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FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY – TALLAHASSEE, FL>br /> The Department of Classics regrets to announce that the search for the Roman Studies position has been cancelled effective December 1st due to the severe fiscal problems in the State of Florida. We apologize to all of the applicants and letter writers for this unfortunate situation.

The Department of Classics at the Florida State University seeks to appoint a tenure-track Assistant Professor specializing in Roman studies, preferably in Republican-Augustan history, culture, or religion; the successful candidate will be asked to teach Roman history and Latin prose authors at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Our faculty teach four courses per year, at the undergraduate and graduate levels, in both traditional and technology-enhanced environments, and supervise PhD and MA students. Candidates must have completed their PhD by July 1, 2009; the position begins August 10, 2009. Starting salary is competitive. Dossiers (including at least three letters of recommendation) and a writing sample (a published article or at least one approved chapter of a dissertation) should be addressed to Search Committee, Department of Classics, 205 Dodd Hall, The Florida State University, Tallahassee FL 32306-1510. Reviews of dossiers begin November 17 and all materials should be received by December 1st, 2008. Members of the search committee will conduct interviews at the APA/AIA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. For more information about this position, please contact Professor Daniel J. Pullen, chairman of the department ( The Florida State University is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action employer, committed to diversity in hiring, and a Public Records Agency. Additional information about the department may be found at