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Podcasting the Classics

A panel organized by the SCS Communications and Outreach Division

Society for Classical Studies Meeting (San Diego), 3–6 January 2019

The success of the first season of the podcast Serial in 2014 was widely reported to have ushered in a “Golden Age of Podcasts.” Several Classics- and Ancient History-themed podcasts predated this — Mike Duncan’s History of Rome, for example, covered Roman history from the reign of Romulus to the exile of Romulus Augustus in 179 episodes between 2007 and 2012 — but recent years have seen both a flourishing of classically themed shows and a growing recognition by specialists of the medium’s potential as a means outside traditional print outlets to engage a broad, public audience and as a pedagogical tool.

This panel aims to bring together diverse perspectives, including from those working outside of colleges and university, on the production, utility, efficacy, and future of podcasting in our discipline. Proposals should describe the speaker’s experience with podcasts (as a producer, as a teacher, as a listener, etc.) and the proposed topic and title for his or her talk, which should be able to be delivered in 15 minutes to allow time for questions and discussion. Please follow the SCS’s “Guidelines for Authors of Abstracts” (, including the 650-word limit. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, scholarly and/or technical aspects of podcast production and promotion, the use of podcasts as a pedagogical tool, and assessment of the current landscape and desiderata for the future.

Proposals should be submitted by March 15th, 2018 to the co-presiders, Matthew McGowan ( and Curtis Dozier ( A preliminary panel will be announced by April 8th, 2018.

Those presenting papers will need to become members of the Society for Classical Studies for 2019 at a membership level appropriate for their institutional affiliation, if any.