by the Manchester Ballroom F Etruscan Foundation Hyatt Regency
5:00 pm-7:00 pm Joint Presidential Forum San Diego Ballroom B Co-Organizers: Marriott Emily Townsend Vermeule, APA President Stephen L. Dyson, AIA President The Classics, Archaeology and the New Millennium
1. John Bennet, University of Wisconsin
2. Carla Antonaccio, Wesleyan University
3. Sarah Morris, University of California, Los Angeles
4. Jack L. Davis, University of Cincinnati
5. Deborah Boedeker, Center for Hellenic Studies
Open Discussion
6:00 pm-7:00 pm Annual Meeting of the Manchester Ballroom D Classical Society of the Hyatt Regency American Academy in Rome 6:00pm-8:00pm Meeting of the Managing Committee Manchester Ballroom C of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens Hyatt Regency 6:00pm-10:00pm Meeting of the Board of Directors Chairman's Boardroom of the Classical Association of the Hyatt Regency Middle West and South 6:30pm-8:30pm Reception for Alumni and Friends of the Windsor A American Numismatic Society Hyatt Regency 7:00pm-8:00pm Graduate Student Reception West Lobby Lounge sponsored by Marriott TIAA/CREF and the American Philological Association 7:00pm-8:30pm Reception sponsored by the Manchester Ballroom E American Academy in Rome Hyatt Regency 7:30-9:00pm Reception for TAPA Referees Windsor C sponsored by the Committee on Publications Hyatt Regency 8:00pm-9:00pm Reception for Candidates of the Manchester 1 Lionel Pearson Fellowship Marriott
8:00am-5:00pm Registration Second Floor Foyer Hyatt Regency Hotel 7:30am-9:00am Meeting of Institutional Representatives Columbia 3 of the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome Marriott 8:00am-9:00am Meeting of the Secretary's Suite Classical Atlas Committee Marriott 8:00am-10:00am Meeting of the Manchester 1 Editorial Advisory Board of the Marriott Etruscan Foundation 8:30am-9:30am Informational Meeting for Windsor C Representatives of MA-Degree-Granting Departments Hyatt Regency
8:30 am Section 27 Windsor A,B Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Hellenistic Poetry Nita Krevans, Presider
1. Christina M. Dufner, University of North Dakota
The Hylleis in the Argonautica: Apollonius' Phaeacian Diaspora (15 min.)
2. Greta Ham, University of Texas, Austin
Amechania and Predestination in Apollonius Rhodius (15 min.)
3. Anatole Mori, University of Chicago
Maschalismos and a Heroic Jason in Apollonius' Argonautica 4.477-479 (15 min.)
4. Julie Nishimura-Jensen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Silence of the Heralds: Tradition, Speech and Gender in Apollonius' Lemnian Episode (15 min.)
5. John D. Morgan, University of Delaware
Why Telchines? (15 min.)
6. Stephen A. White, University of Texas, Austin
The Father of Callimachus (15 min.)
8:30 am Section 28 Manchester Ballroom I Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Greek History Carolyn Dewald, Presider
1. Maria Kotzamanidou, University of California, Berkeley
Time, Action and the Historical Consciousness of Hesiod in Works and Days (15 min.)
2. David J. Driscoll, Gustavus Adolphus College
Irony in Hecataeus? (15 min.)
3. B.M. Lavelle, Loyola University, Chicago
The Fiction of the Parties of Athens (15 min.)
4. Stewart Flory, Gustavus Adolphus College
Scriptio Continua, Ancient Literacy, and the Composition of Thucydides' History (15 min.)
5. Alex Watts-Tobin, University of Southern California
Thucycides and the Military Mind (15 min.)
6. Andrew Scholtz, Yale University
Andropornoi at the Court of Philip: The Rhetoric of Vituperation in Theopompus Fragments 224-225 Jacoby (15 min.)
8:30 am Section 29 Manchester Ballroom E Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Gender Issues Rebecca Sinos, Presider
1. Victoria Wohl, University of Texas, San Antonia
Is Male to Female as Mind is to Body? Marriage, Philosophy and the Body in Plutarch's Gamika Parangelmata and Xenophon's Oikonomikos (15 min.)
2. Margaret Graver, Princeton University
Senecan "Masculinity" and the Malagma Moecharum (15 min.)
3. David H. Sick, University of Minnesota
Ummidia Quadratilla: Lazy Pantomime Watcher or Cagey Businesswoman? (15 min.)
4. Jorge Garcia-López, Cornell University
Lucian and the Gender of History (15 min.)
8:30 am Section 30 Manchester Ballroom B Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Language Zeph Stewart, Presider
1. Steve Reece, Saint Olaf College
Prothesis and Aphaeresis in the Homeric Kunstsprache (15 min.)
2. Frank P. Lihvar, John Carroll University
Plato's Use of the ti de Formula: Inductive and Deductive Premises (15 min.)
3. Helma JM Dik, University of Amsterdam
The Position of the Adjective in Greek Prose (15 min.)
4. Eric Casey, University of Pennsylvania
Aristotle on the Philosophical Value of Etymology (15 min.)
5. Vassilis Vagios, National Taiwan University
Towards a Description of the Semantics of the Classical Greek Verbal Moods (15 min.)
8:30 am Section 31 Manchester Ballroom C Panel Session: Hyatt Regency New Approaches to Teaching the Odes of Horace Glenn Knudsvig, Organizer (Sponsored by the American Classical League)
1. Ronnie Ancona, Hunter College
Disruptive Desire: Sexuality, Gender and the Interpretation of Horace's Odes (25 min.)
2. Michele Lowrie, New York University
Stop Making Sense: Horace 3.27 (25 min.)
3. Margaret A. Brucia, Earl L. Vandermuelen High School, New York
Memorable Images and Forgettable Odes (25 min.)
Respondent: Matthew Santirocco, New York University
8:30 am Section 32 Manchester Ballroom A Seminar: Hyatt Regency Current State of Gender and Sexual Studies John G. Younger, Organizer (Sponsored by the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Classical Caucus)
Introduction: John G. Younger, Duke University (10 min.)
1. Nancy Rabinowitz, Hamilton College
Gender Unmasked in Greek Drama (15 min.)
2. Keith De Vries, University of Pennsylvania
Tracking the Sexualities of Attic Vase Painters (15 min.)
3. Paul Rehak, Loyola University of Chicago
Nothing to do with Myth? (15 min.)
8:30 am Section 33 Manchester Ballroom D Organizer Refereed Panel Session: Hyatt Regency Vile Bodies: Roman Satire and Corporeal Discourse Barbara K. Gold and Susanna H. Braund, Co-Organizers
Chairs and Moderators: Barbara K. Gold, Hamilton College
Susanna H. Braund, University of London
1. Paul Allen Miller, Texas Tech University
The Bodily Grotesque in Roman Satire: Images of Sterility (20 min.)
2. Kenneth J. Reckford, University of North Carolina
Reading the Sick Body: Decomposition and Morality in Persius' Third Satire (20 min.)
3. Jonathan Walters, University of Bristol
Making a Spectacle of the Body: Putting Male Sexual Deviants on Show in Satire (20 min.)
4. Christopher J. McDonough, University of Toronto
Satire and the Grotesque in a Monastic Setting (20 min.)
8:30 am Section 34 Manchester Ballroom F Organizer Refereed Panel Session: Hyatt Regency Greek Tragedy and Rites de Passages Mark W. Padilla and Robin Mitchell-Boyask, Co-Organizers
Introduction, Mark W. Padilla, Bucknell University
1. Clifton Kreps, Northeast Missouri State University
Orestes, Oedipus, Ion (20 min.)
2. Dora C. Pozzi, University of Houston
Hyllus's Coming of Age in Sophocles' Trachiniae (20 min.)
3. Bella Zweig, University of Arizona
Euripides' Helen and Female Rites of Passage (20 min.)
4. Phyllis B. Katz, Dartmouth College
Io in Greek Drama: A Paradigm for the Athenian Community (20 min.)
Respondent: Robin Mitchell-Boyask, Temple University
Discussion (15 min.)
9:00am-10:00am Meeting of the Secretary's Suite Committee on Development Marriott 9:00am-10:00am Business Meeting of the Connaught Vergilian Society of America Hyatt Regency 9:00am-11:00am Meeting of the Chairman's Boardroom Committee on Computer Activities Hyatt Regency 9:00am-1:00pm Open Meeting of Torrey 3 Perseus Computer Users Marriott 10:00am-11:00am Meeting of the Board of Directors Oxford of the American Society of Papyrologists Hyatt Regency 10:00am-11:00am Open Business Meeting for the Windsor C Three-Year Colloquium on Late Antiquity Hyatt Regency
11:00 am Section 35 Manchester Ballroom A Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Athenian History T. James Luce, Jr., Presider
1. John R. Hale, University of Louisville
Mask of Comedy, Mask of Command: Athenian Old Comedy and the Career of General Phormio (15 min.)
2. Andrew J.E. Bell, University of Nevada
Powerful Prominence in Democratic Athens
3. Michael G. Seaman, University of California, Los Angeles
The Athenian Expedition to Melos in 416 and the Melian Contribution to the "Spartan War Fund" (15 min.)
4. David L. Silverman, Reed College
The Athenian Tax Code: Liberal or Conservative? (15 min.)
5. Alex K. Schiller, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Political Territories and the Seven Boeotarchs of the Fourth Century BC Boeotian Constitutions (15 min.)
6. Sellers C. Lawrence, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Miltos from Keos and the Athenian Navy (15 min.)
11:00 am Section 36 Manchester Ballroom D Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Narrative and Allusion Wendy J. Raschke, Presider
1. Marleen B. Flory, Gustavus Adolphus College
A Lost Statuary Group of the Domus Augusta (15 min.)
2. Polly Hoover, Ohio State University
Cum domino pax ista venit: Lucan BC 1.584-638, the Ara Pacis Augustae, and the Boundaries of Imperium (15 min.)
3. Shadi Bartsch, University of California, Berkeley
Lucan's Civil War and the Ideology of Partisanship (15 min.)
4. David A. Guinee, University of Michigan
Stallions, Bulls, and Characterization in Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica (15 min.)
11:00 am Section 37 Manchester Ballroom B Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Roman Culture Harry B. Evans, Presider
1. Art L. Spisak, University of Iowa
Gift Giving in Martial (15 min.)
2. Sarah E. Cox, Columbia University
Spicing up the Ceremony: Vespasian's Dedications of Cinnamon Wreaths (15 min.)
3. Christopher Michael McDonough, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
The Omen of the Gnawing Mouse: A Study in Roman Folk Religion (15 min.)
4. Stephen Brunet, University of Texas, Austin
How Bloody was Roman Boxing? (15 min.)
11:00 am Section 38 Manchester Ballroom E Panel Session: Hyatt Regency Imagines Potissime Haerentiae: Looking Roman Historiography Straight in the Eye Hans-Friedrich Mueller, Organizer
1. Michael Hillen, Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, Munich
Semantic Approaches to the Romans' Understanding of Enargeia (15 min.)
2. Melissa Barden Dowling, Southern Methodist University
Crudelitas Imperatoris: Visual Violence and the Construction of Power (15 min.)
3. Ricardo Martínez Lacy, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Snapshots of Greece: The Visual Rhetoric of Justin's Epitome (15 min.)
4. Hans-Friedrich Mueller, The Florida State University
Orosius and the Spectacle of Roman (Religious) Defeat (15 min.)
Respondent: Ann Vasaly, Boston University
Imagines Haerentiae: Reading Visual Representation (25 min.)
Discussion (30 min.)
11:00 am Section 39 Manchester Ballroom F Panel Session: Hyatt Regency Classics and the Internet William A. Johnson, Organizer (Sponsored by the APA Committee on Computer Activities, Education Division)
1. Neel Smith, College of the Holy Cross
Creating Resources for Classicists on the World Wide Web (20 min.)
2. Peter van Minnen, Duke University
The Duke Papyri on the Internet (20 min.)
3. Michael Arnush, Skidmore College
Daedalus Opifex on the Internet: Information Resources and the Classics Classroom (20 min.)
4. Linda Wright, University of Washington
Scholarly Communication on the Internet: Collaboration, Resources, and Oops (20 min.)
5. James O'Donnell, University of Pennsylvania
After the Internet, What? (20 min.)
11:00 am Section 40 Windsor C Three-Year Colloquium on Late Antiquity: Hyatt Regency Conceptions of the Heroic in Late Antiquity: Conflict and Transformation Kate Cooper and Sarolta Takács, Organizers
1. James Francis, University of Kentucky
Heroizing the Holy Man: Continuity, Rehabilitation and Context (20 min.)
2. Robert Lamberton, Washington University, St. Louis
Homeric Heroes in Late-Antique Exegesis (20 min.)
3. Dennis Trout, Tufts University
Cultivating Heroes: Paulinus of Nola's Verse Panegyric on John the Baptist (20 min.)
4. Emily Albu, University of California, Davis
Disarming the Hero in Late Antiquity: Fulgentius on Arms and the Man (20 min.)
Respondent: Michael Whitby, University of Saint Andrews, Scotland (10 min)
11:00 am Section 41 Connaught Panel Session: Hyatt Regency Linguistic Development and Language Diversity Roger D. Woodard, Organizer (Sponsored by the Society for the Study of Greek and Latin Language and Linguistics)
1. George Giannakis, Loyola Marymount University
On the Prehistory of the Verbal System of Ancient Greek (30 min.)
2. I. J. Livingston, Cornell University
The Phonology of Latin Pre(he)ndo and Praeda (30 min.)
3. Gregory Nagy, Harvard University
Mycenaean Reflexes in Homer (30 min.)
4. William Wyatt, Brown University
Thucydides and Dialect (30 min.)
5. Michael Weiss, University of North Carolina
Salaputium: An Oscanism in Catullus 53? (30 min.)
6. Philip Freeman, Boston University
The Survival of the Gaulish Language Under Roman Rule (30 min.)
11:00 am Section 42 Manchester Ballroom C Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Health and Disease Wesley D. Smith, Presider
1. Martha L. Edwards, Truman State University
Ability and Disability in Lysias 24 (15 min.)
2. Julie Laskaris, University of California, Los Angeles
Advancing the Terms of the Debate: Polemical and Persuasive Rhetoric in The Sacred Disease (15 min.)
3. Ralph E. Doty, University of Oklahoma
The Question of Abortion in the Hippocratic Oath (15 min.)
4. Thomas Nelson Winter, University of Nebraska
The Meaning of Lippus, Lippire, Lippitudo (15 min.)
11:30 am - 12:30 pm Meeting of the Oxford Joint Committee on Classics in Hyatt Regency American Education 11:30 am - 3:00 pm Meeting of the Chairman's Boardroom Finance Committee Hyatt Regency 12:00 n - 1:00 pm Meeting of the Windsor B Editorial Board for Non-Print Publications Hyatt Regency 12:00 n - 1:30 pm Meeting of the Secretary's Suite Editors of Classical Journals Marriott
1:30 pm Section 43 Manchester Ballroom B Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Euripides Helene Foley, Presider
1. Laurel M. Bowman, University of Victoria
Mantic Words: The Curse of Oedipus in Oedipus Coloneus (15 min.)
2. Ann C. Reynolds, University at Buffalo
Seen but Seldom Heard: Children in Euripides (15 min.)
3. Robert L. Gallagher, Ohio State University
Making the Weaker Argument Seem Stronger: Euripides' Electra 518-44 (15 min.)
4. Deborah MacInnes, Duke University
Tiresias Kallinikos: Prophecy and Sacrifice in Euripides' Phoenician Women (15 min.)
5. James Barrett, Cornell University
Pentheus and the Messenger in Euripides' Bacchae (15 min.)
6. Benjamin H. Weaver, Yale University
The Competitive Maenadism of the Daughters of Cadmus: Bacchae 1233-43 (15 min.)
1:30 pm Section 44 Manchester Ballroom C Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Presocratic and Hellenistic Philosophy Lisa Kallet-Marx, Presider
1. Jonathan Fenno, University of California, Los Angeles
Pythagoras, Early Pythagoreans and Tyranny (15 min.)
2. Ferdinand A. Van Gameren, Boston University
The Trial of Anaxagoras: A Lesson in Political Irony (15 min.)
3. Francis M. Dunn, University of California, Santa Barbara
Antiphon on Time (15 min.)
4. Jesse Harvey, University of Virginia
Politics and Public Service in Xenophon's Symposium (15 min.)
5. Michael Wigodsky, Stanford University
The Commom Judgment versus Arbitrary Standards in Philodemus On Poems V, Cols. XXII-XXIII J. (15 min.)
6. Joseph G. DeFilippo, University of North Dakota
Cicero and the Stoic Defense of Divination (15 min.)
1:30 pm Section 45 Manchester Ballroom A Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Virgil James O'Hara, Presider
1. Christine Perkell/Zarbin, Emory University
The "Dying Gallus" and the Design of Eclogue 10 (15 min.)
2. Lorenz Rumpf, University of Frankfurt
Bucolic Elements: On the Use of Nouns in Virgil's Eclogues (15 min.)
3. Keith Nightenhelser, DePauw University
The Aeneid's First Word as Allusive Art (15 min.)
4. R. Alden Smith, Baylor University
Hic Terminus Haeret: Dido and the DRN (15 min.)
5. Trevor Fear, University of Southern California
Jupiter's Ironic Messenger: Normalizing the Deviant (15 min.)
6. D. Felton, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Aeneas' Wound: An Example of Mythical Patterning in the Aeneid (15 min.)
1:30 pm Section 46 Manchester Ballroom F Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Class and Status Keith Bradley, Presider
1. Anthony T. Edwards, University of California, San Diego
Hesiod the Peasant? (15 min.)
2. Vincent J. Rosivach, Fairfield University
The Emergence of the Classic Slave Regime in Athens (15 min.)
3. D. Brendan Nagle, University of Southern California
Oikos, Polis and Natural Slavery (15 min.)
4. Peter Alan Hunt, Stanford University
The Slaves and the Generals at Arginusae (15 min.)
5. Margaret A. Imber, Stanford University
Cops, Robbers and Democratic Ideology (15 min.)
6. Leslie Kurke, University of California, Berkeley
Inventing the Hetaira: Sex, Politics and Discursive Conflict in Archaic Greece (15 min.)
1:30 pm Section 47 Windsor B Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Tacitus Ronald Mellor, Presider
1. Patrick Sinclair, University of California, Irvine
Revelation, Gender and Rhetoric in Tacitean Historiography (15 min.)
2. Elizabeth Keitel, University of Massachusetts
The Non-Appearance of the Phoenix at Tacitus Annals 6.28 (15 min.)
3. Victoria E. Pagán, University of Chicago
Arminius, Epicharis and Cremutius: Distant Voices of Freedom in the Annals of Tacitus (15 min.)
4. Holly Haynes, University of Washington
Shades of Nero: An Analysis of Galba's Regime in Tacitus' Histories (15 min.)
1:30 pm Section 48 Manchester Ballroom E Panel Session: Hyatt Regency Journal of the Plague Years: AIDS and Classical Plague Narrative Kirk Ormand and Jeffrey S. Carnes, Co-Organizers
1. Kirk Ormand, Loyola University, Chicago
AIDS and the Classics: Plagues, Power, and Discourse (15 min.)
2. John Kirby, Purdue University
Illness as Text: The Semiotics of Medicine from Hippocrates to AIDS (20 min.)
3. Ben Hennelley, Brown University
Plague and Passion: Virgil's Noric Plague and Sacrificial Crisis (20 min.)
4. Jeffrey S. Carnes, Syracuse University
A Plague on Discourse: Oedipus and the Resistance to Metaphor (20 min.)
Commentator: S. Georgia Nugent, Princeton University (20 min.)
Discussion (25 min.)
1:30 pm Section 49 Manchester Ballroom I Three Year Colloquium on Greek Law: Hyatt Regency Greek Law Edward M. Harris, Organizer
Introduction: Edward M. Harris, Brooklyn College and Graduate School, CUNY (10 min.)
1. Michael Gagarin, University of Texas, Austin
Rhetoric and Law at Gortyn (20 min.)
2. Victor Bers, Yale University
The Jury in Rhetoric, Theory, and Spectacle (20 min.)
3. James Sickinger, Florida State University, Tallahassee
The Athenian Lawcode: Publication, Preservation and Consultation (20 min.)
4. Edwin Carawan, Southwest Missouri State University
Pronoia and the Religious Origins of Mens Rea (15 min.)
5. Gailann Rickert, Dickinson College
Premeditation, Intention and Foresight in Athenian Homicide Law (15 min.)
Respondent(s): Stephen Todd, University of Keele (10 min.)
1:30 pm Section 50 Manchester Ballroom D Three-Year Colloquium: Hyatt Regency The Personal Voice in Classical Scholarship Thomas Van Nortwick and Judith Hallett, Co-Organizers
1. John G. Fitch, University of Victoria, BC
Situated Knowledge: Responding to Lucretius (20 min.)
2. James R. Baron, College of William and Mary
A Child of the Soil Reads Catullus, Horace and Vergil (20 min.)
3. Raymond J. Starr, Wellesley College
Ancient Commentators and Contingent Readings of Sub-Literary Texts (20 min.)
4. Christopher C. Spelman, Duke University
The Dilemma of Hero or Collaborator: Reading Catullus 62 (20 min.)
Respondent: Gary Matthews, San Francisco University (20 min.)
1:30 pm Section 51 Windsor A Panel Session: Hyatt Regency Papyrology Jennifer A. Sheridan, Organizer (Sponsored by the American Society of Papyrologists)
Presider: Roger S. Bagnall, Columbia University
1. John Oates, Duke University
Equal in Honor to the First Friends (15 min.)
2. Bradford Kirkegaard & Elizabeth Lisi, University of Pennsylvania
Marriage and Divorce in Roman Egypt (15 min.)
3. Gregg Schwendner, Independent Scholar
Callimachus in the House of Psalms at Karanis (15 min.)
4. Traianos Gagos and Ann E. Hanson, University of Michigan
Well Articulated Spaces: [Hippocrates] Epidemics II 6.7-22 (P. Fackelmann 4 + P. Princ. AM 15960A) (15 min.)
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Annual Meeting of the Windsor A American Society of Papyrologists Hyatt Regency 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Meeting of the Chairman's Boardroom Committee for the Performance Hyatt Regency of Classical Texts 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Open Business Meeting of the Torrey 1/2/3 Women's Classical Caucus Marriott 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Plenary Session San Diego Ballroom C President-Elect Robert Kaster Presiding Marriott Presentation of the Awards for Excellence in the Teaching of the Classics Presentation of the Charles J. Goodwin Award of Merit Presidential Address, Emily Townsend Vermeule Archaeology and Philology: The Dirt and the Word 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Presidential Reception San Diego Ballroom A/B All APA Members are invited Marriott (Tickets distributed with registration materials) 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Informal Networking Session West Lobby Lounge for New and Old Members of the Marriott Women's Classical Caucus 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Meeting of the Alumni Association Manchester Ballroom D/E of the American School of Hyatt Regency Classical Studies at Athens 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Informal Reading Session Connaught of Greek and Latin sponsored by the Hyatt Regency Society for the Oral Reading of Greek and Latin Literature 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Annual Meeting of Contributors of the Chairman's Boardroom Corpus of Etruscan Mirrors Hyatt Regency 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm Meeting of the Antiquities Publication Chairman's Boardroom Committee of the American Academy in Rome Hyatt Regency
8:00 am - 12:00 n Registration Second Floor Foyer Hyatt Regency 8:00 am - 9:00 am Meeting of the Secretary's Suite Committee on Research Marriott 8:30 am Section 52 Manchester Ballroom D Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Plato Marilyn Skinner, Presider
1. Dirk t.D. Held, Connecticut College
Dialectic and Character in Plato's Meno (15 min.)
2. William C. Stull, University of Chicago
Logos and Mythos in Plato's Gorgias (15 min.)
3. David M. Johnson, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
God as Mirror for the Soul: Plato, Alcibiades 133c (15 min.)
4. Eunshil Bae, University of California, Los Angeles
Plato's Conception of Soul (Psyche) in the Phaedo and the Timaeus (15 min.)
5. Richard Hamilton Armstrong, University of Houston
Mistaken Pleasures: Plato and Freud on Pleasure and Tragedy (15 min.)
8:30 am Section 53 Manchester Ballroom A Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Geography and Ethnicity Richard Talbert, Presider
1. Craige Champion, Allegheny College
Ethnic Stereotypes in Polybius and the Speech of Agelaus at Naupactus, 217 BCE (Hist. 5.104.1-1) (15 min.)
2. Trevor Murphy, University of California, Berkeley
The Rhetorical Geography of Pliny the Elder (15 min.)
3. Susan P. Mattern, Yale University
The Roman Geography of Northern Europe and Trajan's Conquest of Dacia (15 min.)
4. Judith Perkins, Saint Joseph College, Hartford, Ct.
Heliodorus' Aithiopika: An Ancient Passing Novel (15 min.)
5. Gavin Sundwall, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Ammianus Geographicus (15 min.)
8:30 am Section 54 Manchester Ballroom B Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Ancient Documents Charles Hamilton, Presider
1. Robert M. Simms, SUNY, Albany
Herakles (15 min.)
2. Nigel M. Kennell, Memorial University of Newfoundland
The Tyranny of Herodes Attticus (15 min.)
3. Ariel Loftus, University of Michigan
Theramenes in Egypt: A New Fragment of the Theramenes Papyrus (15 min.)
4. Kent J. Rigsby, Duke University
A Suppliant at Gerasa (15 min.)
5. William T. Loomis, Union College
Entella Tables VI (254-241 BC) and VII (20th century AD?) (15 min.)
8:30 am Section 55 Manchester Ballroom E Paper Session: Hyatt Regency Ovid Richard Tarrant, Presider
1. Dennis R. McClure, University of Iowa
Ovid's Use of Anti-Exempla in Amores 1.9 (15 min.)
2. Jeffrey Wills, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ovid's Incaedua Silva: Home to Tragedy or Elegy? (15 min.)
3. Sara H. Lindheim, Brown University
Mail and Female: Epistolary Narrative and Ovid's Penelope (15 min.)
4. Hugh C. Parker, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
The Metamorphosis of the Magna Mater: Cybele in Ovid's Fasti (15 min.)
5. Thomas D. Frazel, University of California, Los Angeles
Is Fasti 6.319ff. a "Comic" Rape? (15 min.)
8:30 am Section 56 Manchester Ballroom I Organizer Refereed Panel Session: Hyatt Regency Comedy Today: Adapting Plautus for Contemporary Audiences Jane M. Cody and Judith P. Hallett, Co-Organizers
1. Leslie Cahoon, Gettysburg College
Performing Plautus in the Provinces (20 min.)
2. John H. Starks, Jr., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Make 'em Laugh: The Staging of Plautus' Poenulus (18 min.)
3. Kenneth Hamma, J. Paul Getty Museum
A Production of Plautus' Casina and Menander's Samia (20 min.)
4. Timothy J. Moore, University of Texas, Austin
Toward a Plautine Acting Style: Theory and Practice (20 min.)
5. Anne H. Groton, Saint Olaf College
Rhyme, Women and Song: Getting in Tune with Plautus (20 min.)
George Bistransin, Theater Ludicrum, Boston (5 min)
Mary Kay Gamel, University of California, Santa Cruz (5 min)
James Tatum, Dartmouth College (5 min.)
8:30 am Section 57 Manchester Ballroom F Three-Year Colloquium on Ancient Rhetoric: Hyatt Regency Finding the Audience in Classical Rhetoric William Batstone, Organizer
Chair: Cynthia Bannon, Indiana University
1. Paula Arnold Debnar, Mount Holyoke College
Diodotus' Paradox (Thuc. 3.42-48) (15 min.)
2. Ann N. Michelini, University of Cincinnati
Isocrates and His Audience: On the Peace (15 min.)
3. Ruth Webb, King's College, London
Imagination and the Arousal of the Emotions (15 min.)
4. M. A. Fusco, Vassar College
The Many Audiences of Ciceronian Oratory (15 min.)
5. Andrew M. Riggsby, University of Texas, Austin
Taking the Roman Courts Seriously (15 min.)
Respondent: Elaine Fantham, Princeton University (20 min.)
8:30 am Section 58 Manchester Ballroom C Panel Session: Hyatt Regency The Sounds and Performance of Sappho's Poetry Stephen G. Daitz, Organizer (Sponsored by the Society for the Oral Reading of Greek and Latin Literature) Matthew Dillon Presiding
1. André Lardinois, University of Minnesota
Introduction: Sappho and the Performance of Greek Lyric Poetry (15 min.)
2. Ellen Greene, University of Oklahoma
Love's Thelxis: Sound and Seduction in Sappho 94 (15 min.)
3. Stephen G. Daitz, City University of New York
The Sounds of Sappho 1 (15 min.)
4. Paula Reiner, Butler University
Learning by Performance: Sappho 31 (15 min.)
Workshop: Reading the Sapphic Strophe Aloud (45 min.)
8:30 am Section 59 Windsor A/B Workshop: Hyatt Regency Aristotle's Criticisms of Plato's Socrates Anthony Preus, Organizer (Sponsored by the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy)
Chair: Thomas M. Robinson, University of Toronto
1. Christos Evangeliou, Towson State University
Even Friends Cannot Have All Things in Common: Aristotle's Critique of Plato's Republic (50 min.)
2. Erik Ostenfeld, Aarhus University, Denmark
Socratic Argument-Strategies and Aristotle's Topics and Sophistical Refutations (50 min.)
9:00 am Section 60 Manchester Ballroom H Joint Panel Session: Hyatt Regency Roman Baths and Bathing Culture Garrett G. Fagan, Organizer
Introduction: Fikret Yegül, University of California, Santa Barbara (15 min.)
1. Janet DeLaine, University of Reading, UK
A Blue-Print for the Imperial Thermae? (20 min.)
2. A. Trevor Hodge, Carleton University
Water, Water Everywhere, and Not a Drop to Drink: The Hydraulics of Roman Baths (20 min.)
3. Chris Simpson, Wilfrid Laurier University
Innovation and the Baths of Agrippa: An Exaggerated Claim? (15 min.)
4. Christer Bruun, University of Toronto
Roman Lead Pipe Stamps and Owners and Donors of Public Baths in Campania (15 min.)
5. Garrett G. Fagan, University of British Columbia
The Roman Elite at the Public Baths (15 min.)