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Bilkent University, Faculty of Humanities and Letters announces multiple openings in the Program in Cultures, Civilizations and Ideas. We seek candidates with a broad-based background and scholarly interest in the humanities, and expertise in a specific field in the study of the literature of antiquity. Scholars committed to interdisciplinary and comparative work in the humanities, and with proven excellence in teaching are encouraged to apply; especially welcome are candidates with research and teaching interests in the relations between ancient and modern literature or culture. Experience in teaching " Great Books" humanities courses is a plus. Qualified couples are also encouraged to apply. All candidates should have an active research agenda, and hold a Ph.D. in a relevant field by September 2006. Academic rank is to be determined according to publication and prior work record, as well as potential for future research. Bilkent University, located in Ankara, is the oldest independent non-profit research university in Turkey, and all classes are conducted in English. Active engagement in research is a priority of the university, and the university offers a variety of grants for research and conference travel. Salary is competitive and includes fully-furnished and rent-free apartments on campus. For more information about the university and CCI program, consult Bilkent's web-site at Applicants should send a letter of application specific to this position, curriculum vitae, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and at least three letters of recommendation, with current contact information for all referees. Applications should be received by December 20th, 2005. Interviews may be conducted by telephone, or by teleconferencing at Bilkent's Distance Learning Office in New York City. Send Applications to Dr. Mustafa S. Nakeeb, Coordinator, Program in Cultures, Civilizations & Ideas, CCI Suite, G-222, Bilkent University, 06800, Bilkent, Ankara, TURKEY.