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The Archaeology and Classics Program at The American University of Rome is requesting applications for the position of Assistant Professor, a full-time tenure-track appointment beginning August 1, 2018, with a primary specialization in Classical Archaeology, with a secondary interest in a related field, such as Ancient History, Religion & Philosophy, or Greek & Roman Literature.

Applicant must have a PhD in-hand by the time of appointment. Responsibilities include five courses per year (semester system), and administrative contributions such as committee participation and student advising. The candidate will be expected to participate in the development of an interdisciplinary program in Archaeology and Classics, and to offer courses to support both the major and the overall liberal arts program of The American University of Rome.

We welcome applicants with expertise in any region of the classical world from prehistory to late antiquity, but preference will be given to candidates with teaching or learning experience in an American liberal arts institution, and with an interest in teaching students with diverse backgrounds and in diverse settings (on-site, classroom etc.).

Additional questions may be directed to Dr. Genevieve Gessert at

To apply, please send:

- cover letter detailing the teaching and administrative experience (quote re: Assistant Professor of Archeology 16/2017), resume and three references are to be submitted by e-mail to

- Deadline for applications: November 15, 2017

Italian working papers will be required for employment; non-EU candidates must undergo the appropriate visa process if selected. Term employment contract. Full time position.

The American University of Rome is an equal opportunity employer.