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Beginning August 2007, tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Classical and Near Eastern Studies, Program in Classical Studies. We seek a broadly trained classicist literary scholar, specialization open, PhD in hand, to teach ancient Greek and Latin language and literature, all levels, and ancient Greek, Roman, and Mediterranean civilization and culture, including courses in the successful candidate's area of specialization. Interests complementing and augmenting existing Program strengths are desirable. Especially desirable: interdisciplinary foci, methodologies combining the innovative with the traditional, approaches incorporating material culture into literary study. Candidates must supply evidence of scholarly achievement and promise; that means a concrete, pragmatic plan for publication. The successful candidate will provide inspiring, effective instruction in the ancient languages and literatures, and will teach culture and civilization courses serving the needs of both University and Program. We welcome ideas for offerings meeting the University's General Education requirements, for instance, in Global Interdependencies (Western-non-Western interactions). Send a letter of application, CV, and names and addresses of three recommenders to: Andrew Scholtz, Chair, Classics Search Committee, Department of Classical and Near Eastern Studies, PO Box 6000, Binghamton University, State University of New York, Binghamton, NY 13902. Phone 607-777-6709. E-mail: Web: Receipt deadline, all materials: 1 December 2006. Send hard copy only; electronic/E-mail applications not accepted. Preliminary interviews will be held at the 2007 APA Annual Meeting, San Diego. The State University of New York is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, and strongly encourages applications from women and minority candidates.