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#1. The Classics Department at Colby College invites applications for a two-year appointment as a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow preferably in Classical Tradition and Reception, or fields that complement current offerings in the department, beginning September 1, 2010. The fellow will conduct individual research, and work with assigned Colby faculty mentors to develop a strong teaching and research profile. The successful candidate will teach two courses per year: an introductory course in one semester and a more advanced course in the other. The Fellow will advise undergraduate students on research and will have the opportunity to work on his/her scholarship. Research and travel funds are provided. A Ph.D. in Classics or Ancient History is preferable; applicants must have received their degrees within the last four years and not have held a tenure-track position. Submit application materials including a CV, transcript, letters from three references, a brief statement of teaching and research interests including descriptions of prospective courses, and teaching evaluations when available to: Joseph Roisman, Chair, Department of Classics, Colby College, 4160 Mayflower Hill, Waterville, ME 04901. Review of applications will begin December 1, 2009 and will continue until the position is filled. We hope to conduct interviews at the APA/AIA meeting in Anaheim, CA in January 2010. Colby is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, committed to excellence through diversity, and strongly encourages applications and nominations of persons of color, women, and other under-represented groups. For more information about the College, please visit the Colby website:

#2. The Department of Classics at Colby College invites applications for a one-year Visiting Assistant Professor or Instructor position, beginning September 1, 2010. Ph.D. or ABD in Classics required. The candidate should be a Latinist or Generalist, ideally with proven excellence in teaching both large and small classes, and the ability to foster a growing interest in Classics at Colby. The successful candidate will have the ability to teach Latin at all levels as well as courses in translation. The teaching load is five courses. Review of applications will begin December 1, 2009 and will continue until the position is filled. Applicants may be interviewed at the 2010 APA meeting in Anaheim. Please send a complete dossier, including curriculum vitae and two letters of reference, to Joseph Roisman, Chair of the Latinist Search Committee, Department of Classics, Colby College, Waterville, ME O4901. Questions about the position may be sent to Colby is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, committed to excellence through diversity, and strongly encourages applications and nominations of persons of color, women, and members of other under-represented groups. For more information about the College, please visit the Colby Web site: