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Department of Classical Studies. DePauw University. Applications invited for one-year term position in Classical Studies, beginning August, 2006. Ph.D. preferred, rank and salary commensurate with credentials and experience. Teaching responsibilities: Greek, Persian and Etruscan Archaeology; Hellenistic and Roman Archaeology; junior-level topics course in Classical Archaeology. Ability to teach Latin or Greek at all undergraduate levels required. Ability to teach classes in Classical Civilization, e.g. Classical Mythology, desirable. Commitment to teaching undergraduates in liberal arts setting required. Send letter of application, statements of teaching and scholarly interest, c.v., evidence of good teaching, and three letters of recommendation to: David A. Guinee, Department of Classical Studies, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN 46135. Review of completed applications will begin February 15, 2006 and continue until position is filled. For information about department see DePauw University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer; women and members of under-represented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.