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Assistant Professor of Medieval Latin, Tenure-Track.
Binghamton University’s Department of Classical and Near Eastern Studies seeks a broadly trained classicist/medievalist to teach Latin and other subjects at a variety of levels. This tenure-track Assistant Professor appointment is to commence in the Fall, 2012. The successful candidate will be a literary scholar working at the crossroads between the ancient Roman and medieval worlds. Essential will be evidence of a viable scholarly program. Teaching interests/competencies should complement scholarship; expertise in late-antique Mediterranean history, material-culture, or similar desirable. In addition to Latin instruction at all levels, the successful candidate should expect to conduct graduate seminars in medieval paleography, codicology, and medieval Latin. Additional teaching will likely include: one or more readings-in-translation courses in classical and/or late antique studies for undergraduates; an interdisciplinary, introductory course in medieval and early modern studies. Those with teaching competence in ancient Greek are encouraged to apply. Teaching load: 3/2. The position entails affiliation with, and participation in, BU’s Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CEMERS).
Submit cover letter, CV, ca. twenty-page writing sample, evidence of teaching effectiveness (e.g., syllabi, student evaluations, faculty observations, teaching philosophy) ELECTRONICALLY (standard formats) via Interview Exchange ( Arrange also to have sent ELECTRONICALLY three letters of recommendation to: Andrew Scholtz, Search Committee Chair, c/o Margaret Dwyer (, Secretary, Classical and Near Eastern Studies. Receipt deadline, all materials: 1 December 2011. Expect electronic acknowledgment of receipt. Interviews at January meeting of 2012 APA; Skype interviews soon after the APA for candidates of interest, but unable to attend convention. This position has been approved for funding by the University administration. Binghamton University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.