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The Department of Classics invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at the level of Assistant Professor in Greek or Latin literature. The specialization is open, but candidates whose work focuses on Greek or Roman theater or women in Greco-Roman literature are especially encouraged to apply. Alternatively, the department is interested in candidates with expertise in Greek philosophy and knowledge of its impact on Arabia. Candidates must possess a Ph.D. in classics by the time of appointment (July 1, 2013).

The ability to teach Latin and Greek at all levels is required. Teaching experience in classical mythology, ancient epic, and other courses in translation is a plus. We seek candidates with broad intellectual interests who will teach dynamic courses that make connections with other departments at the College. The College possesses a vibrant classics department, which is home to teacher-scholars with intellectual interests in various facets of Greco-Roman antiquity and its reception. In keeping with its dedication to the broader life of the College, the department is also home to two great traditions to which it has made important contributions—medieval studies and Arabic studies. To learn more about classics at Connecticut College, applicants are encouraged to visit the department’s Web site at

Connecticut College is a private, highly selective institution with a demonstrated commitment to outstanding faculty teaching and research. Recognizing that intellectual vitality and diversity are inseparable, the College has embarked on a significantly successful initiative to diversify its faculty, student body, and curriculum. The College seeks creative scholars excited about working in a liberal arts setting, with its strong focus on engaged teaching, participation in shared governance, and active involvement in an institution-wide advancement of diversity.

Tenure-track faculty members teach a 3-2 load (2-2 in the first year). In addition to providing ongoing strong support for teaching and research, the College offers the following resources for pre-tenured faculty: a summer stipend for the first two years, a supplementary research fund, and a semester’s sabbatical after a successful third-year review. AA/EOE.

Applicants should submit the following: (1) a cover letter describing one’s teaching experience, research trajectory, and suitability for the position; (2) a curriculum vitae; (3) official graduate transcript(s); (4) three letters of recommendation; (5) evidence of teaching excellence (in the form of student evaluations, sample syllabi, etc.); (6) a brief writing sample.

Applications received by November 15, 2012 will be given full consideration. All materials should be sent to Eric Adler, Chair, Department of Classics, Box 5291, Connecticut College, 270 Mohegan Avenue, New London, CT 06320-4196. E-mail inquires can be sent to Applications will be accepted in hard copy only; please do not send application materials via e-mail.