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The Department of Classics at the Florida State University seeks to make an appointment in the area of ancient science or medicine. The appointment is open rank: if the appointment is made at the level of assistant professor, the position will be tenure track. This is a definite position that will begin in August 2001. The normal teaching load at FSU is four courses per year, some of which are typically at the graduate level but one of which should be an undergraduate course with broad appeal to non-majors. More information regarding the program at FSU can be gotten by visiting our website at Applicants should send the usual dossier, including three letters of recommendation and a writing sample (a dissertation chapter or an article); they should indicate whether or not they will attend the annual meeting, and they should make clear in their correspondence how they can best be reached, especially during the month of December. Finalists will be interviewed at the annual meeting in San Diego. Applications should be directed to Jeff Tatum, Department of Classics, Dodd Hall, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-1510. All applications must be postmarked by December 1st. Florida State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, committed to diversity in hiring, and a Public Records Agency.