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ISNS Panel at the Annual SCS meeting in New Orleans, Jan. 5-8 2023

The theme for this year’s panel will be Indian and Greek philosophy. Abstracts are invited for any topic that brings together Indian philosophy and Platonism or Neoplatonism in a comparative, contrastive, or dialogic way. Some examples of this work being explored at present are e.g. the logic of Nagarjuna’s Catuṣkoṭi in comparison to the Parmenidean hypotheses, eudaimonism and altruism in Plato’s Republic and Śantideva’s Bodhicaryavatara, Plotinus’ criticisms of essentialism and anti-essentialism in Buddhist epistemology, concentrative absorption in Indian Buddhist and Platonist texts, etc.

The possibilities are endless.

Please submit abstracts of no more than 600 words, with an additional brief bibliography, that treat any form of Indian philosophy, including but not limited to Buddhism, Trantrism, Advaita, forms of Bhakti, etc. in relationship to Platonist works. It is also possible to work on texts that no longer survive in Sanskrit, for example, but only exist in Tibetan or Chinese translation.

We missed this year’s panel and would like to make up for it with a great panel this year.

Also abstracts should be stripped of identifying information. Speaker name, affiliation, and SCS membership should be submitted on a separate file. Abstracts will be blind reviewed. Abstracts from graduate students are warmly welcomed.

Deadline is Sept. 30 2022. Please send them to