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CFP: Dance and Myth: The Reception of the Greeks by Martha Graham

2025 Society for Classical Studies Annual Meeting in PHILADELPHIA

Call for Papers

Panel Title: “Dance and Myth: The Reception of the Greeks by Martha Graham”

Organized by Ronnie Ancona, Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center; and
Nina Papathanasopoulou, College Year in Athens and Society for Classical Studies

We invite abstracts for a panel at the 156th Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies in Philadelphia in January 2025 that address the prompt below:

CFP: 26th Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science (SAHMS)

Call for Proposals:
26th Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science (SAHMS)
March 7-9, 2024

Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem, NC)
hosted by the Wake Forest University Department of History

Submissions for individual papers and panels can be made online at the SAHMS website, at

CFP: Encountering the Past: Reflections on an Interdisciplinary Ancient World

I Saw the Future of the Past
Encountering the Past: Reflections on an Interdisciplinary Ancient World

March 7-8th, 2024
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University

Keynote address by ISAW Vice-Director Prof. Roderick Campbell, “We’ve Never Been Ancient: (or the intra-connectedness of spooky antiquities and haunted presents).