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The Department of Classics at Case Western Reserve University invites applications for two (2) tenure track positions in Roman Studies. Rank is open for both positions, but an appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor is preferred. Candidates for a junior position should have the PhD in hand and preferably some publications; candidates at the senior level should have a substantial record of peer-reviewed publications, including a monograph. In both positions, participation in language teaching will be required. The normal course load for faculty involved in language teaching is 2/3.

POSITION ONE is in the general area of material culture studies. We especially seek candidates with archaeological experience and awareness of current methodological advances and/or theoretical debates in archaeology, and able to teach our core courses in Roman Civilization, History, and Latin (all levels). The ability also to teach Greek to the intermediate level is desirable. In view of the growing importance of late ancient studies we would especially welcome applications from experts in that area.

POSITION TWO (provisional) is in Latin philology and literature, especially of the Late Republic or Augustan periods. The successful candidate will be able to teach and guide Latin students at all levels, will be capable of teaching Latin literature courses in translation, Roman Civilization, and at least intermediate courses in the Ancient Greek curriculum. The department offers only undergraduate degrees at present, but we are about to establish a Postbac program. In addition, the department maintains a close connection with the CWRU World Literature program, which offers the MA as well as the undergraduate major and minor.

The department comprises a highly diverse and interdisciplinary group of colleagues, all of whom maintain significant connections with other areas of the humanities and social sciences, with many holding secondary appointments. Recently the department’s focus has expanded to encompass the classical tradition(s) and a commitment to internationalization. In keeping with the department’s current profile, then, we seek versatile and well-rounded applicants interested in linking the department with the regional high school Latin programs, with the local archaeological community, with the art historians at CWRU, and with the major local museums. For further information consult the departmental website

Applications consisting of a letter of application, a curriculum vitae (including courses taught), contact information for three references, and sample syllabi should be sent in hard copy to Charles Burroughs, Chair, Department of Classics, Case Western Reserve University, 111 Mather House, 11201 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106-7111. Please also send the application letter and cv by email (to The deadline for receiving materials is November 15, 2009. We will be conducting interviews at the APA/AIA meetings in Anaheim, 6-9 January, 2010; submitted applications will receive full consideration by January 31.

In employment, as in education, Case Western Reserve University is committed to Equal Opportunity and Diversity. Applications from women or minorities are encouraged.



The College of Arts and Sciences at Case Western Reserve University invites applications for a newly endowed faculty position, the Samuel Rosenthal Professor of Judaic Studies. All areas of specialization will be considered and the successful candidate will be located in a department appropriate to the candidate’s research and teaching. Rank is open, but appointment at the Professor or Associate Professor level is preferred. We seek candidates with an outstanding record of scholarship, teaching, and service commensurate with the proffered rank in the department in which they are hired, in accord with the qualifications necessary for the rank of appointment at our institution as stated in the Faculty Handbook and in the tenure and promotion standards of the department in which the hire will be placed.

Case Western Reserve University offers the student quality and class size of a strong liberal arts college, within one of the nation’s major research universities. Complete applications will include a letter describing the applicant's academic background and prior teaching experience, including the applicant’s expertise in the field of Judaic Studies, a curriculum vitae, a writing sample, and three letters of recommendation (sent separately by the recommender) to Jill E. Korbin (, or Office of the Dean, Crawford Hall, 7th Floor, College of Arts and Sciences, 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106-7068). Applications received by January 15, 2010 will receive full consideration.

In employment, as in education, Case Western Reserve University is committed to Equal Opportunity and World Class Diversity. Women and underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.


The Classics Department of CWRU seeks a well-rounded and versatile classicist for the academic year 2010/11 with the rank of Visiting Assistant Professor. The appointment is initially for one year, but renewable for up to three. The normal teaching load is three courses per semester.

The successful candidate will contribute to the core mission of the department, the teaching of the ancient languages and literatures, especially Latin; therefore s/he should be an experienced and effective teacher of Latin at all levels. Further, we especially welcome a demonstrated interest in drama and, more generally, in the performative aspect of literary study, i.e., bringing together the close study of ancient texts and contexts and attention to contemporary developments in stagecraft, as well to the resonances of ancient literature in the contemporary cultural, social, and political world. We seek a colleague able to teach a range of courses in English on ancient literature (these are cross-listed with the World Literature program, now partly housed in the Classics department) and perhaps also to contribute to the recent expansion of the department to embrace the classical tradition(s). Finally, an important part of the undergraduate experience at Case, required for all students, is the writing intensive SAGES program (the Seminar Approach to General Education and Scholarship); this provides an excellent opportunity for humanities departments to attract undergraduates into their regular courses. We seek a colleague, then, capable of the innovative and responsive pedagogy that is now firmly associated with SAGES.

The department comprises a highly diverse, interdisciplinary, and international group of colleagues, all of whom maintain significant connections with other areas of the humanities and social sciences, with many holding joint appointments. We have just initiated a collaboration with archaeologists and historians from Turkey and Germany on a cultural landscape research project in southern Turkey, involving student participation through summer school. The department is also committed to maintaining and enhancing existing links with the regional high school and college Classics or Latin programs, with the local archaeological community, and with the curators at the Cleveland Museum of Art and other area museums.

Applications consisting of a letter of application, a curriculum vitae (including courses taught), and some sample syllabi should be sent in hard copy to Charles Burroughs, Chair, Department of Classics, Case Western Reserve University, Mather House, 11201 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106-7111. Please also send the letter and cv by email (to Three letters of reference should be sent directly to the department. Review of applications will begin March 30, 2010 and will continue until the position has been filled. In employment, as in education, Case Western Reserve University is committed to Equal Opportunity and Diversity. Applications from women or minorities are encouraged.