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About the Frank M. Snowden Jr. Undergraduate Scholarships

The Committee on Diversity in the Profession of the Society for Classical Studies (SCS) invites applications from undergraduate students from historically underrepresented groups across North America for scholarships to be awarded for Summer 2025. Applicants must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree-granting program at the time of their application. The purpose of the scholarships is to further students’ study of classics or classical archaeology with opportunities not available during the school year. Eligible proposals might include (but are not limited to) participation in classical summer programs or field schools in the Mediterranean or language training at institutions in the U.S., Canada, or Europe. Students interested in pursuing public engagement projects should apply to the Ancient World, Modern Communities program.

The Snowden Scholarships are not intended to fund coursework at applicants' own universities or colleges, and such requests will be funded only in very rare instances.

The maximum amount of each Frank M. Snowden Jr. Scholarship will be $4,500.

The SCS began awarding the Minority Scholarship in Classics and Classical Archaeology in 1994; since 2010, the society has been able to award at least two scholarships per year. Recently, SCS has awarded three to five scholarships each year. A list of previous recipients and reports on their scholarship activities are available on the SCS website (… ) .

In early 2020, the scholarships were renamed as the Frank M. Snowden Jr. Undergraduate Scholarships in honor of the renowned Black classicist and long-time chair of the Classics Department at Howard University. You can learn more about Professor Snowden and the decision to rename the scholarships here.


Those eligible are members of historically underrepresented ethnic and racial groups in the United States and Canada, for example, students who are of African descent, Latinx, Asian or Asian American, Pacific Islander, and of indigenous descent (Native American, Inuit, Canadian First Peoples.)

Selection Criteria

Candidates will be judged on the basis of (a) their academic qualifications, including demonstrated ability in fields that prepare a student for further study in Classics or archaeology, (b) the quality of their proposal, and (c) financial need. The application must be supported by two letters of recommendation. At least one letter of recommendation must include a statement indicating that the applicant is an appropriate candidate for the purposes of this scholarship. The committee will prioritize applications from students who have not had the opportunity to study abroad or study ancient languages intensively.

Application Instructions and Deadlines

The receipt deadline for applications is January 20, 2025 at 11:59 P.M. EST; results will be announced in spring 2025.

Applications must include:

  1. The application form (
  2. A letter describing your career goals and plans for summer 2025, with a prioritized list of programs to which you will apply. How would the proposed programs help you achieve your future goals? Examples include, but are not limited to, completing a major or minor in Classics; preparing for post-baccalaureate work or graduate study; preparing to teach at the K-12 level or to enter a profession related to Classics or archaeology in, for example, museums, libraries, or publishing. In terms of structure, your application letter (suggested maximum of 600 words) should include your purpose (i.e. the program(s) to which you are applying), some background information, and discussion of how one of these programs would help you achieve your goals.
  3. Two letters of recommendation from faculty members or other professionals who have worked with you during the past two years. Letters of recommendation should indicate how the candidate meets the criteria for the award; application readers would also find it helpful for faculty recommenders to discuss what types of internal fundings (from the department and/or college/university) are available in their letters. Both letter-writers should submit their letters directly to the SCS (when the application form is submitted, the recommender will be sent an automatic email with instructions on uploading the letter). Recommenders should consult the guidelines for effective letters here;
  4. A one-page summary of the projected or actual budget (e.g., airfare, tuition, program expenses, accommodation expenses, income replacement, etc.);
  5. A transcript of current undergraduate work. This should be either a secure (locked) transcript provided to you by your institution or an electronic version of your current transcript submitted by your department chair.

The process for submitting applications will be different in 2024-2025 than in past years. To apply, please submit an application through our award, fellowship, and grant application system: The form will open for submissions two to three months before the deadline.

Application Guidance

There are a large number of summer programs available in the US and abroad in ancient studies from archaeological excavations, to programs that allow students to tour a number of cities and sites, to intensive language programs. Here are some well-regarded programs that recent Snowden Scholarship winners have attended:

These are not the only programs available! You can also contact the chair of the Committee on Diversity in the Profession, Sam Flores ( if you need advice on program selection.

Once you have selected a program or programs of interest to you, make sure that you understand the program application procedures, deadlines, and costs. You will need to apply to summer programs in addition applying to the Snowden Scholarship; and you will need to include program cost information with your Snowden application.

In your Snowden application letter, tell the committee about yourself and why and how a summer program would be life-changing for you and important for your future plans.

If you have any questions about the Snowden Scholarship, don’t hesitate to ask the Executive Director ( or committee chair Sam Flores (

Funding Sources

Awards are made possible by member donations and raffle proceeds. Members of the SCS are encouraged to support this important activity through contributions and through participation in the Committee's raffle of books and gift certificates donated by exhibitors at the annual meeting. We are grateful to the exhibitors who have supported the raffle for many years. At least one award is made possible by very generous gifts to the SCS's Endowment for Classics Research and Teaching from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation and the Friends of Michael Putnam. These gifts were made in response to the Society's From Gatekeeper to Gateway Campaign and were eligible for matching funds from a challenge grant the SCS received from the National Endowment for the Humanities.