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An affiliated group is a group having an organizational structure independent of the SCS. The affiliated group has a common purpose and/or scholarly interest, usually representing a special field or ancillary discipline. Affiliated groups maintain membership lists, and the majority charge dues and circulate newsletters. Affiliated groups are chartered for five-year periods for participation in the SCS/AIA Joint Annual Meeting. Each Category II Affiliated Group is authorized to issue a Call for Papers and to take responsibility for the selection of abstracts and discussants. Abstracts for affiliated group panels are submitted directly to the designated organizers. Members wishing to present a paper in a panel organized by an affiliated group must have paid SCS membership dues for 2015. A presenter who is responding to a call for abstracts from an affiliated group is not eligible for a waiver of the membership requirement. If a member’s paper is accepted for an Affiliated Group Panel, that member may not submit another abstract for consideration by the Program Committee for any other session at the 2016 Annual Meeting.

Panel organizers have the right to cancel their panels if the abstract submissions received are, in their judgment, insufficient in number, quality, or relevance to constitute a valid panel. Please note: The panel must be canceled if the organizers receive fewer than 4 abstracts for consideration or accept fewer than 3. Only papers submitted anonymously by the announced deadline and accepted through a process of anonymous review may be presented. Although the organizers may appoint presiders and discussants/respondents for their sessions, invited talks are not permitted. Reviewers and organizers may not present papers although they may serve as discussants/respondents. Each reviewer appointed by the organizer(s) must review every abstract submitted for the session.

The affiliated groups chartered to organize sessions for the 147th annual meeting in January 2016 are listed below. Click on the name of the group to read its call for abstracts.

American Association for Neo-Latin Studies
American Classical League
American Friends of Herculaneum
American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy
American Society of Papyrologists
Digital Classics Association
Eta Sigma Phi
Friends of Numismatics
International Plutarch Society
International Society for Neoplatonic Studies
Lambda Classical Caucus
Medieval Latin Studies Group
MOISA: Society for the Study of Greek and Roman Music and Its Cultural Heritage
Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy
Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy
Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions
Society for Early Modern Classical Reception
Society for Late Antiquity
Society for the Oral Reading of Greek and Latin Literature
Society for the Study of Greek and Latin Language and Linguistics
Vergilian Society
Women's Classical Caucus