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BOSTON COLLEGE - Chestnut Hill, MA

The Department of Classical Studies invites applications for a tenure-track appointment as Assistant Professor, with a specialization in Latin literature, to begin in September 2003. Candidates must have the Ph.D. in hand by the time of appointment.

The department has four full-time and two part-time members. It offers a major in Classics, a minor in Ancient Civilization, and both an M.A. and an M.A.T. program at the graduate level. It also offers coursework in Modern Greek and participates in the college's core curriculum and in the Honors Program. Candidates should be prepared to teach both Latin and Greek from the elementary to the graduate level. They will also be required to teach courses in ancient literature and society via English translation. The normal teaching load is three courses per term.

Preference will be given to Latinists who also possess a demonstrated interest in Roman social and cultural history, and who show promise of creating innovative courses on ancient society. Readiness and ability to teach a large lecture course in classical mythology is a particular and important qualification.

Applications (including cover letter, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, and a brief writing sample) should be sent to Charles F. Ahern, Chair, Department of Classical Studies, Chestnut Hill MA 02467. All materials must be received, in hard copy, by November 25, 2002. No fax or email, please. Boston College is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity employer.