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Open to both faculty and instructors in institutions of higher education and K-12 teachers of classics. SCS membership is not required.

Funding available: $500-$2,500. Funds may be used to support professional development, purchase or creation of educational resources, and curriculum development and enhancement, including class trips.

Application Deadline: April 22, 2024


  • One-page single-spaced typed narrative description of the project, to include the nature of the project, its impact on teaching and student learning, and requested funding amount.
  • Current resume/curriculum vitae.
  • One professional reference (name, title, work address, email, and phone) of a colleague, supervisor etc. who can address the feasibility of the project. No letter is required.
  • A list of any other sources of funding applied for with amounts requested.

The process for submitting applications will be different in 2024-2025 than in past years. To apply, please submit an application through our award, fellowship, and grant application system: The form will open for submissions two to three months before the deadline.

A brief report about the project and its impact will be due within 12 months of receiving the award.

Projects that have received funding in previous years:

To fund these programs the Society uses income derived from the following contributions to its Research and Teaching Endowment and matching grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities: a major gift from an anonymous donor, a contribution from the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS), and donations to the Friends of Zeph Stewart Fund. Winners of these awards will be selected by a subcommittee of the Joint Committee on the Classics in American Education, whose membership is selected from both the SCS and the American Classical League.

The SCS only supports the participation of individuals in programs run by organizations and institutions whose conduct with respect to employment and professional service, teaching, and research and publication meets the standards set forth in the SCS statement on professional ethics ( The SCS reserves the right to deny applications for funding to participate in programs run by organizations and institutions that have been demonstrated to violate these standards or about which serious concerns have been raised.